Years ago
Goorjian - Don't hate him
BG is not one of the more popular characters amongst Sixers fans, but stop and spare a thought about some of the decent things he does. A couple spring to my mind. Just last night at the All Stars game, Dusty pulled up sore after warm ups. With the Sixers playing Sydney tomorrow night, Goorjian could have used this to his advantage. Instead he allowed Dusty to sit out the game, giving him a good opportunity to not only avoid aggravation to his soreness but also avoid another injury. Another example was in the pre season of last season when Brett was living in Sydney with his family due to his son's illness. Goorjian offered him training facilities with the Kings. I thought that was a good humane gesture.
I'm sure a lot of the comments made about him are simply due to the competitive nature of the league.