Years ago

Basketball review stage 2

Stage 2 of the basketball review in Australia has been posted on the BA website, which includes all the findings.

However, there are some puzzlers.

"The basketball community is also disconnected from the elite level of the game. This was clearly
demonstrated during the 2007/08 Hummer NBL Finals Series when, despite one of the tightest and
most enthralling series in the history of the NBL, the final Championship game attracted only 68,000
viewers on Fox Sports  about 10% of basketball participants in this country. This clearly highlights
the growing gulf between community and elite basketball in Australia."

How can they complain about only 10% of basketball participants watching the NBL finals without first finding out how many actually have pay tv?

Topic #17372 | Report this topic

Why bother  
Years ago

U17 and World Uni Game programs being fully funded by athletes (or not conducted).

Surely out of their budget they can fund most of the costs for these athletes!!!

Reply #204414 | Report this post

Years ago

I do like this reccommendation.

"Have regular games/tournaments for the Opals and Boomers in Australia against
quality opposition which are planned and promoted well in advance, commencing in

Reply #204415 | Report this post

Years ago

Power to the little people.

"A revised voting structure that ensures current member states/territory associations
hold 60% of the votes, with NBL Clubs holding the remaining 40%"

Reply #204416 | Report this post

Years ago

"Much greater focus and concentration given to commercial, public relations, media and
marketing for the whole of the sport."

Beats the lack of a proper launch this season.

Reply #204417 | Report this post

Years ago

Anything exciting in the report? The press release was pretty boring, only mentioning this:

The review recommends the development of an elite men's competition to replace the current NBL for season 2009/10 with a revised format commercially attractive to broadcasters and business partners, and working with FIBA (International Basketball Federation) to create and participate in an Asian Club Championship from 2010.
And maybe:
The best possible competition with NewBCo to conduct a review in 2009 of innovative ways to attract, contract and distribute players.
In November or so, they will take registrations of interest for teams to stay in the new league. I think we can assume there will be a hefty new license fee involved to help fund it all?

Reply #204420 | Report this post

amanda jones  
Years ago

I spoke with the CEO of netball Aus at lunch on Tuesday and she made some very supportive comments about the process BA are working through. Clearly BA need some invigoration and not just at the board level. when you think of the progress netball have made moving to free to air etc, I think that we could learn some lessons on how they promote (now theres a concept)their game and why it is achieving the level of success that they are. I also think that we have some distance to travel yet and need to support the process.

I lok forward to how BA interpret the findings and implement.

Reply #204422 | Report this post

Years ago

Well at least we won't have to worry about the massive conflict of interest that exists when owners get their untouchable asses on the board.
That was one of the issues brought up last night in Brisbane and will be a thing of the past.
What were they thinking- as though doing that wasn't going to make the League more inbred.

Reply #204426 | Report this post

Years ago

bulldog...hope you are being facetious with your little people comment....seeings as state territorys/assocs currently hold about 85% of the vote...

Reply #204430 | Report this post

Years ago

HAHA, you don't have a conflict of interest by being on a Board....no matter how poorly the NBL's boartd might be structured currently. You have a conflict of interest when you discuss/promote/vote on an issue which benefits you directly because of some other association you may have.

Reply #204431 | Report this post

Years ago

HO, tell that to Eddy groves and Seamus McPeake!

Reply #204432 | Report this post

Years ago

exactly, they won't be allowed to do this in the new league from what i heard was said last night.

Reply #204433 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #204433,

What won't they be able to do? be on the board or exercise a conflict of interest while they are there?

Reply #204437 | Report this post

Years ago

as haha already mentioned, they can either run a club, or be on the board- not both.
they have recognised that unless we all live in utopia, it is very easy to blur the lines between being more interested in the benefit of the sport and being involved in making decisions that might moreso benefit the team they own.
clearly a good move... otherwise they would've left it as is.

Reply #204441 | Report this post

Years ago

So your saying that the board must be 100% independent?

I guess that means that noone on the board can have anything to do with the Boomers, junior ball, social ball etc as we wouldnt want them to blur the lines between the sport and their own area of interest.

As HO said being on the board isnt the conflict of interest - rather the conflict interest that position to influence decision to further ones own cause.

IMO any board needs to be made up of parties from all areas of the sport and not exclude anyone just because they have an interest in one area or another

Reply #204445 | Report this post

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