Kent Brockman
Years ago

Brett Burton loses 210k to Firepower

plus other info.

Amazing that these guys have not said something before although after watching the 4 corners show and how it was in their own self interest not to spaek out is no suprise

Topic #16574 | Report this topic

Black Dracula  
Years ago


Reply #195011 | Report this post

Years ago

How thick do you have to be to invest in that company? Just a little bit of research would have shown you that they were not legit.

Reply #195012 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah nutwork, great post mate. Look at the list of investors and watch the Four Corners segment.

Also, please tell me where you are investing at the moment. Corn? Overnight junk bonds?

Reply #195014 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

Kad, that company smelt bad from the get go.

Even looking at their web site would have told you something weird was going on. A retailer in Tasmania at a bait and tackle store and one other at a truck stop

People hear what they want to believe, the stock market works on fear and greed. The only thing with this company is that it was not on any stock exchange.

No PDS was issued as there wasn't one. That should make people cautious in the first place.

Alledgedly someone who is no longer at the Crows was getting a finders fee for everyone he got to buy shares.

And i thought slaves built the world's biggest pyramid

Reply #195015 | Report this post

Years ago

Kad, do your research mate. If you do you will find that I posted about firepower long before the media started talking about them. I invest in property and blue chip shares and not dodgy companies that tell fairy tales!

Reply #195016 | Report this post

Years ago

Kad - anything that is a "new technology" that is being distributed by "network marketing" is a sham. If it's any good, it will be in available in shops.

That goes for Noni Juice, fuel saver pills, on-line grocery shopping and Amway.

Here's my tip - if any "friend" asks you to meet with them to discuss something important or a "great opportunity" but won't tell you what it is until you see them, punch them in the face really hard and say "please deposit your pyramid scheme where the sun don't shine."

These people really shit me, but their existence is supported by the ever replenished supply of gullible and greedy people. Furthermore, once these people are involved and see that the product is a joke it is in their self interest to get more people involved to benefit from commission payments. Never ending cycle.

Reply #195017 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Rather interesting watch of the Four Corners report regarding this.

Unfortunately as they said in the report; they were pummeling investors with bullshit facts about a product that actually does nothing. Firepower made nearly 1 Billion off of pre-sales etc. and investments.

In un-related news, see that old Roo is pushing his new Hotel? I've seen about 7 ads for it.

Reply #195020 | Report this post

Years ago

"Here's my tip - if any "friend" asks you to meet with them to discuss something important or a "great opportunity" but won't tell you what it is until you see them, punch them in the face really hard and say "please deposit your pyramid scheme where the sun don't shine.""

Absolute gold thedoctor, thanks for the good laugh to start the day.

Reply #195021 | Report this post

act now  
Years ago

Does that mean i can sledge brett burton this weekend at the SCG about losing all this money, this doesn't fall under racial discrimination and i'm not bagging out his family so it's fine right? Go swans

Reply #195022 | Report this post

Years ago

act now - the Birdman did his knee two weeks ago and is out for a year - maybe forever. It would be a man with no compassion that brings up the lost $210K at this time. And I'm a Power supporter

Reply #195023 | Report this post

Years ago

The saddest part is that it seems like all the scheme needed was the APPEARANCE of legitimacy from some shmuck organisation to get the whole thing rolling.

(Think of Hans Gruber in Die Hard)
Gentlemen.....I give you.....the Australian Government.

Reply #195024 | Report this post

Years ago

I had a couple of "mates" try the Noni Juice and fuel-saver pills pitch with me. I went to a Noni Juice info night with the top SA seller, except I took with me print outs of independent research that shows the product is nothing more than an expensive, bad tasting juice with heaps of sugar in it.

I listened for an hour while this used-car salesman made his pitch. 99% of the time he spoke about the money that could be made while brushing over the actual product and its merits. Every time I asked a question he smoothed it over and focussed back on the money side of thinmgs.

Eventually I got annoyed, stood up and proclaimed that it was a load of shit and handed out the articles to the others in the info session. The used car-salesman didn't know what to do. Very satisfying

Reply #195026 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't recall the date but there was a post about 1-2 years ago which referred to an investigation about Firepower. What worries me is that the NBL came out in support of Firepower and their sponsorship of the Kings. How gullible does that make the people running basketball in this country? (sorry I think that is a rhetroical question)

Reply #195027 | Report this post

You always need to worry when someone spends more time talking about the potential profits than the product itself.

I seem to remember Fitzy pushing this company on Nova a few years ago- you'd think that this may amount to a conflict of interest considering the substantial shareholding he had in Firepower.

Reply #195032 | Report this post

Years ago

Ha ha.... Birdman??? more like Birdbrain...

Reply #195033 | Report this post

Years ago

You can't legislate against stupidity. The lack of financial literacy amongst the general population is astounding and everyone seems to think they can get something for nothing. What's even worse is presumably these guys got advice from people who should have known what they were doing. Those advisors are the real problem here.

Reply #195034 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey guys - I know the King of Nigeria right ... and you see he died but if you give me ...

Reply #195105 | Report this post

Years ago

anyone who put money in this is retarded... people on 4 corners continued to say he was a charismatic person and had answers for everything, etc etc... ok wicked, he can talk a good game, but wheres the paperwork backed up by legit people outside of the company and who have no interest in it? stupid people who sank money in this deserve to lose it

Reply #195111 | Report this post

Years ago

Watched the 4 corners things last night, the thing that really stood out to me was that all the advertising and sponsorship of sport in Australia was essentially to promote the company to potential investors and not to promote the product itself which was not available in shops (besides a bait shop in Tasmania and a road house in WA or something).

Also found the story of meeting disgruntled investors of a previous company in NZ quite funny actually, mid meeting he looks at his watch and says "You'll have to excuse me, I have to pick the kids up from school, make yourselves comfortable, grab a cup of tea, I'll be back shortly" then he pretty much goes straight to the airport and leaves the country!

Reply #195132 | Report this post

Years ago

I find it quite funny that all the people involved in losing money are obviously quite gullible. I know 4 "successful" well known high profile business men around town that lost over 1 million between them. Greed plays a huge part in their motivation. with the Eddie Groves saga as well the NBL have to take stock as to who they have sponsoring the game - Footballers are dumb so that explains their losses.

Reply #195184 | Report this post

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