Years ago
Maher lunch: Mal and Kate nowhere to be seen
At Brett Mahers Lunch , as the owner of the club that is pretty poor not to come
Years ago
At Brett Mahers Lunch , as the owner of the club that is pretty poor not to come
Years ago
Mal is still mourning the premature death of the 36ers 2008/09 season.
bingo bango
Years ago
why would the owner and a key employee not show up to an event like this, pretty poor form if it is true. Surely they did turn up and haha has got there wires crossed seeing as they both work so hard for the club it just does not make sense that they would snub Maher
Probably too busy running around trying to find someone to buy the team.
Camel 31
Years ago
Were the players there ? Mal was in NZ on Thursday.
Years ago
Brett was there so wot do u reckon.
Yes Jacob, Brad,Grizz,Brad H, Coops and Luke
Ben Fitz
Years ago
i was there and it was a great event well supported by the sponsors of the 36ers and local business leaders.
Ex 36ers players were in attendance as well accompanied by some great Mahersy stories.
All those involved in the organising should be commended and i think about $15,000 was raised for Hudson Maher.
Years ago
It was a good show. We'll have photos later, along with pics from tonight's MVP function and the Lightning game.
Years ago
Went along as a guest of Bernie Lewis Home Loans (Thanks Mark).
Good turnout and some decent Q&A with Ninnis, Davis, Rees, and Sapwell. Reesy in particular was very funny. Some good-natured teasing of Brett's 1/11 FG finale and Brad Davidson asking Brett to recount his final ever NBL shot (an airball!).
A number of people each bought (proceedings to Hudson Maher) the right to Brett for a half-day - housework, play for your social team, etc - so yell out if you have any ideas as purchasers may be reading.
Informal proceedings continued down in the bar then at The Stag. Still representing the players after 12-13 hours were Brad, Jake, Coops and Grizz.
Dog 16
Years ago
Maybe Mal and Kate couldn't afford the cost of admission.
I doubt they would have been given freebies given they expect players wifes/partners to pay their own way.
Years ago
Probably still on his way back from NZ, players weren't getting in till 10:30ish? that day.
Years ago
He was probably busy organising player payments. You know how much effort he likes to put in to make sure they are on time.
Bretts the man
Years ago
Great Lunch and well done to Paul Finlay and others for making function happen . It was a great informal fun lunch with Paul Rees main story teller about being told strongly to set sme F---- screens and Brett as roomy and Davo ,Scotty and Curtin giving Brett heaps about last game and air ball shot .
As been dragged to Port functions didnt like Cutin but he did great job so did Micheal Brock in raising funds for Hudson Maher fund with a lot from his own pocket. Brett said a highlight this year was after not doing a dunk in warm up to do one in last home game which as sit in close western stand all around only half watching talking to each other then this huge roar as he completed it. Having spoke to his parents you can see why Brett is a champ on and off the court. I dont believe Bretts retirement and efforts for our club has been reconized enough on this site. I thank Brett for great memories and for 3
premierships. Wanted also to say Mark Davis spoke well of the rookie Brett to the champion he is now.
Years ago
Until you know the reason he didnt attend why do you feel the need to bag the guy, maybe he had a funeral, his daughters birthday or something else what prevented him from attending. Seriously all of you need to stop worrying about why Mal isnt where YOU think he should be. Get the fuck over it.
Years ago
Julius was in the gym, lifting weights and not "drinking the poison".
Murray Magpie
Years ago
Skud can you list the things that the owner has done for Brett in his last year at the club. While you are doing that, list the tokens of appreciation that he has been involved with as well. A no show at this function has typified the entire attitude toward the team to a lot of people.
Years ago
Unfortunately Mal and Kate's non appearance typifies THEIR attitude towards the club. Kate has no concept of what basketball is about and does not understand what Brett has meant to the team and the fans. Kate only sees the team as a business and how much her father can pay her for doing very little. Mal only makes token visits to the club on a day to day basis and then does a Fat Controller impression by sitting on the bench during games and showing displeasure at referees calls (given the fact that he represented Australia as a referee - that's fairly poor form).
The luncheon was organised by SPONSORS - what does that say about the attitude of Mal and Kate? The presentation at the last home game (and most fans believe this) was a token gesture on Mal's behalf after being bagged in the press and on this website. Certainly the naming of the court after Brett was great, but, if the Dome is sold will the new owners agree to keep the name. The only other presentation on the night was again made by the SPONSORS. Why??
If Mal does manage to sell the team, then a new owner would be advised to sweep the management pool clean given the rumours that are coming out about the standard and lack of competence of people currently in control.
Ball girl
Years ago
While I would agree it is disappointing to hear that Mal wasn't at the lunch, we are jumping to conclusions and he should be given the benefit of the doubt.
A couple of weeks ago some one had a go at Mark Davis for not being at Brett's last game at the Dome; well, he obviously had a valid reason not to attend and has made it up by being at this lunch.
All that said I really think Mal could do more with the sponsors on game night rather sit on the bench, shaking that big grey head of his when calls don't go our way.
Mal, you need to get up in that big, mostly empty corporate box and charm some more money out of them.
Julisu couldnt be there cos he had a prior lunch date with Phil
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