Years ago
NBL Predictions 08/09
I think....
1. South Dragons
2. Melbourne Tigers
3. Perth
4. NZ (very close with perth)
5. Townsville
6. Adelaide (With Hodge)
7. Wollongong
8. Cairns
9. Sydney
10. Blaze
11. Singapore
(Mod: Here, let me help.......)
Redhage - if he stays ahead of hinson for stats
Anstey - The man for the tigers
Hodge - if he returns
Ballinger - If Hodge does not return and he wins the teams best player
Corey Williams
I think the MVP will will be one of those players. I doubt any south dragons player will win it due to Goorj being their coach and the points and stats will be spread.
Most improved - Nathan Herbert, Lindsay Tait, Caporn, Anthony Petrie, Vukona, Drew Williamson are my favourites to win it