Personality and personnel is what stands out to me.
We can all argue about performance, plays, rotations, player selections and rosters compared to other years.
The thing that stands out to me is personality. Some people have a charisma, that comes across as strong, confident, capable, no excuses necessary. You hear those people, and you know immediately that they are leaders, winners, and wherever they go the team will follow. They lead by inspiration, and they never accept defeat or that something cant be achieved.
I know of Scottys a great guy, and past record as a player etc, but I still dont hear a leader that troups would follow into battle. Everytime I hear him interviewed, I just wish that I would see less excuses, and something to give me confidence about the future, not because were going to pick better players next year, and not because we will have another year to learn the plays, and not because we had problems with the import.....
How many years has Goorj changed imports during the season and moulded them into his web to win? How many times has he done what needs to be done, ruthlessly to achieve. I dont like the guy, but he has something in his personality that is consistent with winners.
I know its only his first year, and I'm not calling for his head, but I cant say I am excited for the future with him as our leader and motivator. What our results say to me is, that the team is 'motivated' in Adelaide by the supporters, but they are not 'motivated' when they are playing away and dont have crowd support, that's when you need a coach to steer the ship, fire them up, motivate them mentally.
I hope I'm wrong, but that's what I see.
PS. If BA are looking at Brett Brown for a Boomers coach, would you try to entice him to coach the 36ers?