The carrier is the key. I'll drag out out a snippet of my last season's memorabillia, & school you on my mobile dumbness. I've been with Vodafone from day 1 & experienced absolutely zero signal within the Dome. No biggy.
Then last season things changed. I was spending more time there, & figured my 2 line monographic display, dead signal mobile had passed it's used by date. Doing some sleuthing, I noticed a lot of the guys used Samsungs, so I put 2 & 2 together & fell flat on my ugly face. Yep, lashed out for a fancy arsed Samsung (thinking it would have kick-arse sensitivity & could pull a signal). WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. HUGE mistake. Same zero signal. : (
I've since suited up in my Today Tonight nice guy outfit & scouted people using their mobiles during game breaks & invariably they were on Telstra.
I'm aware that Telstra generously did a complete network make-over at the Dome & that WOULD explain their superior signal, but in my crude analysis. If a reliable signal is a high priority, GO WITH TELSTRA, they spend the money on coverage.
In a nutshell, if you have ANYONE dear to you & want the peace of mind/assurity that they can get to you at any time, TELSTRA is the ONLY way to go.
DD's still on Vodafone, so any Telstra kickbacks for this free plug, would be very much appreciated.