Years ago
Are we seeing the begining of the end for Kobe?
Don't like him. Don't like his style of game and don't like the person he is.
I'm pretty sure thats not a secret round here, but i will try and stay as objective as possible.
Is this the end for Kobe being in the top players in the league?
LeBron has been annointed MVP and even Jerry West and the Chuckster have said LBJ has passed Kobe.
Artest claimed defending Roy was harder than covering Bryant (easy to say i guess since it was Battier who did most of the covering...)
Carmelo seems to be taking over this series the way Bryant once did.
Durant's continued growth means he and LBJ will be the only ones contesting the scoring title for the next 8 years...
Lets not forget D-Wade...
And the group of outstanding point men, CP3, D-Will and Rose.
He may be far from done, but i think there is a growing thought in the NBA that he has well and truly joined the pack and will no longer be thought of as THE Kobe Bryant, more like plain old Kobe.
Time seems to lesson the shine of a sports stars accomplishments, just ask Bill Russell, and in Kobe i see a star whose shine will diminish quicker and more completely with ever year. Jordan, The Dream, O'neal, and Duncan will be remembered for being the ones that won. Each had quality team-mates, but in the end it was they who took their teams to greatness, and there can only ever be one.
Kobe has never won a title while being the man in Hollywood, and his time is running out faster every game...