Tomb it may concern:
I have a bone to pick with Charles Sturt's Dome carpark, it should've gone underground to cater for our fair weather fans.
Funny how Victoria gets a mention as to the direction we need to be heading. Had the good fortune of having the company of some quality Tigs fans (6/12), & they absolutely lust over the Dome.
"The Dome is AMAZING, wish we had something like this" Their words, not mine.
To back it up, DJ recently posted the seating at Hisense, & that venue has serious issues just looking at the floor plan. Thoughts?
The Cage seats 3.5k, & that's it folks. Thoughts?
FFS, you guys are suggesting that Victoria's professional stadiums are something to be jealous of? WTF!!!!!
OK, let's live out ExWhy's pipedream that the Dome gets sold & the monies go towards building this new stadium that we have to have. How long would it be before the new venue doors open? Does anyone seriously think that the fantasy Dome buyers would agree to the 36ers playing out of the Dome till the new stadium doors open? Even if they did, they'd charge $hitload$, they'd have to.
I'll continue the fairytale & exhule Isaac's grave, but stimulating suggestion. Perhaps build a small test stadium there to be used for "training" purposes only. Give it a catchy name, maybe "The Gravy Train" Venue. If after a week it look$ promi$ing, knock it down, & build a basketball stadium that we can all be proud of. I can't see the government knocking back underground parking, the precedent's been set nextdoor & the residents aren't about to make a noise about it.