Melvin Corpuscle
Years ago
Derwin's comments on ABC 06/07/08
BA CEO Scott Derwin was interviewed on ABC this morning. A lot of expected "politician answers" relating to Sydney and Brisbane being out of the league, Foxtel dropping coverage, and trying to convince Hummer to stay onboard ... BUT, a few interesting points:
- Expecting to have a return of a team from Brisbane and Sydney for the 09/10 season
- Theres a review in place that will recommmend a new new league structure in 2009/10 with a REDUCTION in total number of teams (which teams would we lose ? Singapore ? Pigs?)
- With league being only 11 teams this year, the NBL finals WILL NOT be 8 teams - and that an announcement will be made within a few weeks of the new finals structure for 08/09
You'd think the review and the changed finals structure are well overdue ...