Years ago

Motivational meeting

OK guys, this like any forum has extremes of opinion, all with the intent of improving our team's postion. Quite frankly, I find it more than diverse, more like bizarre.
What say a commitee be nominated of trusted/respected posters to catch up at a bar or wherever to get some direction?
I'd also like it to be taken a step further if it's successful, & have a nominated spokesperson approach the team/staff & management to thrash out our concerns.
There is a remote possibility that the meeting may come down to more of a supportive, motivational session, showing that we understand the difficulties that they are under & that we're backing them all the way.
I'd ask that Isaac not be put in that position, as he has a close working relationship with management, & more importantly, it's about time some people started putting their hands up instead of wanting everything done by everyone else.
Here's a chance to not just make a noise, but make a difference.

Topic #18194 | Report this topic

Years ago

Interesting Idea, however I don't see a point to it as We are a minority. Also I'm sure coaching staff already scouts the site for some ideas. Its more easier to convey ideas on the screen rather then express it to management.

We couldn't really talk about the offense or defence. The only thing we could do is suggest changes to game day presentation but we kind of already do that with the Music man. Meeting up with management to discuss the Hot Dogs are too cold I don't think would be worth their time.

Reply #213965 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed it would only serve for me having another excuse to drink another night away with basketball loving fans, while this is fun I already do it. We would get nothing achieved.

Reply #213969 | Report this post

Years ago

this would have the same result if you just emailed the club telling them to tap into hoops every now and then to get an idea of what the fans are thinking! either way they would probably not take much notice! not that there is nothing to take notice of, just the way it is!

Reply #213970 | Report this post

Years ago

DDFan - are you talking about the team, or about things like game nights and the like?

If the former, I really hope you're just casting out a line here (wow, first time I've ever hoped you were baiting!)... we're mostly here to bandy about opinions, armchair analysis and chitchat. I dare say Ninnis already thinks the team could play a little harder, consistently get the ball in to Luke, etc. If the latter, I think at least some staff would already build a rough consensus from feedback (here or otherwise) as it is.

Years ago, I proposed something like a fan council where the club pulls some noisy fans out to form a group representing a cross-section of their customers (current customers, past customers, etc), ply them with a drink and pizza in the boardroom or out on centre court, and take notes on suggestions. Give immediate feedback ("Yeah, great idea, but there's no way we can afford that.") and have the council report back.

Reply #213971 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't that what a front bar is for?

Reply #213979 | Report this post

Bruce Beck  
Years ago

Yeah. Could be an idea. You may need Isaac there I would think.
( Interesting, listening to Ballinger interview on 5aa, last nite, that if the NBL refs are gonna allow this holding onto and banging into, well, we'll just have to do it.)

Reply #213980 | Report this post

Years ago

Not baiting at all, seriously.

What I'm proposing is for a well thought out consensus from a group. I had foreseen that groups would already bar up & group bitch, but I'd guess they'd be made up of like minded guys, slapping each other on the back. That's not what I intended to set up. What I'm hoping for is sense to be made of the extremes. Very rarely is any extreme right, & with some effort, a working compromise can be achievable. That's my aim. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't accept that we're a minority, so shouldn't bother. If we can come up with some constructive criticisms or pluses, then that may earn this site a bit more respect. Prance all you like, but I heard pre-season from the inside, that the players etc were under no circumstances to read forums. It was given with the warning that it could be morale destructive, or an ego stroke waiting to send you crashing.
I doubt very much whether Scottie, Richard or Liam scout this site for ideas, but that's just me.
My personal conviction, is that if you feel convinced & secure in your direction, take it up with the problem (face to face). Obviously we aren't going to make ground by every Tom, Dick & Harriet spewing to everybody & anybody at random. That's counter-productive, & only serves to frustrate everyone.
Thanks for your input.

Reply #213986 | Report this post

Years ago

You just rambled on about nothing in particular or stuff that was common knowledge already.

You still haven't said what you would like to express to management/coaches. Anything about the Sixers game would be obvious e.g. We the fans have put our collective brains together and believe the team needs to play better defence :P Anything else more specific wouldn't need a meeting!

Game day stuff can already be suggested to management by email or they would see it on here.

I'm sure players glance on here occasionally just out of interest and not to pick up any tips/hints. On the other hand, I think the coaches would look on here and could get or do ideas from it e.g. Tyndale's sacking would have gathered momentum on here.

Reply #213987 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree that it's probably not mentally healthy for players to frequent this site in-season. My brother, as one example, reads it in the off-season for NBA news or NBL rumours, but will stay away once the season starts. And it's positive for the coaches to give direction on that as younger players especially might not anticipate the impact other opinions have or might not be able to resist the allure of finding out what people are saying about their game.

I doubt the coaches head here for ideas either - they would speak with their players, other coaches and contacts local and abroad. They don't need a groundswell of public opinion suggesting that Tyndale's not doing enough, they'd be well aware of that.

And that's why I question your concept of a meeting in terms of feedback to the team itself. For club issues (pricing, game nights, music, etc), it'd be worthwhile, but for input to the team, not so much.

Perhaps a spin on it might be more of a two-way thing, or even just feedback from them to fans - common questions going to the team, and a response could explain why the team play against screens the way they do, how they juggle working key players into the offence, how they adjust to refereeing, etc. Then, I guess, you have concerns about over-showing your hand to the opposition, but there might be merit in the idea if it was treated carefully.

Still, more often than not, in a public forum (mainstream media, here, etc), you typically get some pretty fluffy answers. DD, I know you don't really like Ninnis' approach in the media this year (seeming critical of players), but I actually find it quite refreshing and honest.

Reply #213988 | Report this post

Years ago

Years ago, I proposed something like a fan council where the club pulls some noisy fans out to form a group representing a cross-section of their customers (current customers, past customers, etc), ply them with a drink and pizza in the boardroom or out on centre court, and take notes on suggestions. Give immediate feedback ("Yeah, great idea, but there's no way we can afford that.") and have the council report back.

Interesting you should mention this Isaac as years ago it did take place, I was part of it. 99 & 2000 such a committee was put together, pizza was put on and a monthly meeting took place. Some good ideas and suggestions were put forward and some of them even came to fruition, in the end however the club turned this group more into volunteers and the time was spent doing more things like helping organise mail outs and the like rather than throwing ideas around.

Reply #214001 | Report this post

Rex Hunt  
Years ago

"My brother, as one example, reads it in the off-season for NBA news or NBL rumours, but will stay away once the season starts"

Good then, I'll fire away now behind his back while the season is on:

Oscar is crap. All his stats suggest he can't shoot for peanuts. NZ should cut him ASAP.

Reply #214005 | Report this post

Years ago

KingJames, I've deliberately left this thread open, so that any area that poeple think is worth improving on, can be discussed. I personally don't give a rats about 1/2 entertainment, but it's important to others, & may be pursued for discussion.
Isaac, none of this is personal. I'm not singling out any coach, player or staff involvement, it's all about communication between the club & fans. You've admitted to suggesting a similar thing before (which obviously I knew nothing about till today). I don't doubt your motives now, nor then.
Thanks again DJ for another informative contribution. By what you're saying, it appears that this kind of communication was actually sought by the club back then. Done properly, it could be welcomed again (in my view). I guess that's now 2 beers I owe yah. No winkies, I'm on rations.
Anyway, if we can get some open dialogue organised, something positive may come out of it.

Reply #214010 | Report this post

Years ago

What DJ has suggested happened in the past was presumably related to general club issues rather than the performance of the team and the strategies of the coaching group.

What you seem to be suggesting is more about the team and how they can improve, is that correct?

If so, do you have an example of the sort of thing (question, suggestion, etc) you might put forward, were you to be involved at some level?

Reply #214014 | Report this post

Years ago

A couple of points:
It was always intended to be an open discussion, to take whatever direction this group wishes to take it. People seem to have forgotten that I mentioned that there was a remote possibility, that it could be a meeting to show support of the coaches, players & staff. I offer no direction on this discussion, & never will.
To those suspicious of my motives, I most definitely do not wish to be involved, at any level. It's not about me trying to angle my way into favour, nor sinking the boot in any way. Drop your insecurities guys, & work together. That's all I'm asking/dreaming.

Reply #214016 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

An open forum for consultation would be good, but consultation does not mean consensus. Good management listens and considers, but the tail does not wag the dog.

You don't want the lunatics running the asylum.

Reply #214018 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack Toft:

"An open forum for consultation would be good, but consultation does not mean consensus"

OK, think in terms of thrashed out majority opinion, if consensus is too bold.

"Good management listens and considers"

That's all I ask.

"but the tail does not wag the dog"

On your dogged theme, I thought I made it clear that I'm adamantly opposed to serving a dog's breakfast. We do put food in that analogious dog's mouth, & we should be unconditionally loved.

"You don't want the lunatics running the asylum"

Fair point, I should've known better.

Reply #214022 | Report this post

Years ago

There was a meeting to show support last Saturday night. 5,300 or so people showed up. ;)

Once you'd confirmed you weren't baiting, I'm not doubting your intentions, just trying to clarify what they actually are.

The people you propose meet at a bar, what direction did you anticipate they would look for?

A consensus? Coming to some agreement for whatever reason? To what end - homogeny of some sort on the forum? Not sure I see the point in that specifically.

A meet-up as a physical instance of what happens on the forum? If that, no need for only nominated participants.

Or if to simply show or create support for the team, as I've implied, going along to cheer on the team does that. Bums on seats shows appreciation and allows these guys to keep playing professionally.

As I said before, a round table to provide feedback to the club or a forum by which the team can impart background information to questioning fans would be different (it seems) to what you're suggesting.

Interested to hear from others on this in case I'm missing something in what DD has proposed.

Reply #214025 | Report this post

Years ago


"Interested to hear from others on this in case I'm missing something in what DD has proposed"

Fair enough, please "others", bring Isaac up to speed. I'm done.

Reply #214027 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

what you are seeking is for the Sixers management to come out of the "Ivory Tower" and listen to provided feedback from a forum on how they could improve the club. You want to provide feedback to club management and have more of a say.

The Sixers is a business. It makes good business sense to listen to your customers (ie the fans) on how the customers could be better served. Any business that doesn't consider customer needs dies a painful death.

I think everyone agrees that management should scan the environment and consider opinion on how their business could be improved. Business plans are set and generally reviewed annually. A annual open forum would be good if they wanted it. It is then up to them to act on what they want. How they do it is up to them. Forum, Questionaire, reading this, talking to fans on the night......

Reply #214029 | Report this post

Years ago

This idea to me gets throne up with the cliche "To many cheifs not enough indians" to keep it simple let management and the coaching staff do the job there paid to do and Rex go back to kissing fish you've no idea. Oscar is one of leagues better shooters but for his size not too good on dunkin , where's your head at.

Reply #214045 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack Toft:

"How they do it is up to them. Forum, Questionaire, reading this, talking to fans on the night......"

No worries, we'll sit & wait.

Reply #214050 | Report this post

Years ago

DD - Yes it was initiated by the club back than and showed plenty of promise, what fan would say no to stepping forward and offering some opinions and helping out 'their club'.

Isaac - Yes it was more of a general thing rather than some of the things mentioned here in regards to players and coaches and their decisions. However I don't think the club would be looking for much input on coaching and player issue (not to say it shouldn't be discussed).

In regards to fans and members there is one thing that has always bugged me with the Sixers and I believe they tried to change this but didnt put all that much effort into it. That is the difference between members/season ticket holders and the casual fans. There are so many things that can be done to make members/season ticket holders feel more a part of the club that dont cost a great deal of money but some time and effort.
The die hards will always sign up, you could pretty much setup a direct debit system with those guys and just post them their yearly renewal ticket. But there are plenty that would think long and hard ever year about the cost of a season ticket and what extra benefits they actually get out of it, it often turns out if you miss a couple of games your better off buying game by game. I believe one season it was actually cheaper to capitilise on the 2 for 1 deals that were regularly offered. Make fans feel like they are a real part of the club and give them a little extra.
Enough going off on a tangent, back to discussion.

Reply #214055 | Report this post

Help Mal  
Years ago

I think that letting people give feedback on there club is a great idea as we are the poeple going ever week and we know what we want. A cross section of people would also be great some season ticket holders, some biy ticket at door people and sponsors as we all want something a little different and see thing that might need improving.

It wouldnt be that expensive for the sixers to put something like this on all you need is some pizza and some drink. The improvements that might come of this might get a couple of door sales people to buy a season ticket next year or a season ticket holder to buy again as numbers of season ticket holder look like they are going down every year.

Reply #214067 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Basically it isnt a bad suggestion from DD Fan but I would see it more of a supporters club for interaction as a group and a link with club.
My friend in Qld went to 2-3 open discussion in the good days of Groves time at Bullets.
I have had opportunity on 2-3 occasions to get inside the Port Power in their boardroom and through club and I am far from a Power supporter.
As a passionate sixers supporter I have had no interaction with the club apart from my seasons tickets since they moved to powerhouse.
I realize that in some way that is my doing as well.
Real sixer supporters is not a large group and seriously would be valuable to the club as well.
My thoughts

Reply #214129 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

In the absence of action, I hearby nominate DDFan as the President of the "Sixers Fans Consultative Committee" Any seconders?

Now, first meeting. Let's all meet at half time by the western bar on the southern side on Sat. night. The President shouts the first round of pales so make sure you identify yourself by using the secret code phrase "Julius is not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy"

No agenda first meeting, just intros.

I'll be the one wearing the sixer's polo shirt.

Reply #214133 | Report this post

Years ago

In the absence of action, I hearby nominate DDFan as the President of the "Sixers Fans Consultative Committee" Any seconders?

That's one way to make sure that no-one within the organisation ever takes it seriously.

Reply #214138 | Report this post

Years ago

I'll be the one in the Murray Magpie outfit.

Reply #214140 | Report this post

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago

Jack Toft - could we change the name to the Sixers Fans Action Committee", instead of consultative?

That way it could be known as the SFA committee. One, because SFA is what it would probably achieve, and two, because if DDFan is president, it just seems fitting. :)

Reply #214145 | Report this post

Years ago

Everyone has given some very interesting viewpoints that are definately worth discussing further.
If me and my head weren't a million miles away helping parents in Brisbane clean up 2 weeks worth of aggressive storm damage and dealing with beauracrat insurance companies, I'd be keen.

Reply #214177 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

See you all at half time!

Reply #214314 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac - Are you really Murray??

Reply #214320 | Report this post

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