Years ago

Hodge not getting paid WTF

Hurry up and sell the club Mal

Topic #18582 | Report this topic

Years ago

Looks like some things haven't changed, hope he has a quilt ;)

Reply #219002 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard about this prior to the gold coast game and think that is a major reason why we lost. A disenchanted Hodge whom had missed training/s. Stupidly enough I still placed a bet on the Sixers :P

Also it is possible this is why he misses warm ups as his agent told him "not to participate in any team activity until his payment had gone through"

Hemmerling says in the article that there was a mix up between banks... not sure about that! The guy has pretty much guaranteed your team will make the playoffs and has increased the crowd and you can't even pay him on time! Poor effort Mal!

Reply #219003 | Report this post

Years ago

In todays Advertiser..

Missing Pay Rocks Hodge and Sixers

Sounds like a simple banking error to me.

Reply #219004 | Report this post

Years ago

gotta give the 4 digits.

Reply #219005 | Report this post

Years ago

So y was his pay going through before then

Reply #219006 | Report this post

Years ago

Been going on since melbourne game. SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS......

Reply #219007 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly hahaha,why was his pay going through before. I can't understand why the administration can't make a point of looking after one of our top players. Particularly just befor Xmas. You'de think it would be a priority to make sure the players are paid. Sure there may have been a legitimate problem with the account numbers, but it shouldn't take so long to rectify the error. By the way, is cash still acceptable?

Reply #219008 | Report this post

Years ago

These things unfortualely do happen when paying accounts overseas. I Have paid many overseas clients and had the same delay occur. From what i understand the international transfer company the banks use delay transactions sometime while trying to verify the correct bank, branch, and account to send the funds to. Having obviously paid him in the past you would assume the 6ers had his correct details previously to use.

I would put this on the banks and not the 6ers.

Unless someone made an entry error while processing....

Reply #219009 | Report this post

Years ago

Should have a clause in his contract that says if we lose to the Gold Coast he should not get payed. Or make your video and talk about not getting paid or being disrespected! Working hard = missing practice. Great video though.

Reply #219010 | Report this post

As somoene who works in a bank I can tell you that the payment could not have been sent without the correct amount of information up front.

You could send something with the wrong numbers but to not have the correct amount of numbers up to start with is an issue.

Mal says in the article "Because (the bank) didn't have the four-digit code, it was held in a transfer account."

In my experience if the bank was not given the 4 digit swift code to start with they would not have processed the payment at all.

They would have got an error message or a comment from the bank to say you are a few numbers short here.

It would not have been accepted and certainly would not have been held.

There is something very strange about what is said to have happened.

This does link up with the story that i have heard that the owner to be has been the one paying Julius in which case Mal would have nothing to do with it.

Unless the 36ers have been given Julius' salary in a lump sum and that has been used to plug some hole on the boat.

All purely speculation on my part of course.

Reply #219011 | Report this post

Years ago

Good speculation nonetheless.

Sounds to me like maybe there is a few issues. He would have been paid previously but now that there is a change of ownership this has some how caused issues.

Reply #219012 | Report this post

Years ago

Bank Transfers can be very frustrating. I had a case recently where I'd cut & pasted the banking details & it kept bouncing. Worst part was, the funds get drawn from your account immediately, but sit in limbo, while rigorous security confirmation checks between banking institutions give it the goe ahead. If there's a single mistake in the receivers banking details, it fails & it can be days before the bank's snailmail notifies you of the problem.
Jules may very well be going through a different bank or account than before & made a simple error when passing on the details to the pay office.

Reply #219014 | Report this post

staurt wide  
Years ago

swift code arror from the clubs bank caused the delay and holidays also

Reply #219015 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Combination of a few problems.
Payment was due on the 15th , and Mal sent it on the 19th. Wrong account numbers and people on holidays and public/bank holidays.
Badly handled, and Hodge not training, may have caused a game loss.

Reply #219016 | Report this post

The Admiral  
Years ago

Wonder if Mark Davis (eg) or someone else in the league in the old days would pull the same move as Hodge?......surely this happens sometimes.

Reply #219018 | Report this post

Shirley Schmidt  
Years ago

Amateur effort from an amateur club being run by amateurs.

Reply #219020 | Report this post

Years ago

I haven't been impressed reading this story. There is definitely some cover-ups happening.

Once again nobody within our club puts there hand up to take responsibility and own up to mistakes. When will someone be held accountable?

I'm still looking forward to our upcoming Wednesday game @ home.

Reply #219021 | Report this post

Years ago

OK guys, I can go along with the banking screw up being a distraction & even cut some slack that maybe Jules didn't train.


In 34:25 of play he shot @ 65%, 75% from the charity stripe, had 4 assists, 4 steals, 2 blocks & clocked up 29 points. Yeh, we'd have to single Jules out for the Blaze loss.

Can any stat-philes confirm that those numbers would be due to a bank transfer? It's beyond me. : P

Reply #219022 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

The NBL game review said he was our best.
Ninnis said it was Holmes, and not knowing if Jules was playing or not was disruptive.
Isaac mentioned that owners pay the salary cap to NBL who pay the players, would be a good idea as it solves a lotta problems.

Reply #219024 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd heard Julius was being paid $300k to retun to Adelaide to play the remaining part of the season.
Maybe the finacial crisis has made things a bit tight for whoever is paying Julius wages.

Reply #219027 | Report this post

Years ago

This is all crap on Julius' part and his agent if he was instructed to not participate in training and then had a detrimental affect on the NYE game. For a start, if Mal said the money left his account on the 19th December, surely he could have produced a receipt of some form to show that the 36ers are not deliberately holding back on his pay. Secondly, if that was the case, Hodge could see that the problem was with the bank and should have checked the information he gave out. I don't know why imports don't open up an Australian bank account for their wages and then do the transfers themselves. As for the originator of this thread, you set the tone so it would appear that the 36ers are refusing to pay up. You should be a bit more careful in what you say and how you say it. If the dramas of his pay was responsible for the loss of a game when the money had actually been paid, that is a very poor showing on the player's part and his agent. The only problem I could see with the 36ers paying his money 4 days late is the Christmas rush that may have delayed Hodge getting his money any sooner.

Reply #219030 | Report this post

Years ago

Raytri, your comments about being paid before is a bit assumptive. How do you know that he hasn't recently changed his banking details. How do you know that this particular pay may be the first one paid into his account because the 36ers gave him an up front lump sum payment to lure him here with the balance to come at a later stage through bank transfers? You have no idea how he is being paid and therefore can't assume that everything worked well before.

Reply #219032 | Report this post

Years ago

Sapwell banked it.

Reply #219033 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets look at things under their control - payment due on 15th - not made till 19th. Unless there was a prior agreement I would be annoyed if my employer forgot to pay employees for 4 days.

Reply #219036 | Report this post

Years ago

4 days late is not acceptable I agree but the Gold Coast game wasn't until the 31st.

Reply #219038 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

I'm surprised anyone's getting paid. Doesn't the club shut down over Christmas? The players and bankers are just following suit.

Reply #219039 | Report this post

Bruce Beck  
Years ago

Boti was critical of a Christmas shutdown for a summer sport.
Kinda like that owners pay the salary cap to NBL and they pay the players.
Would stop a lot of problems and no need to put up a million security/guarantee.
Put up about a million licence fee and about a million salary. As only 8 teams, about a 3 month season in the pro league.
( Then they are having that semi-pro league, that Gaze has been speaking about to the media)

Reply #219041 | Report this post

Ms Anonymous  
Years ago

was it just Hodge, or did the other players not get paid too, and why wouldn't he have an Australian Bank account????? Makes sense to me

Reply #219044 | Report this post

Years ago

"Sapwell banked it."

LOL DDF - I guess even Sapwell's banking technique can go astray sometimes.

Pretty embarassing for the Sixers though. Keep this up and intl players will start thinking the organisation is like some of those dodgy Russian and East Euro teams who used to commonly shaft their imports.

Lets hope this was just an honest mistake and we aren't in for any bad news before the end of the season. (Other than getting cleaned up by the Dragons or Breakers in the finals of course!!!)

Reply #219045 | Report this post

Years ago

just got back from sydney from a week away and decided to get the advertiser at the airport and this is the article i read. Not good at all, its so amateur its not funny. If they knew there was a problem just go to the man and say hey this is the situation what are they digits or pay him some other way. The only thing i can think off as to why his other payments were fine is if he changed banks or bank accounts. Anyway they better make sure his cash is there early next time or something to keep him happy.

Reply #219048 | Report this post

Years ago

Could this be the reason behind Boti's previous dig about not being able to contact the Op manager in that week or so?
Perhaps the agent was trying to sort it out and couldn't get an answer from anyone as they were all on holidays. In that case the agent would be right to tell him to pull out of team activities. At least then the message would get through!

As Boti also put it "Questionable ownership, questionable management"

Reply #219063 | Report this post

Years ago


"As Boti also put it "Questionable ownership, questionable management""

What's all the Fuss about?

Reply #219064 | Report this post

dog 92  
Years ago

in the same season that other teams are taking big paycuts, hodge stops training when payment is late or missed. some one posts 'is he the best import ever' a week or two after hodge proclaims in the advertiser that he's the best in the league. and he makes movies about being the hardest worker in the team despite being late to trainings and then not even working when the cheque is late. lucky he can play. would brett maher refuse to train if his money was late? did ricky grace claim he was the best?

Reply #219066 | Report this post

Years ago

'Can any stat-philes confirm that those numbers would be due to a bank transfer? It's beyond me.'

So stats mean nothing until they help your case?

Reply #219067 | Report this post

Years ago

lol good point Pasa

Reply #219068 | Report this post

Years ago

You 2 never heard of a p1sstake?

I am soooooooooooooo surprised.

Reply #219069 | Report this post

Years ago

Operations manager IS impossible to get in touch with.
It's the middle of the season and he seems to be MIA.
Not answering phone and not returning messages.

Reply #219078 | Report this post

Bretts the man  
Years ago

If someone with money and business nous PLEASE buy the sixers tomorrow . We are 1 club set for any new league got the supporters got the basis of good coaches and team, but we still give the league further bad publicity with this debacle. The excuses are pathetic the management is pathetic and owners are cash strapped or playing games. Why not go public company with our team if no one buyer.
Re julius mate you are are a champion but we have been spoilt with Brett and ballinger and many others. Great players no egos. There is no I in Team and never will be

Reply #219080 | Report this post

Years ago

^ there is one in famIly which is what Julius is looking after

Reply #219084 | Report this post

Years ago

To all those suggesting that American imports should have an Aussie bank account...... Why?
From what I understand they often negotiate their contracts in US dollars because of the poor and fluctuating Aussie dollar exchange rate.
If they deposit their pay into an Aussie account the funds get automatically converted into Aussie dollars, which means they might lose out in the exchange rate, and there is a conversion fee charges for each exchange.
Paying into a US account guarantees they will get the correct amount in US dollars andthey ont have to pay any bank fees.

Reply #219105 | Report this post

Years ago

they would have to pay conversion rate and bank fees every time they withdraw money here

Reply #219106 | Report this post

Ben Fitz  
Years ago

You can have bank accounts here held in foreign currency.

To those saying the OPS Manager is on leave and not answering his phone, i had a meeting with him last week in which he took a few work related calls.

So he is still working and is contactable.

Reply #219108 | Report this post

Years ago

Got a 36ers-related email from him last week too, FWIW.

Reply #219114 | Report this post

Years ago

Most likely they just didn't have the funds in their account to pay him, so they had to wait until some came in. Thats what plenty of businesses do.

"payments on its way!!"

Reply #219119 | Report this post

Ben Fitz  
Years ago

I can assure you that that is not the case at all.

As hard as some people would like to believe otherwise it looks like it has just been poor communication from one party to the other.

Reply #219124 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

OK, there was a stuff up with some numbers and his account wasn't right.
The big question to ask is:

Should Boti have made it public in such a big article?

IMO, there's too much dirty laundry aired about the club and this stuff is not the stuff that should be in the paper disrupting the club at such a crucial time.

Boti, if you are reading this (which I presume you do to get your intel.), I am a little bit tired of the repeated attacks on Ops Manager Paul Bauer. You have had your cannon shot across his bows to rattle him on many occassions, maybe just leave it at that.

Reply #219131 | Report this post

Years ago

Once again, thank you Ben Fitz.
I am sick (you all knew that anyway) & tired of the uninformed trashing of the club & players on this site.
Sure it's a forum for discussion, but I'd be relieved if some of the destructive mouths here did some homework first.
I'm with Jack Toft in that perhaps Boti would've been more helpful to the club if he'd zipped it. Nothing gained from slamming management when there are so many variables that could've influenced the situation. It's not all on Boti though, he has to be careful on what he sends to print, so you'd think there'd be an element of truth in what he'd said.
I'm no fan of Potsie as he'd know (yes, he would definitely know), but I don't see why he's a fault if his position wasn't covered over his leave entitlement.
If we're all consumed with results, what's gained from lame excuses?

Reply #219136 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

I agree with jack toft that Boti is not helping the club or nbl with constant snipes espec. at Paul Bauer
as there is enough negatives about league espec. in the $ area and we want non regular supporters to think positive about coming to game or at the least some interest in nbl. It is his job to report and I believe we neede to know of the problem but not then make huge article and fire at everyone. Bur jack surely we dont really believe the wrong account story.
You either do the transaction into the account or it is rejected on processing if not enough numbers.
DD Fan boti writing a article in our states paper is massively different to us being critical on this site set up for basketball fans to offer our opinions.
Not being critical just raising the massive difference. We all have non basketball supporters friends telling us all the bad news they see in papers etc

Reply #219148 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Bretts the man,
the wrong AC number is a well used chestnut, but it seems that the messiah provided the wrong details. But yes, if the payment was due on the 15th and the first attempt was on the 19th, then it the question of why it was four days late should be asked and why there is not a procedure at the club to ensure that these regular payments/transfers and made in adequate time.
Pottsie is there to manage the sixers and like anyone has his fans and detractors, but he should not be seen as the voodoo doll whenever things go wrong at the club. I agree that there is a big difference between Airing dirty laundry in the Crow-vertiser and on Hoops.

Wouldn't it be good if we could call it the Sixer-tiser instead?

I reckon there are just as many Crows stories in the off season as in the season. How many off-season Sixers stories do we see in comparison?

Reply #219156 | Report this post

Years ago

I know he's the golden child, but there's not much heat on Hodge for skipping trainings despite a payment being late?

Reply #219157 | Report this post

Years ago

It would be funny if the club fined him for skipping practice.

Reply #219159 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Blame Potsie for a lot of things espec. no cut clause in Tyndales contract but no way would he be transferring money into Julius account.
I casually raised julius action early on this issue but agree totally with Isaac re Julius actions.
As he is producing the numbers and the on court gestures we all look with rose coloured glasses.
But we would all have coached or played sport.
How would you feel in a team sport with another plyr not doing half the warm up and missing practises for a selfish reason. Things change at higher levels but still a team sport. I bet there are some of team not altogether delighted with his actions

Reply #219168 | Report this post

Years ago

Why should there be any heat on Hodge whatsoever? It's all very well for us to fantasise that he is here to play because he loves us, but in reality it's 100% about getting paid and 0% about warm fuzzies and "the team". As the "team source" in Boti's article said, most associated with the team feel like Julius took appropriate action by not training. Assuming that that is true, then that tells you all you need to know about who is primarily at fault, doesn't it?

Reply #219173 | Report this post

Years ago

The guy who bought their club and pays their salaries (other than one hiccup)? Possibly in the middle of some sort of handover situation? Tough timing. It's a crucial passage of games (they all are now) for the club and a bit of lenience shouldn't be out of the question?

By all means, if there's a real history of payment problems, go for it. It appears that this was fairly isolated, at a time of year when staff are on breaks and businesses can hibernate a bit, and a call was very quickly made and obeyed to sit out training.

Reply #219174 | Report this post

Years ago

since when is a swift code only 4 digits? pretty sure they are closer to 8???

Reply #219190 | Report this post

Pasadena 13  
Years ago

I am sicking of people saying that Boti should be more pro-sixers. The guy is a journalist, not an employee of the 36ers or the NBL. He is much more positive than other interstate counterparts. The Advertiser (or any newspaper) is designed to have articles about current affairs not free advertising for the 36ers (maybe they should promote some more positive things themselves) But it not the newspapers job to promote the 36ers in a positive light. There are problems and Boti has every right to air them. If you dont like dont buy the newspaper or complain to the editor.

Reply #219194 | Report this post

Years ago

True Isaac - but if the advice his agent gave him was to sit, I don't really think any blame can really land on him. Regardless of it being an isolated incident or an honest mistake, it seems pretty unprofessional; from his agent's perspective, tolerating a missed payment would set a dodgy precedent in terms of the player/club relationship. I see what you're saying now though.

Pasadena - I agree on Boti also. Only shame is that no one in charge ever seems to heed the issues that he flags.

Reply #219196 | Report this post

Years ago

Pasadena, I don't agree what you say about Boti. He comes across as a passionate supporter of the team and the sport himself. He reports things as he sees them regardless of whether its good publicity or not, but lets face it, he is the only consistent source of bringing awareness to the NBL not only in SA but nationally to the public. You fail to see that what seems to be bad publicity is actually good because it sets everyone talking about it and the interest level increases. Just look at this thread, there is already 58 replies. This is an indication of interest and to the true passionate supporter, it does nothing to diminish your support or interest. It is in your face reporting.

Reply #219199 | Report this post

Years ago

I know for a fact that Hodge is not the only sixer not getting his payments on time! Having lived with a sixer (non import) in a previous season, I know that his salary was always late, in which resulted in late rent payments etc. Very very poor from the sixers management!!! It wasn't just a once off, it was frequent.
If I were Hodge's agent, I would be instructing him not to play until he is paid either. Something like this can get out of hand, too quickly, and besides.. would you rock up to work if you weren't getting paid? I think not.

Reply #219212 | Report this post

Years ago

If the payment problems extend beyond the one case with Hodge, then that's very different and someone is picking the wrong time to distract the team.

Reply #219220 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

agreed Boti is not the 36ers PR manager.

Sometimes it seems as though the front office thinks that his job is to bring people to games in that he is part of the advertising of the game and that anything negative will impact on ticket sales

Imagine if cricket followed the same line , there would be no comments on Hayden or Symmonds etc.

Maybe the time has come for people employed by their family to do some work and do their job themselves rather than rely on someone else.

Reply #219223 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Yes. I think report it all. Good and bad. Like Hodge not getting paid, and Chappell, Tyndale, Fuss, Groves,Venuetix etc.

Reply #219225 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm a huge Boti fan. I'm hell-bent on his upfront voice & passion, & I'd be a hypocrite if I wasn't.
In this instance though, he reported ONE payment being late during a traditionally lax work related time of year, while there were issues over sale & ownership at the club. In my view, the wrong people were drawn into the article as scapegoats. You owe me Potsie. ; )
Jules didn't lose us the game at the Gold Coast. It's been bandied around that the team supported his stand & let's face it, they've trained without him before. If Jules took his manager's line to the letter, he wouldn't have even suited for the game. Get off his case.
Seemingly there was a mis-communication with Jules' banking details & that sort of stuff happens in the real world. Too much has been made of too little & that's why this threads gone to such lengths.
I don't see the need for the "Golden Boy" & the "Chosen One" refernces either, but that's just me.

Reply #219238 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

I like you trust ddfan . So much so I am sending you a $ bonus . The cheques in the mail mate.
Regarding Boti in paper yes you want him to report all the news both good and bad.
But his sarcasm and targeting of some individuals goes overboard like the attacks in his Hodge no pay article. Yes we wanted to know that Julius didnt get paid but did we want to know who was on hols. etc.

Reply #219266 | Report this post

Years ago

mal and potsie weren't even involved in the payment and it wasn't even to julius's account.

Reply #219268 | Report this post

Years ago

If the players supported his decision, that may suggest one of three things: they believe obeying your agent 100% is the right thing (doubt it), they believe you should stop training/playing if a single payment is late (doubt it), or there's more there than the one missed payment (at least fits with Wrong's post further up). Either that, or the idea that the team supported the decision was overstated. FWIW, I don't believe Boti's source is all that close to the team or that the players supported the decision.

If a player from the Crows was paid quite late and refused to play (before being talked into it an hour before the game), that would be a full page article, surely?

In this case, I think the agent may be at fault, wanting payment into his own account for confirmation, or something odd like that? Happened with Farley's agent too - in that case, wrong payment amount due to confusion over whether the agent's fee had been already included or not.

Reply #219269 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac you are being extremely naive now and strangely enough standing up for the sixers management, which has a reputation of complete mismanagement. I can assure you many other players payments are consistently late, my bank statements used to show it, more money taken out of my account, making up for rent a sixer couldn't pay until management finally paid their salary. I can confirm this was not just with one player!! In a way, I am glad it has made the news as it appaling they should get away with this. With Hodge being the calibre of player he is as well as an import he only for the moment, it clearly lead to being public and making a headline. So it should as it's not good enough.

Reply #219317 | Report this post

Years ago

I said "in this case", not in all cases. Just been going on the information available at the time of posting.

Reply #219328 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't Brett still awaiting some of his wages from the last season that Cattalini played for the 36ers ?

Reply #219343 | Report this post

Years ago

"To those saying the OPS Manager is on leave and not answering his phone, i had a meeting with him last week in which he took a few work related calls.

So he is still working and is contactable."

Must be only taking calls from his mates then Ben and not the media or sponsors.

Reply #219346 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't Brett still awaiting some of his wages from the last season that Cattalini played for the 36ers ?
A bit before the current ownership though.

Reply #219349 | Report this post

Years ago

True, but highlights the fact that it has been 36ers culture for a long time to not do the right thing by it's players - even those who are effectively the face of the club.

Reply #219358 | Report this post

Years ago

Then there was Mark Nash's contract pay out.

Reply #219359 | Report this post

Years ago

Mark Davis, Club legend, being shown the door to make way for a former rookie, Brett Maher's unpaid 30k (which was promised to be honoured by the new ownership by the way) the Farley fiasco's (there were many and now the latest stuff with Hodge are just several incidents that have happened over the past six or seven seasons to arguably some of the most important players involved with the club.
It goes to show just how incompetent 36ers management were and continue to be, and the stupid thing is there has been a pretty big staff turnover in the front office over that time yet nothing seems to ever get any better.

Reply #219364 | Report this post

Years ago

overlap is the problem. clean out and start fresh at once. except would fail dismally unless there was a long handover period.

Reply #219365 | Report this post

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