Years ago

Dean Kinsman and his job at the AIS???

What is all this i have heard about Dean Kinsman's job is up for grabs??
What will happen if he doesnt get the job back?

Topic #19649 | Report this topic

Pigs Of War  
Years ago

where did you hear it from?

Reply #232778 | Report this post

Years ago

Who knows.. maybe they'll finally pick a coach who knows how to put together a solid team. This last year the AIS team has been far below par; and thats not just because it was the first year of a whole lot of new recruits. Compare those girls to the likes of Jackson, Taylor and their graduating class and you can see the future may not be so bright for Womens basketball..

With that being said though, there are (maybe..) a couple of prospects that could become Opals later on.

What i'd like to see is more focus on PG's and centers. The AIS has been all about choosing athletes over real ballers in Kinsmans era, and as a result all you have are a whole host of athletic power forwards and shooting guards. I mean, look at the talent that has come out of the tute in recent years;
- Cayla Francis
- Abby Bishop
- Nicole Hunt
- Renae Camino
- Dombkins
- Ebzery
- Marianna Tolo
- Mia Newley
- Molly Lewis etc..
Is there one TRUE post player in there? Francis, Bishop and Tolo don't have the height or skill to compete internationally as posts. The only prospect there is Cambage.
The only point guard there is Hunt, and she's no Harrower. The rest are 2,3 and 4 players.

So if its Dean, or whoever else, there needs to be a real push to develop specialized players who can play these roles for the Opals in years to come.

Reply #232780 | Report this post

Years ago

Astor the AIS is there to development those with the best skills for international basketball. Maybe there simply aren't any post players with the potential to play for the Opals and therefore they haven't been selected.

The AIS can only selected from those that are in the system they can't create a player.

Reply #232787 | Report this post

Pigs Of War  
Years ago

players are selected to go to the AIS, if they dont go there for whatever reasons, Dean or the AIS cant work with what you dont have...

if Dean doesn't get a gig, mate i hope he heads back to SA and continue where he left off...

Reply #232791 | Report this post

Years ago

Hopefully he comes back and replaces Gliddon

Reply #232801 | Report this post

Years ago

From what I hear (think it is true) his job was readvertised and applications have closed. Not sure if interviews have occurred yet.
Poor form and feel sorry for Dean if he does now get it because it looks like it is only because they couldn't find anyone better not because they really want him.
He is not the right fit for that environment - not strong enough to make discipline decisions and girls not smart enough to do it themselves without needing a heavy hand. They have had big issues with current group and lack of control by Dean is really going to hurt him.
Hope he returns back and works with SA - maybe as next SASI coach, although dont see Gliddon giving it up anytime soon. Much better environment for his coaching to do he work not his 'behaviour management'.

Reply #232834 | Report this post

LA Boy  
Years ago

apparently the girls now don't mesh well and their personality all changed since arriving at the institute...

Reply #232843 | Report this post

Years ago

do not generalise "THE GIRLS" are nto smart enough. half the group do the right thing all the time.
this group havent been any different from previous groups!

Reply #232848 | Report this post

Years ago

123, if half the group are doing the right thing then thats great. Problem is then you have the whole other half who ARENT.

If there are players there who arent respecting the rules and who arent taking full advantage of the oppourtunities they've been given (which there OBVIOUSLY are..) then they need to be replaced. Im sure there are more then enough people who are willing to take their places AND have more maturity then a seven year old..

And LA Boy, I think the reason why the girls personalities have 'suddenly changed' when they came to the 'tute is because Dean has been playing them off each other, knowingly or not. He's always got a favorite player, and the rest of them could jump through a flaming hula-hoop and still not get any notice. Then all of a sudden his favorite player falls out of grace, is replaced by a newer addition to the AIS folds and the players resentment of each other multiplies. Its a cycle thats got to be broken.

Reply #232883 | Report this post

LA Boy  
Years ago

Astor- I didn't know that, I hear these things but honestly I don't even know who Dean is. So thanks for the little reasoning behind all that.

Now thinking about it, isn't many coaches like this? Many of my players has had to deal with this in their rep club, even if they're probably one of the best prepared.

Reply #232901 | Report this post

amanda jones  
Years ago

Pretty sure Dean was appointed for a set period and like all government jobs it would to be advertised at the end of that period. So no conspiracy just process. Yes it has closed and interviews have been done announcement soon I would think.

Reply #232906 | Report this post

Years ago

all positions are readvertised after a period of time.

the first post is just crazy, to compare any group to the Jackson, Taylor, Veal group is unfair.

if you want to make a criticism it would be the recruitment of SA players over others available from other states..

The tute has always been soft on allowing players to stay there with poor attitudes, or keeping them there for 2 or 3 years when it was clear after 1 year that there were better players out there.

In regards to post players, the AIS typically gets the biggest and best of who is available.

The point guard issue is valid, however the change in the rules to a 24 sec shot clock means that most junior games are a quick hit transition game, and Australian bball has preached an equal opportunity offensive structure. As a result, not many point guards are being developed, and at times some are overlooked in favour of the athletic 2,3,4 types.

I think you find a couple of decent post players at the u18s nationals.

Reply #232915 | Report this post

Years ago

Decent post players? Hardly... There are only 1 or 2 there at nationals who are even over 6ft2! Won't cut it on the international stage. The future of the Opals post position is Cambage, she's already heading out on their trip to China this year. Whether her attitude is good enough to deserve these accolades is beside the point, right Graffie? ;)

Reply #232966 | Report this post

LA Boy  
Years ago

Cambadge lol she's a giant! she's like 6'6 lol! saw her play last year; she's a great player for sure, personally I think she'll make the big stage with adequate mentorship.

Reply #232970 | Report this post

Who's the Boss?  
Years ago

Who does Gliddon actually work for?

If I wanted to take something up with his "boss" who would that be?

The public servants that I know in senior management roles have many KPI's that they live and die by.

It just does not seem that way at SASI.

Ploys explain!

Reply #233900 | Report this post

Years ago

Does he not work for the "Office of Recreation and Sport"?

Reply #233908 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps you should ask Neil who his boss is, I am sure he will tell you.

Reply #233978 | Report this post

Whos the Boss?  
Years ago

I'll pass on that thanks. Been there, done that, wont make the same mistake again.

Reply #234151 | Report this post

Ostrich 71  
Years ago

office of rec & sport.

He's answerable to the Director of SASI, as he runs only one sports SASI program, the director sees over all SASI programs (ie, Rowing, Volleyball, Cycling etc).

Reply #234156 | Report this post

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