Years ago

NBL Salary Cap a joke

What a joke the NBL salary cap is. How on earth the Melbourne Tigers are under the cap is anyone's guess.
They have the 3 best players in the comp on their team, plus 2 others that would be in the top 10.
There is no way in the world that they could even be close to be being under the cap.
Another excellent case of the NBL being a big joke and being run by work experience kids.
Simple common sense can see that it is immpossible to fit all these players under a 700,000 team salary cap.
It's no surprise that teams that have fallen over these past off season have been the ones that have cheated the salary cap, so it won't surprise me when the Tigers do the same in a couple years.

Topic #17228 | Report this topic

Years ago

you are a dick

Reply #203040 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure it appears that numerous teams are well over the cap. At the moment the Tigers appear to be the biggest offender but how does anyone on here actually know what their players ae being paid.
We can all speculate that Anstey is getting paid bucket loads but does anyone actually know this for a fact? Maybe be earnt bog loads playing OS in the past and is hapy just playing for pocket money till retirement as his previous earnings have been invested wisely?
Maybe Sam Mac is in a similar boat and just wants to play for another chapionship and with his injury record over the last few years is also playing for pocket change?
And as for everyone continally bagging the tigers and saying its a disgrace - If they are doing it then surely the Dragons are too...and Cairns, and NZ and even the Sixers - does that make these teams a disgrace as well?

Reply #203044 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha MacKinnon is not playing for peanuts - that's hilarious even to presume that.

And for that matter, neither is Anstey.


A lot of teams are probably over the cap, but there is a difference to blowing it right out of the fricking water.

Reply #203058 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The Salary cap is a joke and all the clubs and players know it.
I would be tempted to write to the NBL and ask them to verify that all clubs are within the salary cap, however, I believe the paper and ink would be wasted and only contribute to global warming.

Maybe a email would suffice?

If one had evidence that a club (eg Mebourne) were over the salary cap, the NBL didn't do anything about it, and they won the title, as a supporter I would suggest there would actually be a reasonable civil law case against the NBL in the courts for delivery of goods under mis-leading advertising/promotion.

The salary cap could not be brushed off as "advertising puff". The purchase of a ticket to an NBL game is a contractural arrangement and having all teams under a salary cap is a condition of contract stated by the NBL. If the NBL does not comply with that condition of contract and the purchaser of a ticket has directly suffered as a result, then a claim for civil damages could result. The only problem is determining the damages.

Alternatively, any vendor of any good has an obligation to ensure that the products delivered are fit for purpose under consumer law. Would non-compliance with a salary cap (condition of the good) mean that the goods and then deemed "not of merchantable quality"?

Surely there's someone of this forum who is a lawyer! Has a precendence been set elsewhere? Any comments?

Reply #203065 | Report this post

Years ago

There is a massive difference between blowing the cap by a couple thousand and blowing it like the tigers are. Don't make up crap either that Sammy and Anstey are playing for peanuts as that is a lot of shit. We all know they are outside the cap big time but the NBL is too gut less to do anything about it. Why do you think Sammy was one of the first to leave Brisbane after Eddy wound up in trouble, because he knew the new owners couldn't pay him under the table like eddy did.
This is not a Tigers bashing, if they can get away with it then good on them, its a NBL bashing. With the people they have running the NBL at the moment, the professional game will be dead in 2 years.

Reply #203072 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone remind me when to stop laughing at Anstey and McKinnon playing for peanuts because they earned plenty in the past and invested it well. I am sure many other clubs could have offered a lot more for them if the Tigers were paying them peanuts, so why do they choose to play for the Tigers? They now have fitted another player into their already stacked roster that rumour has it that he was seeking half the salary cap alone. No one other than the Tiger's admin knows for a fact what they are paying their players but you just have to do the sums to see it doesn't add up. Their salaries have to be 2 tiered. The first showing their wages under the salary cap and the 2nd paid as promotional type work or other work assisting the business interests of its owner. Still illegal under the NBL rules but still can be hidden. How many times do you hear clubs say they couldn't afford a particular player and then that player ends up on the Tiger's roster. They are the only team I know that can afford all the unaffordables and yet fit under the cap.

Reply #203091 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, there are a few lawyers who read and post on the forum, yes.

Reply #203095 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't the cap now $1 million?

Reply #203189 | Report this post

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