Years ago
The NBA and Conspiracy Theories
I first got suspicious when I saw that Western Confenerence Finals Game 6. (BTY I admit it that I am a Kings fan). That game opened my eyes to what a corrupt league this NBA actually is.
Once I started watching more games with different teams I noticed that the same sort of suspicious calls were always happening. One thing that I picked up on was the cheating in the regular season is different from the cheating in the playoffs. In the regular season it isn't really about cheating for a certain team, like it is in the playoffs, but rather for a certain player or players.
I began to notice that certain players always seemed to get an excessive amount of calls go their way. I also noticed that these players were crutial maketing tools for the NBA. One group of players that I saw getting preferential treatment was the group I like to call the "Next Jordans". These are the players that the league uses to market to the urban youth of America. They include but are not limited to Bryant, Lebron, Carmelo, Iverson, Carter, and Wade. I especailly noticed that Dwayne Wade recieved preferential treatment. I saw on hundreds of occasians Wade drive to the bucket and get any little breeze of air on him called a foul. I seriously feel that the NBA targeted D Wade to make him the superstar for the kids to look up to after Kobe had gotten into all the legal troubles. Low and Behold what happens soon after Kobe's legal troubles? D. Wade wins a championship and is named the finals MVP. I don't have the exact numbers but I am willing to bet that more than 1/2 of D. Wade's points for the 4 games they won came from the free throw line.
The next group that I noticed was getting preferential treatment was the "Internation Stars". This group includes but is not limited to Yao Ming, Nash, T Parker, Ginobli and many more. I especially noticed that Ginobli was recieving preferential treatment. I believe that the NBA wanted to use players like Ginobli so that they could market them as international stars to the world wide audience that they so desperately want to have. It is for that reason, I believe, that the Spurs have won 3 of their four championships (the first with Robinson was legit). The Spurs seem to have an international fan base. I mean they wave Parker, and Ginobli, and others but they also play very fundamental ball. This appeals to the world wide fans because the International game is more based on fundamentals.
Finally I noticed that they did all their cheating in way that was very subtle so that they would not get caught. As far as the superstar platers getting preference during the regular season, well I noticed that they also choose a star from the other team to support with favorable calls. This helps prevent fan suspicion and also creates more stars for them to market. Next they made sure that they only helped a certain team when it was absolutely necessary. I'm talking ticky tack calls when one team has all the momentum as is about to blow the game open. Also they called phantom calls when one team really needed the points in late game situations. Also they had a lot of no calls against some teams when the fouls were debatable but used no such tactics with other teams. In other words the really close "debatable" calls always went in favor of the team they want to win. Stuff that is so close that you can't really argue either way. If its not called its understandable but if it is you see why. The problem was that one team got all the no calls while the other team got them called.
Finally we got Tim Donaghy. I believe that he is the ultimate evidence of foul play. I believe that with so much power over the outcome of games the refs began to see an oppertunity for themselves to benefit from all the cheating. It was only a matter of time before one or more of them decided to test their luck and begin betting on the games. It's at this point in our story that along comes a spider known as Donaghy. As soon as he was caught the NBA knew it was facing a crisis. It had to draw its fans back after it credibility was being questioned. So how do they go about winning the fans back? Oh by having a Celtics/Lakers NBA Finals. Trust me its not coincidence that these two magically met in the finals to "ressurect" the interest in the NBA. It was completely planned all along. Kobe was supposed to be MVP, and the split screen ads were always meant to finish up with a Larry Bird and Magic Johnson one. (I wanna know when was that one filmed? 2 moths ago when we supposedly didn't know who was gonna be in the Finals?)
There is tons more that I have but I'm just gonna leave it that. The NBA is fixed folks. It has been for some time. It's as fake as the WWE and its refs are just a corrupt. More importantly though David Stern will pay for all the deception that he has played on the NBA fans. For what? For money of course. He deserves to go to prison
But he may get away with it if fans don't look at the "real" issues and continue to believe and pay money for this "sport" . Then again WWE is still popular isn't it !!!