LA Boy
Years ago
Basketball Standards in China v Australia
I've just returned from a 4 day trip to China working with their kids whom were supposed to be "elite" and was consulted for 1 of the pro teams over there.
My conclusion was China absolutely LOVES basketball but their standards of basketball would be no where near that in Australia. And during my time there they also asked me to stay a bit longer (which I couldn't due to committments here) because they absolutely loves what offered in the Western world of basketball training.
Here I thought if NBL can join with the CBA? I think they would say yes, for the fact that they wants to raise their own standards. Even if NBL don't make such move perhaps have an Asian-Pacific Club Tournament? (similar to that in soccer?).
Moves that can incorporate China will really elevate their level while drawing major sponsors because while I was there I was a bit surprised to learn that CBA (their local pro league) was somewhat more followed than NBA!