Years ago
Olympic Coverage: UK vs Channel 7
With every 2nd thread being about how poor channel 7's coverage of the games has been I thought I'd let you know what the coverage is like in the UK which will hopefully provide you with a glimmer of hope for future games when Australia has fully embraced digital TV and all it has to offer.
The main broadcaster is the BBC (sort of like a mixture between the ABC and a commercial station, ie government owned but they rate well) but Eurosport acts as a secondary provider for some of the less mainstream events, such as basketball. Within the BBC broadcast you can hit the red button on your remote and select from about 4 or 5 sports plus a constant highlight package of the day, so if you're not into the diving they're showing on the main feed you can switch to the badminton stadium, or the boxing ring or whatever. Obviously a choice of 4 or 5 sports doesn't cover the full spectrum, but it's a lot better than no choice at all. A downside of these additional channels is that you can't record them on a Sky Plus box.
Eurosport is bloody excellent. I watched and taped the USA China match on Sunday, and tomorrow's Australia Argentina match is being shown live in its entirety, I'll be at work while it's on but I'll be taping it and am certainly looking forward to getting home and engrossing myself in it at the end of the day.
I'm surprised that 7 aren't showing more sports through their digital channels (or are they? Just not basketball?). Either way I'm confident that in 4 years time things will have improved and we will all enjoy the 1-2 punch of Bogut and Mills leading Australia to the podium.