Years ago

club fees compared to other sports

just wondering why clubs charge players so much to play for them?
i just finished playing gridiron where it costs $200 to $250 a season and that gets u the pads, uniform and all that where as when i did play district basketball i remember it being $350 a season.
In gridiron u get exactly the same things from your club, there are more officials so it cant be that with basketball, less players than basketball so we cant say for usuage of the stadiums.

This could also help out with the prvious thread about petrol prices, if club fees were to drop, does anyone else think that this would help keep more kids playing the game of basketball?

Topic #16355 | Report this topic

Years ago

Those big things you play in called stadiums cost $millions. Sooner or later someone has to pay for it. Court hire, BSA fees - alot of it goes into stadiums.

Reply #192673 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah i know that but gridiron is played the distinctive home hockey arena, yes only one stadium but would cost alot to hire out every saturday night for 3-4 months.
surely clubs could just drop the fees by $50 - $100?

Reply #192675 | Report this post

vagina monolouges  
Years ago

I love it when a question is asked and answered and if someone doesn't like the answer they try to justify why the answer doesn't apply.

basketball teams train 2 times a week and the club has to pay for that. thats 3 hours a week for every team. a club with 20 teams are looking at 60 hours a week for venue hire at about $25 per hour thats 1500 a week for 40 weeks a year so $60000 a year. a club with 20 teams would have approx 160 players. that is $375 a player for venue hire for the year, then there are admin costs of about 400 a team for BSA. thats another $50 a pop for players, then you have the ABA teams that would cost $30000 to run ($15000 in players salary and approx $10000 in coaches and $5000 for admin and uniforms) there is another $190 for the players.

Grand total $615.00

and that is running an ABA club of 20 teams without any of the incidentals like first aid, training for coaches and managers.

Hope that helps to clarify for you

Reply #192677 | Report this post

Years ago

Didn't we just have this thread?

Some clubs put their expenditure's in their newsletters in a nice pie-chart - the last one I saw had some ridiculous amount (around 80%) went on stadium hire for trainings.

Do you think the clubs are sitting on piles of cash that they have saved up from screwing player/parents out of? If they could afford to do it, they would.

Reply #192684 | Report this post

Years ago

Its a real shame that Sponsors dont get on board as much as they do for Amature/Country footy teams. I would say that a country footy side would play more for players than ABA teams.

Imagine how good the junior development would be in this case. And over time how much it would lift the standard of Aussie Ball.


Reply #192685 | Report this post

Years ago

is there any potential to shave court hire costs by (where appropriate) sharing courts between teams? or shifting 1% of drills to open spaces (in summer especially)?

Reply #192687 | Report this post

dickle tick  
Years ago

I know one club that pays $50K a year for 1 training venue.It is one of at least 5 training venues they use that I know of.

The thing with out door ovals and pitches is that councils seem more willing to subsidise use of an oval to a sporting club rather than stadiums. I am pretty sure it is because as they are "open space" the whole community can have use of the facilities at any time where a stadium needs to be locked at some stage.

My guess is that local cricket and footy clubs pay a whole lot a year less than the local basketball club to use facilities.

Reply #192691 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone know how much Villies pay to sponsor the Eagles or any major sponsors for other clubs. Would be interested to know.

Reply #192694 | Report this post

Years ago

if a club has 20 teams and many have a lot more and each team trains 3 hours a week you get 60 hours a week BUT usually two teams train together which brings this back to 30 hours a week at $25 an hour = $30000 for 40 weeks. and why are juniors having to pay $15000 for seniors player payments and $10000 for Senior coaching payments. junior basketball players in country competions pay nothing like these fees. junior sport should not have to pay senior teams it is making the game out of the reach of many families and reducing the number of players and hence weakening the standard of our player base. fees are too high

Reply #192700 | Report this post

Years ago

if you were any good ..den you will get payed !! otherwise quite down and except ur place in the pecking order

Reply #192701 | Report this post

edward woodwood  
Years ago

#192694, "Anyone know how much Villies pay to sponsor the Eagles or any major sponsors for other clubs. Would be interested to know."

Do you mean officially, or under the counter?

Reply #192704 | Report this post

Years ago

dickle tick,

You are spot on, a couple of the basketball managers in Victoria did a lot of research on this a couple of years back. One was the guy from Knox (now gone) and the other was the BigV GM (now gone).

Their summation was that outdoor sports venues are subsidised by local councils because of the open space argument, and that indoor sports are simply not subsidized at all, in fact councils use that revenue to generate funding to subsidize the "open space".

Forgotten in this argument is the fact that indoor facilities like basketball courts are often totally maintained by the sports organisation so are cost free to their local communities, whereas outdoor facilities incur ongoing maintenance costs to their local communities.

Reply #192719 | Report this post

Years ago

ZZZ all clubs would prefer not to have to pay for their senior programs but it chicken/egg arguement.
You cant have one without the other and expect to compete on top end scale. This is where clubs aim for, the top end.
What you are asking for is a social environment ....rocking up to play on game day.
Training comes at a cost...and all court hire is going through the roof as it is a demand market and they can demand anything they like.
"Life be in it" are taking over more and more of our court spaces and are asking a price of up to $45 per hour which is starting to price it ot of clubs reaches without a fee increase at club level, so you will see teams train less and the competition become weaker because they are spending less time on court.

Reply #192721 | Report this post

Years ago

ZZZ all clubs would prefer not to have to pay for their senior programs but it chicken/egg arguement.
You cant have one without the other and expect to compete on top end scale. This is where clubs aim for, the top end.
What you are asking for is a social environment ....rocking up to play on game day.
Training comes at a cost...and all court hire is going through the roof as it is a demand market and they can demand anything they like.
"Life be in it" are taking over more and more of our court spaces and are asking a price of up to $45 per hour which is starting to price it ot of clubs reaches without a fee increase at club level, so you will see teams train less and the competition become weaker because they are spending less time on court.

Reply #192722 | Report this post

Years ago

The annoying thing with this augument is that the top level players (ABA) at each club are being paid and also subsidised by the junior and lower level players. I feel that these players should also have to pay thier dues and buy thier uniform like every other player within the club. That may help the clubs reduce the fees that they charge evryone else.

Reply #192820 | Report this post

Years ago

no .. us top level playas gotta be paid ... wait ur turn in the pecking order .. if ur good enuff u get paid !! without top ballers there is NO sport !!

Reply #192821 | Report this post

Years ago

Sharpshooter, that is a good argument where clubs get in hired guns.

However, the club junior that has invested far more time, effort and energy for than the Div 3/4 players over many yrs, and subsidised the senior program for many yrs before only to finally reach the highest non-professional level in the country should be paid. Playing ABL isnt a matter of rocking up on game night like div 3 men. Playing ABL is a lifestyle and a significant commitment goes with it for very little financial reward. ABL players should be paid.

Reply #192823 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah ... gonna go on free agency ...gotta feed dem kids !!! .. will only consider max deals only !!

Reply #192831 | Report this post

Years ago

why is the commitment to play ABA any different to playing high level juniors.

At the end of the day they play for enjoyment and opportiunity for improvement and not the money

Reply #192850 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is the commitment to play SANFL any different than ABA? Elite players need to rewarded, and with a group certificate from the club, tax time can be worth more than the minimal payment for an ABA player.

We need to keep paying ABA players, otherwise it is a glorified social comp.

Reply #192855 | Report this post

Years ago

192850 , no you have got it wrong. Most high level juniors are putting in their time to get somewhere. Yes, they love the game but they love striving for excellence. For these kids, which will apply to 90% of them, that are not quite good enough to make it to the NBL they should have a semi-professional league to play in. If you didnt pay ABL players you would find less juniors striving for excellence. Infact I would suggest the reason why so many are going to footy is because the SANFL has more opportunities to earn money therefore the more pay ABL players the more juniors will be prepared to commit to their junior basketball.

Reply #192864 | Report this post

Years ago

is there prize money for the winning team in the state league in sa? in wa? nbl?

is there a way owners get any money back??

Reply #192940 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd like to know how some people think that an ABL side is subsidised by the Junior teams.
Isn't it the club subsidises the ABL team?

Reply #192945 | Report this post

Years ago

And where do you think the CLub gets most of its money from?

Reply #192948 | Report this post

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