PS3 = great in my opinion, my bro has a 360 which i also play before you start bashin me. Time crisis is the game of choice currently and drakes uncharted is also awesome. sorry you guys wouldnt have playd them as only available on the PS3.
Enjoy watching HD dvd on your 360's lads considering blu ray won out.
Trade your ps2 in at GAME m8, they dont give you heaps for it but it is worth it. I traded mine in with a few games and got a ps3 for $400 about 8 months ago when the marion store opened, it was an opening special so they were giving more than normal for the games and console. Best thing i did as PS2 just gathered dust and i never played it. graphics on PS3 are superior to any other console in my opinion.
Kinda off topic but the wii fit parody on you tube is great if you havent seen it, check it out for a laugh..