"- Eddie Groves' situation has NOTHING at all to do with Chuck" and "- The above two major teams demise lead to less Fox time, and no major sponsor."
Here's a fact for you guys that listen with your ears open, because some of you need to get out the cotton buds and give those ears a good clean out.
The Bullets were the first (and so far, only) team to be asked to pay the $1.5 million ransom when 6 months ago, it wasn't even criteria and nobody else, including the Spirit, were asked to do so.
I know a lot of you hate the Bullets and perhaps that often clouds some people's judgement, but as a recent Adelaidian, if the 36ers were the only club to be asked to part with money one week before the licence was revoked which could not have been raised in that time because it was not verbalised or existing criteria, then I'd be crying foul in the sixers' defence also.... actually, I stand corrected- I would defend ANY club (including the Tigers or Dragons which I loathe) for being told they have to comply with non-existent criteria.
The NBL should be kicked in the a$$ for having the utter cheek to suggest such a thing, and Groves basically told Chuck on the phone that he had put a lot of money into the sport and was not impressed with Chuck pulling figures out of the sky and being so ungrateful before telling him to go and get you know what and putting the phone down.
We are hearing about the bank guarantee since the reciew findings, but the absolute truth which I swear on my mother's grave, is that the Bullets were asked to do that one week before the 30th of June and the NBL had NO RIGHT to ask that of them and make their players and fans suffer the brutal and insensitive consequences.
The $1.5 million is clearly a figure the NBL has had on the brain for some time now- sadly, long before the review findings were even being generated.
That is the sad reality of their legacy, so when you can find a club that experienced folding in THAT manner, then come back and bash it out with me.
Until then, stop making assumptions that they folded in no different circumstances to any other club, because you are wrong, wrong wrong.
Their fans have every darn right to be bitter and are owed big time by Chuck in making it right for next year- not cheating to get in sideways, but sure as hell not being asked to dance to Chuck's tune because he says so.