Years ago
Did the Sixers actually beat Brisbane?
Did the 36ERS actually beat the Bullets last night?
The final scoreline according to all articles reads 92-91, favouring the Bullets.
The rarely accurate NBL live scores showed the same total, but individual player scores totalled 94-95 (favouring Adelaide).
After the game, the live scores reverted to the third quarter and two scores were modified. A Forman three pointer, and a Bryant Matthews two point basket. Forman was listed as having scored 9 points. Rychart as having 25.
The NBL online report lists Rychart as having scored 25. Sportal lists Rychart as having scored 25.
But the boxscore now lists Forman as having scored 7 and Rychart as having scored 23.
Forum poster EC printed out 11 pages of the live score updates and went through to look for a discrepancy. At the 6:02 mark of the third quarter, both Rychart and Forman scored two points.
Given that the two are similar in appearance (from a distance even I have trouble telling them apart in game footage, etc), the confusion over who scored the basket is definitely a possibility. But could both scores have missed being included?
The NBL boxscore online has been modified and does not show player totals or team totals per quarter.
What actually happened?
Was it an actual error that was correctly fixed, or is something going on?
Can any statistician who knows the process shed light on what might have occurred?
What I know is that live stats are separate from the official stats, that official stats are final once signed off, and that the live stats are often wrong.
Still doesn't explain why the quarter-by-quarter stats would be removed from the boxscore.