Years ago
Hamilton moves to the bench.
Detroit started Hamilton on the bench today. Amir Johnson added to help a struggling Rasheed with rebounding duties.
I was one of the people calling for A.I to be the one moved to the bench, if for no other reason than Hamilton has earned his place as a championship SG for the club.
Couple that with the fact he is at Detroit for the long haul (A.I becomes a free agent end of the season) and that i beleive A.I is one of the best players in the NBA at producing offence when surrounded by 4 stiffs. (see NBA finals 2001)
Time will tell, but the big winners here are Rasheed and Prince, who have been playing out of position and can now go back to more suited roles.
So...did Detroit make the right call here? Hamilton or Iverson?
Footnote- Does the last week of playing the four smalls and one big tarnish the rep of Curry as a coach unable to make the tough calls?