DJ Rod
Years ago
Is there a place for bloggers in the NBL?
JR just wrote a very good blog at http://www.johnrillie.com about the 'underground NBL media' and the reluctance of NBL.com.au to utilise it to their advantage. Although I am a part of a NBL podcast, I read it as a total outsider and it makes A LOT of sense.
John Rillie wrote:
I truly believe it is time the NBL broadened their horizons and decided to use some of the material that bloggers provide to the basketball reading public. Very much like NBA.com use the likes of superstar Gilbert Arenas and others to spice up their otherwise generic website. Fans love to hear from the players and blogging is a great way to connect and be somewhat interactive with them.
He also mentions OzHoops and how it should be utilised by the NBL:
John Rillie wrote:
Also sitting in the crowd was the king of basketball forums, Derek Nielsen. Nielsen is the gatekeeper of the Ozhoops forum. Whether you
think these forums sites are good or bad, they are here to stay and they serve a purpose.
I feel Nielsen's expertise could be used in a situation such as this. Live blogging from the game. I'm not sure if any other media outlet was giving live, up to date scores on this game, but why not have Nielsen doing a live online analysis of the game. Bring something new to the table for the fans.
It makes so much sense and costs nothing extra! It widens the media spread which is what the NBL want, right? It could be as simple as adding a blog roll, weekly feature, links to sites, asking fans to write comments etc
What do you guys think?