Years ago

western magic's junior results

I have nothing to do with any clubs in this area -

firstly i wish to congratulate western magic on a very high % of their teams going deep into the finals so far.

albeit a majority of them are in div 3-4-5.

One thing I do see is hardly any woodville or west teams doing well in the same grades - which prompts me to think in years gone by these kids would have been playing or warriors or bearcats.

It makes me wonder what will happen over the next 5 years or so - will western be another "northern rattlers" setup or dinkum?

Topic #17263 | Report this topic

Years ago

are rattlers still around?

Reply #203407 | Report this post

Years ago

its a shame that we can't have more and more clubs coming into the system and surving

Reply #203408 | Report this post

Years ago

spadge i'll let u go first on this one before i get it locked lol

Reply #203416 | Report this post

missing in action  
Years ago

booga is back - well well what have you got to say -
Well done magic Div 3-4 -5 most left because didnt want to play higher div - far enough but maybe tide is turning confidence success demands more - number of ex warriors and bearcats on the return looking to play higher div
basketball is king westside

Reply #203417 | Report this post

Years ago

Western wont survive. they've taken players who coupld be playing higher to get to stability in the club hence finals. you have div 2 grade players and whole teams playing 3's or 4's. once these players look to get to div 1 or 2 they will go back to west or woodville and western won't be able to compete.

Reply #203422 | Report this post

Alien Vs Predator  
Years ago

Havnt seen any agro from Spadge and Booga for a long time.

Take your corners....

Reply #203470 | Report this post

Years ago

IMO need to limit the number of clubs to create a stronger association. The more clubs and teams the weaker the comp.

Reply #203550 | Report this post

Years ago

Div 1s and Div 2s playing Div 3,4,5s,i think i can gess why this is so , and do not come back and say about basketball S.A not leting u play div 1 and 2 u r a social club and should be vanished to the social comp as all social clubs should b vanished .

Reply #203953 | Report this post

Someone Else  
Years ago

Do you mean banished?

I may not be a fan of Western Magic, but I dont think they deserve to completely disappear!

Reply #203958 | Report this post

Years ago

Magic do not deserve to be playing in the district comp. All they are doing is what everyone else has already said - taking players who should be playing in div 1 and div 2, and putting them in div 3 and div 4. Where is the merit or achievement in that? Anyone who knows anything about basketball is agains Magic.

What good does it do the kids at Magic, or any of the other clubs. The kids at Magic will never improve if they are playing at a level below where they should be, and it kills the kids confidence in the lower grades who are there to learn and to improve.

The club motto at Magic is pretty much play down so you can have an easy win. That is not what sport is about. I think Magic should go back to social, they are doing more harm than good in this league.

Reply #206394 | Report this post

Years ago

Wheellee - Magic - vanished - kinda goes together!

Reply #206396 | Report this post

Guess Who  
Years ago

I have never heard of a club "taking players", how exactly does that happen? A player just can't be "taken", if they want to go they go, deal with it.
Perhaps if anybody was at Pasadena on the friday night and saturday morning grand finals they might appreciate what magic is all about, a hell of a lot of support from all the other players and parents of other teams which hung around until the last game at 11.30.
After such a successful winter season, teams have again been nominatated in higher divisions, we can only hope we get them finally. Believe what you will but that is a fact.
I can asssure you that the club motto is not "play down so you can have an easy win". By saying that you are insulting the kids, parents and everyone who has worked very hard to get the club up and running.
Much of the stuff written on here about magic is ridiculous and unfortunately for you people we wont go away.

Reply #206822 | Report this post

Years ago

SPADGE is that you?

Reply #206836 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately there is not enough support for three district clubs in the one area and BSA should lead not make a grab for money. The sport is on its knees now and encouraging more clubs to join and suck lower grade players out was and is wrong.
I have no gripe with magic or any club but fail to understand the BSA rationale behind growing basketball in this state. More clubs in small areas does not equate to more players just less at other clubs.
Get some $#^&*( leadership.

Reply #206837 | Report this post

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