bretts the man
Years ago

what the hell has happened to this site

I know it is the off season but when a serious important subject re future of NBL gets only 334 reads and 9 responses and Rhianna dates Laker gets 410 hits and 6 responses are we becoming a Who magazine web site Isaac.

Topic #19614 | Report this topic

Years ago

The thing is that we dont know whats happening with the new NBL and havent known for ages. Speculation over it has been done to death and people are sick of it and just want to know whats going. Isnt much else to say till we find something out. And then some clown posted some BS about Rihanna which has nothing to do with anything really. Guess people really are bored.

Reply #232317 | Report this post

umberella ayayay  
Years ago

Can i say that it's because those of us who actually follow aussie basketball know there will be little to no PRACTICAL changes. Unless you call 8 minutes less of the only part of the Aussies bball scene that was good (I.e. the game itself) taken away.

Im not against 2 mins being taken off per quarter per se, however apart from that what else please?

i'll bet the difference is 'non-practical changes':

1- more money on advertising (woopdeedoo!!!! - that was a surprise!!)

2- funkier logos and singlets (Yaaaaay)

3 - A revamped all star game (Yaaaaayyy X2)


- trades (or something equally able to create a line or 2 in the paper every few days be created??? - I think NOT),

- A re-jig of the import restrictions (like euros, sth americans etc - let us lead asian FFS)

- A Looong term plan to expand ( AKA into OUR region of asia be spoken of for 3 - 5 years???) Well duuuuh, i doubt it.

- Themed rounds (if we're lucky - maybe 1)

OK i'm gettin grumpy now, i'll leave the other 85% of my suggestions to another day.

Reply #232322 | Report this post

Years ago

now now - wats needed is like a star to be the face of Aussie bball, who is a fine example and endorsement to the NBL to help bring it to the next level - (sort of like the greatest Kobe in the NBA)

Reply #232326 | Report this post

Juror 12  
Years ago

I think if you add up the total reads among the 57 million different threads about the new NBL there will be a lot more than 410.

Reply #232332 | Report this post

Years ago

btm, as others have said, the NBL topics have been done to death so it's no surprise that people have stopped paying attention until there's actual progress/news.

playtime, the kobe stuff is getting really boring. Remember how we couldn't remember why you were blocked last year? I remember now.

Reply #232333 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

This forum is never boring, it's like a cornetto - no boring bits!

Reply #232335 | Report this post

shin splints  
Years ago

Yes, but will the NBL be on ONE HD?

Reply #232343 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Umbrella,
Your suggestion about trades reminds me of something I was thinking a little while back: is it possible to start the new NBL with a bang, by holding a draft prior to the first season?

Obviously there are issues here, for example players who have the security of a contract may challenge its cancellation in court. Also, it could be tough on some players if they are drafted by an interstate club and have to move to continue their career.

But it would certainly make for some great media interest and would appeal to a lot of fans out there.

Maybe each team could be given four or five slots to spend on less established 'home town' players (ie, those who will be paid less, and may not want to risk moving interstate if their career may not last).

Then teams could draft their starting 5 from the pool of established stars. Add a couple of imports after that and you're done!

So what do people think of such a 'courageous' idea? *ducks head below parapet*

Reply #232359 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

I was going to post it in the 'What will Sengstock have to do...' thread, but I'll go here.

If people are going to base their opinion of this new NBL/BA on whether or not we have trades, import restrictions or how we will expand into Asia, you shouldn't even bother - you'll be let down.

First, wanting trades may be the most pointless idea I've read on here, and some are actually serious. WHY DOES ANYONE WANT THEM? To make our league interesting, to spice it up? Forgetting all other arguments on this point (and there are a few I can think of), do the teams of the league/players association (I'm pretty sure there is one going still?) even want trades implemented? If THEY don't, it won't happen. Next...

Import restrictions. As far as I'm aware, pretty much every top league arouind the world (excluding the NBA/D-L) has import restrictions. Even the top Euro leagues, where some have a limit of how many foreigners can be on the court at any one time. Personally, I don't see what the league will gain in lifting them, especially when we're not getting a Rubio or Navarro, (let us be honest, we're not - we can't even get Aussies back), but a guy who can't get the big bucks elsewhere, in place of an Aussie who probably will be able to provide just as much anyway.

Last, Asia. Why do we care? Have people not been paying attention to what has been happening the last few years (hell, even decade)? Forget about the Singapore debacle? We need to have a strong foundation IN AUSTRALIA before we even think of expanding. Too many are assuming that because we are Australia, Asian countries will be lining up to have a team based in there country. Why would they, if there is no guarantee that the league will be around in 5 years, and if they stand to gain nothing form it at all?

All in all, let's get the game HERE sound before we go about wanting ideas implemented that are beyond that of a league which collapsed only months ago.

Reply #232364 | Report this post

Juror 12  
Years ago


How is a Cornetto never boring? The cone and icecream bit absolutely sucks. For me it is like this:

Just ice cream: Awesome
Cone and ice cream: Boring
that little bit of chocolate at the bottom of the cone: Awesome

Reply #232370 | Report this post

Years ago

the NBL is like plain sushi - they need the soy sauce and musabi ta spice it up ...

someone like .. if i mention a certain laker guy i might get banned - but correcto - the choc at the end of the cone hits the spot !!

Reply #232374 | Report this post

Years ago

OK i'm gettin grumpy now, i'll leave the other 85% of my suggestions to another day.

If THAT'S the top 15%, please do leave the others.


Reply #232408 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

You guys are right it has been done too death but it still very topical and important to a basketball site.
Maybe someone could respond to these questions
Why no Syd
Why no Bris.
Why isnt all proposed local buyers gone missing.
Why we happy to be owned by the tigers.
What TV deals are poss. are we tied into Fox and for decent amount of games not like last year.
Why we are recycling Hawks.
Surely more blo----y intertesting that Riahnnas latest coquest or visa versa.
Why has Sixers still not sold.
I could go on but Dicko would say dont bother

Reply #232415 | Report this post

Years ago

The simple, irrefutable fact is this: basketball in Australia is mired in the gray area whereby there is just enough support to demand a quality professional league, but not enough to make it a success. Those who refer back to the early 90's and think we can return to something akin to those halcyon days are forgetting that the extenuating factors that made it popular were transient at best (namely the fascination with American culture).

The reason no one seems to come up with anything new, or the new ideas that are implemented fail comes down to one thing. It's just not that popular a sport here and nothing you do is going to change that to any significant degree.

BA missed it's big opportunity in the mid 90's to solidify its place in the Australian conscious when it failed to produce a marketable player in the NBA. Just think if Bogut and Mills had been playing in the NBA in the 90's. Alas, instead these players were products of the boom, not part of it.

It will get better, but only slightly. Just enough to keep things going, but not enough to gain traction in an already saturated sports market.

It sucks, but it's true.

(Mod: Good post.)

Reply #232426 | Report this post

Years ago

You guys are right it has been done too death but it still very topical and important to a basketball site.
Maybe someone could respond to these questions
Why no Syd
Why no Bris.
Why isnt all proposed local buyers gone missing.
Why we happy to be owned by the tigers.
What TV deals are poss. are we tied into Fox and for decent amount of games not like last year.
Why we are recycling Hawks.
Surely more blo----y intertesting that Riahnnas latest coquest or visa versa.
Why has Sixers still not sold.
I could go on but Dicko would say dont bother

No I wouldn't....because your points are valid.

As compared to "Why don't we have trades?" or "Why don't we lift import restrictions", which, IMHO are ridiculous ideas and should not have time wasted on them.

The questions you are asking are the ones that SHOULD be asked.

Reply #232443 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we just slow down a bit and try and provide answers to some of the more important comments made? Like, what exactly is musabi?

Reply #232446 | Report this post

Years ago

doin the same thing will get the same results.

excuse us who want a change to be tried to see the possibility of better results.

conservatism in the event of previous failure = more of the same.

sorry if some ideas apear 'outrageous', but i think youll find they're better than the idea of "keep plugging away.... let's hope it works"

there IS an opportunity for aussie bball to be great - can all you haters stop aiming for it to be 'good/average'?

In the long term we need survival but we also need ideas and vision, not NOTHINGNESS X 100!!!

Reply #232448 | Report this post

Years ago

If by outrageous ideas, you mean "trades" being a gamble worth taking, you're on the wrong track. The concept of trades just will not work in the NBL - the disparity between pay packets of players and the general public/living costs are just not great enough that you can make demands on any but the top tier. If you have other ideas in mind, let's hear them.

Why no Syd
No one organised enough and willing enough to take the gamble on the information provided (which is likely as much as can be provided).
Why no Bris.
As above.
Why isnt all proposed local buyers gone missing.
That doesn't make sense. If you're asking why there is no competition with Seamus for the 36ers/Dome, there is, just perhaps not at the same price. Groves is not willing (not allowed by a bank) to sell the venue below a certain price.
Why we happy to be owned by the tigers.
Doubt many are overjoyed but it's not the decision of fans unless they're putting up $xm themselves.
What TV deals are poss. are we tied into Fox and for decent amount of games not like last year.
Has been discussed to death and no one really knows as the league composition hasn't been finalised until recently.
Why we are recycling Hawks.
Because they scraped together the money, they're a foundation team, and at least they're interested.
Why has Sixers still not sold.
See above regarding Groves' price demands. Anyway, if it happens, today may be the day.

Reply #232452 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Thanks for feedback Isaac whilst no real answers gives insight into why .Thanks for follow up.
I was quite concerned re that Syd. and Brisbane could not get teams up as if they want NBL to work should keep working at until achieve for 2010 until the feedback re Sixers.problems with ownership.
I was one pleased that a basketball person was buying Sixers in Mal. How wrong that has been because of links with Groves. Groves receivers better watch out end up with a stadium with no team to play on it.
Would be great to get some positive news soon wouldnt it . Though seems longer it goes the worse things are getting.
When we get this league going we dont want any more bad press like Hawks going under again

Reply #232475 | Report this post

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