Years ago
Bullets look average atm!
So far confirmed are: Hill, Gibson, Weigh, Goulding, Rigby, Petrie and Vandergaght. That is 7, i think Goulding will still be a development. So that is 6 players, of which, really only Gibson and Hill are to be considered as "Bullet quality players". To be honest the team looks more like a West Sydney/Wollongong cheap cover team atm. I may be wrong, and no disrespect to the players, but honestly, this is the Bullets, not West Sydney/ Hunter
PG- Gibbo/New signing
SG- Ebi?/Hill
SF- Import/Weigh
PF- Dusty?/Rigby
C- Bradshaw?/Vandergaght
What i would like to see is:
Gibbo/ Hill
Bradshaw/Young Aussie BackUp