Years ago
Hillcrest Stadium - Lift your game!
Went to watch my son play basketball last night at Hillcrest. Don't often see him play but as it was a later game I was able to and looking forward it along with my wife and two younger kids.
Firstly, just want to say what an unenjoyable evening it turned out to be. Firstly, no scoreboard, as apparently it was broken and had been broken for over a week. This to me is unacceptable. No scroeboard, no timeclock only updated scores from the scoring bench. In what proved to be a tight contest for the boys, it was a very frustrating experience to watch and experience not knowing either the score, foul count or timeleft. Along with poor umpiring, lack of hot food and coffee at the canteen and a dismal atmosphere throughout the stadium, well all I can say is that when I pay over $12 for spectators and drive a long way this was quite disappointing.
My other concern was watching the last ten minutes of the game beforehand, two senior girls team one from Woodville. Whether it was a close game or not, I do not know as there was no scoreboard, however it obviously became a heated contest and the discipline of both sides was disgraceful. Whilst the game was in motion, one of the players completely stepped out of the game to have a heated argument with a benched player on sidelines of the other team. There was a heated discussion before next thing you know there are pushes, shoves and next thing a girl fight broke between the two players and the rest of the team.
Whilst this may have provided some atmosphere for some on an otherwise dismal night, this was not a good look for basketball in general and was very frightening for my younger kids.
In future, girls stick to your basketball, it hurts the other team most on the scoreboard. And Hillcrest stadium, pick up your game!