Matt Ryan
Years ago

Basketball Rule Changes as of October 1, 2008

Below is a summary of the rule changes that take effect from 1 October 2008. The full rules can be downloaded from the FIBA website:

We believe that FIBA will also issue a Rules Interpretation document and an updated Case Book and we will provide details of those as soon as they become available.

Domestic competitions may choose to implement these rule changes from 1 October 2008 or wait until their next competition which starts in 2009. The rule changes will apply to the 2008/09 NBL and WNBL seasons and will be introduced at the Australian Club Championships and Australian Junior Championships in 2009.

This summary was issued by FIBA in April 2008. The notes have been added in an attempt to clarify the changes and are not official interpretations. Full interpretations will be issued by FIBA before October 2008.

Art. 4.3 Uniforms

The provision that T-shirts may be worn by players under their game uniforms is not valid anymore.

Art. 25.2.3 Player falling on the floor

It is legal when a player falls and slides on the floor while holding the ball.

Art. 28.1.3 Ball goes into team's frontcourt

The ball goes to the teams' frontcourt when, during the dribble from backcourt to frontcourt, both feet of the dribbler and the ball are in contact with the frontcourt.

Two practical consequences of this rule change are:
(a) The 8 second count continues until both of the dribbler's feet have touched the front court and the ball has touched the floor in the front court.
(b) If a dribbler has both feet touching the front court but is dribbling the ball in the back court they could retreat dribble and step back into their back court.

Art. 30.1.2 Ball returned to the backcourt

It will not be a violation anymore if a player, who jumps from his frontcourt, establishes a new team control while still airborne and then lands in his team's backcourt.

This applies when a player intercepts a pass. For example, Player B5 has the ball in their back court and passes to B2 who is on a fast break. Player A1 jumps from the front court and intercepts the pass, and then lands in their backcourt. This is not a violation.

Art. 31 Goaltending and interference

It is an interference whenever a player reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball. This applies whether the ball had been shot, passed or has already touched the ring.

The previous rule prevented a player reaching through the ring only on a shot. This change prevents a player reaching through the ring at any time to touch the ball. If the defence commit this violation points are awarded to the offensive team, even if the ball had been passed.

Previously, under article 13.2.2, it was a violation to reach through the basket and touch a pass or rebound (resulting in a throw in to the opposition team). This has been deleted from the rules.

The article has also been changed to include in the definition of interference when a player grasps the basket to play at the ball. This is interference whether or not the ball had been shot or was a pass.

Art. 36.1.4 Unsportsmanlike foul

If a defensive player causes contact with an opponent from behind or laterally in an attempt to stop a fast break and there is no opponent between the offensive player and the opponents' basket, then the contact shall be judged to be unsportsmanlike.

Art. 38.3.1 Technical foul

A technical foul can be called on a player for excessive swinging of elbows (without contact).

Topic #15884 | Report this topic

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

38.3.1 Anstey ans Worthington take note!

Reply #187023 | Report this post

Years ago

I like the Technical Foul rule.....

Reply #187028 | Report this post

Years ago

Art. 36.1.4 Unsportsmanlike foul

If a defensive player causes contact with an opponent from behind or laterally in an attempt to stop a fast break and there is no opponent between the offensive player and the opponents' basket, then the contact shall be judged to be unsportsmanlike.

......The way this is worded suggests that even a play on the ball in this situation will result in an unsportsmanlike foul. So now you're just meant to let the opposition have the points??

Reply #187029 | Report this post

Years ago

Finally, back court violation; 30.1.2 good to see this one finally getting changed.

36.1.4 Great rule change. I think this one will be at the discretion of the ref, like it is now.

38.3.1 ditto

Common sense prevails. Great to see.

Reply #187032 | Report this post

Years ago

36.1.4 - I think it will be OK to go for the block, but not try that clumsy grab around stomach height as they go up for a lay-up.

Reply #187036 | Report this post

Years ago

36.1.4 - Thats one rule that needed to be clarified because you could see it happen a couple of times in a game where a player got a steal and would be on the fast brake but a sloppy attempt to stop them would be called a normal holding foul, sometimes not called and other times called unsportsmanlike all in the same game depending on umpire and the situation. It seems it was more likely to be called unsportsmanlike in the last quarter then earlier in the game, so a good rule change.

Reply #187045 | Report this post

Years ago

any clarification on 25.2.3 - guess you are deemed not to have set a pivot foot until one foot touches the floor or are you allowed to drag your feet while falling???

Reply #187051 | Report this post

Matt Ryan  
Years ago

In reatlation to "Art. 36.1.4 Unsportsmanlike foul -
If a defensive player causes contact with an opponent from behind or laterally in an attempt to stop a fast break and there is no opponent between the offensive player and the opponents' basket, then the contact shall be judged to be unsportsmanlike."

My interpretation and understanding is along the same lines as Isaac's I think.

It states that "If a defensive player causes contact with an opponent from behind or laterally in an attempt to stop A FAST BREAK..."
Thus, going for the block, as Isaac said, would more times than not be deemed as ok and not warrant a USF as it would then become an attept to stop A LAY-UP, rather than a FAST BREAK.

That's only my interpretation and as it states, "FIBA will also issue a Rules Interpretation document" and that "the notes have been added in an attempt to clarify the changes and are not official interpretations. Full interpretations will be issued by FIBA before October 2008."

Reply #187055 | Report this post

Years ago

well when you try to steal the ball to stop the fast break then that will also be a USF, stupid decision... should have always been left to the ref if the foul was too hard or just a stupid foul

Reply #187068 | Report this post

Years ago

I always thought that it was the case for the ref to call a USF if a clumsy or intentional grab was made from behind on a break, it seems strange to specify it as a rule change. I guess the ref's discretion hasn't good enough in the past. It seems that such a rule was brought in for the safety of players (in which case fair enough), but maybe if stopping the break is obviously deliberate and/or dangerous (like the one that caused Brad Hill's broken arm), further penalty (such as a fine or tribunal appearance) would be warranted?

Reply #187081 | Report this post

PHD in SHot  
Years ago

Art. 28.1.3-
(b) If a dribbler has both feet touching the front court but is dribbling the ball in the back court they could retreat dribble and step back into their back court.

What happens if a player has two feet in the front court and bouncing the ball on the line is it front court or back court?

Reply #187083 | Report this post

Years ago

Art. 28.1.3 Ball goes into team's frontcourt

(b) If a dribbler has both feet touching the front court but is dribbling the ball in the back court they could retreat dribble and step back into their back court. -- Stupid rule change (that cross court)

Art. 25.2.3 Player falling on the floor

It is legal when a player falls and slides on the floor while holding the ball. -- I thought that was already the rule?

Art. 4.3 Uniforms

The provision that T-shirts may be worn by players under their game uniforms is not valid anymore. -- Why not, its not hurting any one.

Reply #187102 | Report this post

Years ago

No T-Shirts under there will be, no head bands, armbands, shooting

Back to the old days.....everyone will be playing in Chucky Taylors

Reply #187107 | Report this post

Years ago

They should get rid of Headbands, armbands, wristbands, fingerbands and especially shooting sleeves.

Reply #187110 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the unsportsmanslike foul is based upon the "Clear Path foul" currently in use by the NBA.

if there is no defender between the ball carrier and the hoop on a fast break, you cant just grab the player from behind or the side to just cause a foul, and send them to the side. now it gets them to the line with a tech foul.

Reply #187120 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah, but if you try to steal the ball it has to be called as a USF now, which is stupid, should be left to the complete discretion of the ref making the call, making a new rule to add more pressure makes the game even less fun now.

as for the shirts rule, what if someone has letter from their doctor? didn't think you could wear a shirt underneath without that anyways

Reply #187138 | Report this post

Neville Nobody  
Years ago

Matt, I believe you have missed the main reason for the memo you have plagiarised. It was mainly written to Basketball Associations to outline details of changes to lines on the court which do not come in until after the 2012 World Championships and London Olympics. Sure it outline to changes that come in from October 2008. You forgot to mention that the document is not all inclusive and there maybe other minor changes like Art 31 grasping the ring

Reply #187139 | Report this post

Years ago

FIBA stated in its release in April that the rule changes and changes to the court were in an attempt to make the game more consistent throughout the world, and since the NBA doesnt abide by FIBA rules, FIBA has decided to adopt the NBA's rules wherever possible. Right down to the rectangle key and and extended three point line.

Reply #187140 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

38.3.1 - I find it hilarious that someone actually brought up Anstey and Worthington; and that so many people agree.

I hadn't even seen the 1st response and they were the first two names I associated with that rule. lewl.

Reply #187145 | Report this post

Matt Ryan  
Years ago


I have not claimed that this is my own work - therefore I am not plagiarising it. I have simple posted the exact memo.

Due to the memo only containing a small amount devoted "to outline details of changes to lines on the court", I interpretted this memo's "main reason" as being the Rule Changes.

Furthermore, I thought that it was in the best interest to post the relevant parts of the memo that would take affect this year.

Again, as I was posting the exact memo (and again, not claiming that it was my own work, avoiding plagiarism), I cannot be accused of "forgetting to mention that the document is not all inclusive and there maybe other minor changes like Art 31 grasping the ring" as this was never mentioned in the memo in the first place. If it was mentioned, then I would have posted it.

Reply #187164 | Report this post

Years ago

ohhhhhhhhhhh shut down

Reply #187252 | Report this post

hood 75  
Years ago

Bolks your lily white chicken wings are the reason they're killing off T-shirts hopefully you might catch some sun!

Reply #187263 | Report this post

Years ago

In answer to PHD in SHot, the line is part of the back court therefore the it would be legal.

Reply #187309 | Report this post

Junior Coach  
Years ago

In Under 14s Boys Basketball I encourage my players to take up an elbows out hold on the ball after a rebound and then to pivot back and forth with those elbows still out to clear space for them to make the next move - in this age group refs will never call a violation when opposition players swarm all over the ball player.

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