Jack Toft
Years ago

Stadium Rankings

OK, there's been a lot of slagging off at stadiums here regarding leaking roof, bad floors, dodgy scoreboards, dodgy sausage rolls at canteens etc. So, how do all the stadiums rank out of 10?

To get the ball rolling, initial scores:
1. Dome 9.5/10
2. Starplex 9
3. Pasedena 8.5
4. MARS 8
5. Morphett Vale 8
7. Marion 7
8. Mt Barker 7
9. Pt Adelaide 7
10. Wayville 5
11. Hillcrest 4

I propose the following points:
* 5 points for player facilities (bench, court condition, rings, lighting etc)
* 4 points for spectator facilties (parking, seating, climate, canteen, scoreboard etc)
* 1 point for overall mix (ease of entry, "feel"

What do you reckon?

Topic #16284 | Report this topic

Years ago

good thread but sorry you're an idiot
pt adelaide, marion and morphettvale ahead of wayville?

Reply #191925 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this just about stadiums in SA?
How contrived!

Reply #191927 | Report this post

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago

Morphett Vale 8? You're kidding right?

Reply #191929 | Report this post

Edinburgh 72  
Years ago

How can Pt Adelaide not be bottom when it doesn't even have full sized courts ?!

Reply #191931 | Report this post

Years ago

I would suggest its more like this

1. Dome
2. Starplex
3. Wayville
4. Pasedena
6. Morphett Vale
7. Hillcrest
8. Marion
9. Pt Adelaide
10. Mt Barker

NON basa stadiums

St Peters = Starplex
Westminster = Mars

Reply #191932 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sorry mate. I'm not even from the city and i know that port adelaide is crap! And marion, did you say that that marion is better than wayville. I sure do hope you didn't marion points for "feel" and "spectator facilities".

Reply #191933 | Report this post

Years ago

Did someone say Hillcrest....aahhhhhh
Home of North Adelaide, South Australia (NASA)

Another caes of mentioning ....Need Another Stadium ASAP

Or perhaps Need Another Seven Stadiums (atleast) Altogether in Adelaide (NASSAA) if we want to talk more about basketball stadiums in this state.

PS...Sorry i don't want to offend anyone and I'm only joking and know it's all about the funding etc and that most of these stadiums have great tradition and atmosphere anyway and provide a great surface for basketball, it's just for a quick laugh to break up the seriousness of the forum!

Reply #191934 | Report this post

Years ago

Can anyone tell me whatever happened to Athol Park (aka Woodlands), formely home of the Woodville Warriors, Adelaide Suns, I believe the Bearcats before St. Ives etc back in the early 90s?

I thought this was a fantastic complex and provided top class facilities for basketball inclduing four courts, club rooms and great atmosphere.

I know it's not there anymore, does anyone know why it ever closed given it was one of the more finer stadiums in this state?

Reply #191935 | Report this post

Years ago

Has Marion changed at all in the last 10 years? Cause it was pretty much a tin shed with hardly any seating back than.

Reply #191936 | Report this post

Years ago

Its funny how one of the worst stadiums (Hillcrest) is getting some of the best results in the ABL competition. Perhaps they don't want another stadium.

Reply #191938 | Report this post

Years ago

I too would like to know what happened to Athol Pk.

I wish I could shoot hoops on Court 1 at Sturt Stadium just one more time, it was my fave.

Reply #191940 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting about the Dome.

Might be ok for 36ers or perhaps ABL but for juniors when all courts being used is a nightmare:- balls flying everywhere, Courts 1 and 3 only seating on one side and limited, main court shocking from a spectators and coaching viewpoint.

Reply #191946 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Mmmm, some interesting stuff. The Dome is pretty good, but the middle court is a shocker for coaching, scoring and watching.
Yes, we are Hoops SA, so we aren't really bothered too much about non-SA stadiums in the "local" thread.
Sounds like:
1. Starplex
2. Dome
3. Pasedena
5. Morphett Vale
6. Wayville
7. Marion
8. Mt Barker
9. Pt Adelaide
10. Hillcrest

Reply #191949 | Report this post

Years ago

they should put another 4-5 courts at wayville and play all games at one place

Reply #191955 | Report this post

Years ago

Athol park was sold out from under the warriors by the old basa. We didnt even get a say in the matter. and we are still waiting for our new stadium to replace it. we were in line before BOTH Forestville and Sturt! all warriors people would love to still be there. the dome is a joke! nothing ever works! we played an abl game there the other week and the shot clock didnt even work! the score boards never work! well shit. Id take athol park any day!

Reply #191960 | Report this post

In respect to lighting for taking photos at night (day games make most venues with decent skylights much better) Mount Barker is clearly the best and Morphett Vale the worst by a big margin.
I'd rate them something like this :

Mount Barker - Pretty good. Nothing technical about the setup, just a `shed load' of fluro's giving a reasonably even and consistent light. White walls and light floor probably help somewhat too. Easily the best photo venue in the CABL.

The Dome - Not too bad for CABL games under half lights, certainly much better than all but Mount Barker. Only problem is lighting is very patchy and you really need to know where the bright and dark spots are to get any decent photos.
Under full lights the Dome is easily the worst venue in the NBL that I have been to.

Pasadena - Big drop in available light from The Dome, however the light is fairly even so it's not all bad.
Light floorboards and walls probably make the lighting better than it really is.
Only real complaint is why is it so cold here ??

Starplex - About the same as Pasadena, only not as cold, bit further to drive though.

Marion - a massive drop down to the next venue. Recent additional lights (think they went in last season) has made a big difference, but you are always going to have problems overcoming a floor that is essentially black. Brown walls don't help much either.
Lighting is a bit patchy, and too harsh above the Northern backboard.

Hillcrest - New lights (or perhaps new globes?) above the keys has helped elevate this a few places. Lighting still very patchy and best near the canteen.
Not too bad if you know where to sit, and certainly much better that it was a few years ago.

Port Adelaide - Lighting is even and consistent, only it's a pity it's consistently dark.

Wayville - How can such a new stadium be so bad?
I have no idea how the Lightning was able to play WNBL games here for so long. Lights are very, very dull. Darkish blue paint on the northern walls make it even worse. A real jekyll and Hyde stadium - excellent during the day when natural light floods in through the skylights, (despite being about 50 degrees during the summer months) and terrible at night.
Lighting is also a bit patchy with a few bright spots and extra dark spots thrown in the mix.
Having all games played here as per anons suggestion is not a good idea.

Mars - Haven't been there at night for a few seasons, but I assume nothing has changed. Very dark and patchy lighting, and something weird is going on with the quality and colour of the light. Can take 5 photos in the same spot with the same settings and each one looks completely different. Requires patience and a lot of post processing to make photos look half decent, one of my least favourite venues in the country.

Morphett Vale - Haven't been there for a while (once again I assume nothing has changed), but easily the worst venue for taking photos at in the CABL.
Lights can only be classed as MIA.

This venue is a massively darker than any other venue in the league.

What little lighting that does exists provides only a `spotlight' effect illuminating just a small part of the court directly above the light.
Floors are basically black which only makes the problem worse. Makes no difference during the day, skylights are not big enough to have any sort of impact - They only provide a few `burnt out' spots to overexpose part of a photo.

The above should provide a bit of an insight in to how we choose which games to go to. We're not biased towards any clubs, only the venues !!

Reply #191965 | Report this post

Years ago

morphett vale is a joke, besides being in the middle of nowhere, i cant stand the dead spots on the court.

Reply #191970 | Report this post

Rocket Love  
Years ago

Even though it may be a hole to some, the Launch Pad will be rocking tonight and will display what local basketball is about.

Get down there and make it the loudest venue in SA.

Go you kets!

Reply #191974 | Report this post

Years ago

Mt Barker is one of the few stadiums with the court surface up to sixers standard to play on; I think that says it all. Also great for spectators.

Reply #191977 | Report this post

Years ago

Mt Barker is one of the few stadiums with the court surface up to sixers standard to play on; I think that says it all. Also great for spectators.

Reply #191978 | Report this post

Years ago

In regards to Athol Park, as a junior warrior back then and back in the days of Vera Craig,
I too was led to believe we were eventually getting a new stadium and that was how long ago since it closed down?

The Dome, whilst it offers modern and first class basketball facilities and was a great temporary replacement, does not offer the tradition and club atmosphere like so many other smaller stadiums. maybe the players or spectators disagree, but it will always and only be the home of the 36ers.

Reply #191996 | Report this post

Years ago

Athol Park forever...

Reply #192005 | Report this post

Tiger Cub  
Years ago

Morphett vale probably has one of the best atmospheres of all the stadiums,best food,best announcer,best bbq,best volunteers,best bar,best carpark,best pancakes,best plasma,best everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #192011 | Report this post

Years ago

Best changing rooms? Best heating? Best lighting (thanks Damrob)? Best playing surface?

Reply #192027 | Report this post

Years ago

Had to chuckle... saw the previous thread about stadiums and how bad they were and how many had holes in the roof and the like.... only a day or two later wnet to the Boomers/Iran game at the dome and what do you know.... a massive water leak in the north western corner. What ever you think adout the local stadiums the biggest mistake was getting rid of Athol Park, was a good venue and also had enough courts to play many grades over the one day. That stadium should have been improved with more courts added. However once the dome was built the future of AP was sealed.

Reply #192057 | Report this post

Years ago

Ranked IMO

1. Dome
2. Starplex
3. Pasedena
4. Mt Barker
5. Wayville
7. Marion
8. Morphett Vale
9. Pt Adelaide
10. Hillcrest

Reply #192059 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe, please explain how Marion ranks higher than Morphett Vale when Marion is a poor clone of Hillcrest?

Vanexel31, based on being in the middle of nowhere, surely Starplex must then rank last?

Based on Junior bball (looking at spectator seating across all courts and atmosphere)...

Starplex (If a bit closer, definately first)
Morphett Vale
Pt Adelaide
Mt Barker (2nd court drops it down the list)

Based on Senior bball (seating around main court and atmosphere)...

Mt Barker
Pt Adel

Reply #192060 | Report this post

Years ago

at least starplex is a quality stadium in the middle of nowhere

Reply #192066 | Report this post

Years ago

yea the dome is a piece of shit
the rings are useless

Reply #192067 | Report this post

Years ago

In no particular order are my general thoughts on each stadium:

IMO the newer rings at Marion are some of the best. They aren't too stiff, and aren't too loose. Just right. That's just my opinion. I didn't mind the smaller size of the stadium as well. I always enjoyed playing there when I did (which seemed to be like once a year). A decent alternative to playing at The Dome or somewhere larger. The carpark used to be garbage though. Get some concrete already!

The Dome is alright to play at. Kind of indifferent on it really. The novelty of playing in the 36ers home stadium wore off pretty quickly after a game or two a long while back

Wayville is alright, but it sometimes seemed so crowded around the courts, like there's not enough seats or something.

Starplex always seemed to have the air conditioning going full blast all the time a few years back. Decent courts though. Just seems so big and empty though, because there was never that many people at games I've played there.

I don't really like MARS or Morphett Vale. I don't know why, I just don't like the feel of those stadiums.

Never really minded Port Adelaide. It's a good place to play when there's a decent crowd.

I actually enjoyed playing at Hillcrest when I did (which seemed to be about once a year as well). Like Marion, it has a nice intimate feel to it IMO.

The Mount Barker courts are always a bit dusty lately. They need a proper cleaning. Apart from that, and the carpark (and most of the suburb) being pitch black at night, it's a good stadium.

AS for non-BASA stadia, Westminster's stadium is great for a school IMO. Same with St. Peters. They're not stadiums (as they only have one court), and this is going to contradict my earlier statements about Marion and Hillcrest, but Sacred Heart and Adelaide High's gyms aren't that great IMO. They just have too cramped a feel IMO. Especially Adelaide High. The sidelines are only about a metre from the wall! And this is (again)going to contradict my last statement, but I didn't mind the smaller feel inside of Mercedes' gym when I've played there. The floor on the gym at St. Paul's was interesting. PAC's gym was decent, as was Rostrevor, and CBC's gym was pretty good as well. They're up there with some of the better single court school gyms IMO.

Reply #192076 | Report this post

Years ago

From a scorer's point of view I hate Westminster scoreclocks coz they don't respond half of the time.

Reply #192082 | Report this post

Years ago

Used to play alot at Marryatville High in the school gym. that was a good decade ago now but always provided a great stadium, great atmosphere and facilities, only problem was the hard courts.

Not sure if anyone ever played any high school basketball there or your thoughts?

Reply #192349 | Report this post

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