Years ago
All Time Favourite Wrestler
I know this is off topic but....
Im going for the Ultimate Warrior
and cant go past Hulk
Years ago
I know this is off topic but....
Im going for the Ultimate Warrior
and cant go past Hulk
Years ago
For Bad Guy: Undertaker (when he kidnapped steph mcmohn)
For Gimmic: The Cat or Rakishi with Scotty too Hotty and grand master sexy
Boom Patrol
Years ago
personally my fav was the big red machine kane!!!
hes crap now but in his prime with the mask he was massive! so much strength and power, yet vince mcmahon never made him win the big matches, he was the WWF champion for 1 day!!
2nd and 3rd i love the rock and stone cold, their feuds and matches were amazing! made the atmosphere in the stadiums unbeliveable!!
Boris Yeltzin
Years ago
In Gimmick Mode: Bret Hart as a good guy
For pure entertainment: Owen Hart, always good to watch
Years ago
Over rated choreographed crap that takes up my foxtel...
Years ago
Absolute #1 I have to say Chris Jehrico - don't mind him as a face or heel but if I had to choose I would say heel. I also loved Kurt Angle.
As a face - huge on Mankind.
In the old WCW days I was a big Sting fan.
eastern lowland gorilla
Years ago
When kurt angle and stone cold were vince mcmahons cronies, that was the best thing ever.
Years ago
the game HHH. anyone with motorhead intro music demands my respect.
Ben Fitz
Years ago
Ran into Booker T one night at the crown and then endeed up playing blackjack on the same table as RVD.
I always used to think that it was BS when the commentators would say he is "6'10" or whatever about a wrestler.
Once you have seen how big Booker is and then see him fight Kane or the Big Show i now believe them when they say how big someone is.
Years ago
Ultimate Warrior for me.
Favourite match ever was the retirement match between him and Macho Man Randy Savage.
Years ago
Hulk Hogan for old skool
Stone Cold
The Rock
John Cena
Big Kahli
Mark Henry
Years ago
Cant believe so many people are bypassing The Rock and Stone Cold!
They single handedly revived the WWF in the late 90's and made the WWE what it is today.
Years ago
I sat next to HHH on a plane earlier this year when they were in OZ, he was a really nice guy. rather shy too which was surprising.
Matt Ryan
Years ago
GREATEST CAREER BABYFACE (ie. only played the good guy role for his entire career): Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
GREATEST CAREER TWEENER (ie. could play both heel and face during their career): The 16 time Heavyweight champion of the world... The Dirtiest Player in the Game... Space Mountain... The Limousine Ridin', Jet Flying, Kiss Stealin', Wheelin' Dealin', Son of a Gun... The "NATURE BOY" Ric Flair
GREATEST CAREER HEEL (ie. only played the bad guy role for his entire career): "Ravishing" Rick Rude
Years ago
Cactus Jack/Cactus Jack Foley/Cactus Jack Manson/Dude Love/Jack Foley/Mankind/Mick Foley/Nick Foley/Super Zodiac
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock
Kurt Angle
'The Road Dogg' Jesse James
Trish Stratus
John Cena
Notable mention 'Goldberg' Bill Goldberg (WCW)
The Rock and Sock connection - now that was quality!
Stone Cold vs McMahon
s vidmar
Years ago
Scotty too Hotty
Wolfpac (Hall and Nash)
Billy Kidman
Brett Hart
Rowdy Rowdy Piper
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Jeff Jarret
Norman Smiley
For me is........
Jake the Snake Robinson
The Iron Shiek
Andre the Giant
The Spanish Inquisition
Years ago
I used to be slightly amused by Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake
Years ago
Couldn't believe Andre didnt't get a mention till now. I remember him from such funerals as "Andre the Giant, we hardly knew ye".
Years ago
Favourite moves
Choke slam
Tight rope walk while holding the opponents arm in a twisted motion then....BANG! OH MY GOD JERRY the king LAWLER DID YOU SEE THAT
s vidmar
Years ago
Coco Be Ware
Junk Yard Dog
Booker T's brother Stevie Ray
Scott and Rick Steiner (Big Puppa Pump)
Ian Grigg
Simon Stapleton
Steve Holder
not sure about the last 3, someone may need to check those.
Years ago
Not one person has mentioned the Nature Boy...Ric Flair
For me it was DDP, Stone Cold or Sting
Years ago
Old school ECW The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Tazz, Bam Bam, Sabu, etc etc.
Dont forget the most hated men in all of wrestling at the time..... The Dudley Boys
Years ago
Brute Bernard
George The Animal Steele
Bulldog Bob Brauer
(for some who can remember that far back!)
Years ago
Firstly, for those who complain that it's "choreographed" or "it's fake" or whatever, you know, most movies and television shows are the same. Give these guys credit for basically creating an action movie live in front of a crowd, and doing all the stunts themselves.
As for my favourite wrestlers, over the time I've been watching both new and old wrestling (about 10 years), I've greatly enjoyed the work of the following wrestlers:
- Mick Foley
- Rob Van Dam
- Sabu
- Saturn
- Raven
- Yoshihiro Tajiri
- Super Crazy
- Steve Corino
- Edge
- Al Snow
- Mike Awesome
- Ken Shamrock
- Bret Hart
- Late '90s Undertaker
- Pre-1998 Steve Austin
- '80s Ric Flair
- Juventud Guerrera
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