Years ago

Kobe wins NBA MVP

Just announced on sportscentre on espn that Kobe Bryant has won the 2007-2008 NBA MVP award.

Commissioner david stern will hand over the trophy next week.

No link yet, but I will get one soon

Do you think he should have won it? Let the discussion begin...

Topic #15686 | Report this topic

Years ago

MAJOR RELIEF. deserves it hugly with i suspect cp3 a close runner up.

Report: Kobe earns first MVP

Reply #184982 | Report this post

So if lebron sooks about his shitty team next year, and gets dealt a top 10 player in the league and starts winning he might get one. I see how this works!

Reply #184983 | Report this post

M Dizzle  
Years ago

If he also reigns supreme as the best player in the league on both ends of the court, and leads his team to top of his conference while dealing with injuries to teammates all year....then yeah Lebron might win it

Reply #184985 | Report this post

Yeah cos kobes obviously the best defender in the league.

And last time i looked, Lebron was the best offensive player in the league.

Reply #184986 | Report this post

Years ago

last time i looked kobe was the best offinsive player in the league.

Reply #184987 | Report this post

Years ago

ELG last time I looked, Kobe was a better offensive and defensive player than LeBron.

Reply #184988 | Report this post

Years ago

Extremely well said, M Dizzle. I'm not a huge Kobe fan (in fact in a cp3 fan) but Kobe deserved it this year. One thing I really noticed was how he was playing WITH his teammates and passing the ball more instead of jacking sh*t loads of shots all the time. He still took lots of shot, yes, but he got his teammates involved, and made them better and this is the first season he's really been able to do that. CP3 also deserved it and it's incredibly hard to pick with all these superstars but I believe the right choice has been made. Let's see how Kobe plays goes in the rest of the playoffs.

Reply #184989 | Report this post

Years ago

Im rapt Kobe won it, but it mustve been close between him and Paul

I personally reckon it shouldve been a joint MVP

ELG, just has sour grapes coz the Suns are stuck with a 320 pd lead weight next

All-NBA First Team ... All Defensive First Team the last 2 seasons ELG

I would say Kobe is one of the best defenders in the league mate

Reply #184990 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe deserves the award.

CP3 is unlucky due to his superb season, but he's young and his time will definitely come one day.

Well done to Kobe.

Reply #185058 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #185112 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry about previous post, perhaps i should elaborate.
He wasn't convicted, i don't think?
Anyway, he is not an MVP. Great player- not MVP.
To me, MVP should go to the player who provides his team with something NO-ONE ELSE CAN, and because of this, the team has great success.
Under those criteria, LeBron and CP3 are the only candidates. CP3 wins by a landslide because his team was successful and he is the catalyst for that success.
Kobe is great, but T-Mac, Pierce, Lebron, D-Wade (remember him?) these guys can all do what Kobe does, they just aren't lakers and they don't have Phil Jax to coach the team to success.
Switch Ming with Gasol, and get Phil to coach Houston...Champs.

Kobe winning an award like this really sucks because he is just not worthy.

Reply #185121 | Report this post

Years ago

Quagmire are a fool mate

LeBrons numbers were superior to both Kobe's and Chris Pauls.....but look at his teams record

To say Kobe was not worthy of the have no idea

At the start of the season, no one gave the Lakers a sniff of making the playoffs with the roster they had or believed they would scrape into the playoffs

Kobe led his team, improved his team mates games and his teams record to become the No1 ranked team in the West

The only other bloke who deserved being a MVP was Chris Paul

Reply #185126 | Report this post

Years ago

Fez dude, your gonna have to come up with something better than that. I don't know why people keep saying Kobe made his team mates better, did he make em better when phil jax wasn't coaching them? Oh hell no. Did he make em better by whinning his guts out pre-season?
He is getting credit for other peoples work and that makes my balls itch.
Your right about lebrons numbers but i think you'll find most pre-season polls had the lakers way ahead of the hornets. Consider that they also got Gasol mid season and the hornets were only slightly behind in the end....CP3 MVP.

Anyone else?

Reply #185133 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

Im content with this. Not stoked because i think Chris Pauls efforts definately deserved an MVP trophy but so did Kobe's. The only saving grace for me is i think CP3 will win a couple of these in years to come.

Reply #185140 | Report this post

M Dizzle  
Years ago

If you honestly think these guys are on the same level as Kobe becase they are able to score 40 points in a game, then I think you should try following a different sport because your not doing too well with understanding this whole basketball thing.

Reply #185169 | Report this post

Years ago

Quag......whats Phil Jackson got to do with it??

In previous seasons Kobe has tried to carry the team on his back....yes he had a get more help ....big deal

Before Gasol came in, he changed his game...and got his team mates involved

The Lakers were Rolling......Bynum went down, and they traded for Gasol

Im not saying CP3 didnt deserve it...i think it couldve been a shared MVP this season...both helped their teams

They other names u threw in...LeBron, T-Mac, Pierce, Wade....cmon mate.....Miami had a great season didnt they

Reply #185191 | Report this post

Years ago

Look i just think Kobe is getting props for something most other players do all the time, play within the system designed by your coach.
Fez- "What's Phil got to do with it?" Who are you? Tina Turner??? HE'S THE COACH MORON!
Kobe does not make others any better than Fisher or Lamar do...
I stand by the fact that you could sub Kobe for T-Mac, D-Wade Pierce or Lebron and the lakers would not lose a gear at all. Thats not MVP.
There is no-one that could do what CP3 has done this year.
And to top it off, Kobe is a WANKA. Any other of the guys listed above would be great to have on your team.

Reply #185243 | Report this post

Years ago

Your wrong quagmire

So very wrong

Reply #185248 | Report this post

Years ago

Quagmire.....just admit it.....ur a Kobe Hater!!

No one could step into CP3's role

I can list atleast 3....Kidd, Williams and Nash!!!

"Kobe is getting props for something most other players do all the time, play within the system designed by your coach"

So did previous winners of the award only get it coz their coach designed the plays

Reply #185269 | Report this post

Years ago

Fez- Kidd? really? did you see the previous series?
Nash, past it, and was never the defender CP3 is.
Williams, Very close, may even have a similar year in the future, but this season he was a step down from Paul.

My MVP criteria is simple- Be the player on a successful team that no-other payer could of been that year.

Dirk wins 67 games, no-one plays like him.

Nash, at the time, no-one could run the suns like that.

Tim Duncan- Miles ahead of any other post players at the time.

This season we have Paul doing the job no-other can. He is doing something the L hasn't seen since isiah thomas and they give it to Kobe? Rude.

Jules- buy a thesaurus.

And i do hate Kobe.

Reply #185284 | Report this post

Years ago

Quagmire - Go watch a Lakers game

And why do I need a thesaurus

Reply #185293 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm implying that telling me i'm wrong carries little weight when you offer nothing, zero, zip in terms of a reason.

Saw em play too.

Against the hornets.

Got beat. ;-)

Reply #185296 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok...but what would a thesaurus do? Do they include reasons for why Kobe is an MVP this year?

"My MVP criteria is simple- Be the player on a successful team that no-other payer could of been that year."

Im sorry but no one plays on both ends of the floor like Kobe, no one. Not to mention he is the best scorer in the league (dont say Lebron led the league so hes not - thats because Lebron HAS to do that - look at what KObe put up when he HAD to do that) and most importantly, money is the clutch.

I've said it before, if it was counted a stat when you make the pass to set up the extra pass for a dunk, Kobe would lead the league in assists. He draws so much attention, creates so much space, and makes it so easy for everyone. Anyone who watches them play couldn't possibly disagree with that.

"He is doing something the L hasn't seen since isiah thomas and they give it to Kobe? Rude."

Kobe hasn't won it yet, and is clearly of the greatest of all time. I'm sure the league has been pretty 'rude' to him (35ppg and no MVP?)

And you gave Dirk as an example? So your telling me that team that won 67 games wouldn't be as good with Duncan, Bosh, Boozer, Howard, Brand, Garnett etc in that power forward spot? They might even be better considering they'd finally get a post presence, thats a pathetic example. YET, on the other hand you say anyone else like Kobe could step in and fill that role...ridiculous.

and they beat the hornets to take TOP spot in the West...

Reply #185298 | Report this post

Years ago

clearly one of the greatest*****

Reply #185301 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not a Kobe fan, that much is obvious.

I don't want to seem that i don't think Kobe is probably the best in his position right now because he probably is.

He's fantastic at taking all the shots in the last 5 of every game so that when one of them eventually goes in he is a hero.

He just might be the third best player in the league.

Thats still pretty good!

Just not MVP.

Chris Paul is MVP.

As for Dirk, the mavs system was based on dirk being a huge mis-match, he would draw out big guys and shoot over little ones, none of those other guys plays like Dirk. No-one in the league does for that matter.

I hear you about the whole assist after the pass thing, i wonder if there is a way to count how many lay ups parker gets because big men don't want to leave timmy alone?
Truth be told most of the top scorers (the good ones)supply their teams with more assistance than is recorded in the assist column.

By the way, CP3 just dropped a bomb on the spurs. check it out.

Reply #185310 | Report this post

Years ago

Quagmire.....u are digging ur grave further and further

As for Dirk, the mavs system was based on dirk being a huge mis-match, he would draw out big guys and shoot over little ones, none of those other guys plays like Dirk. No-one in the league does for that matter.

What Duncan, Howard, Stoudamire & Garnett arent all mismatches for opposing teams???

Dude........we know u hate Kobe, and that is purely ur only reason as to why he doesnt deserve the MVP

Consider this


Jordan Avg's 35pts, 5 reb, 5 assists, 3 steals....won the MVP his team won 52 games...second best in the east

Magic Avgs almost 20pts, 12 assist and 6 reb, 1 steal
....Lakers won 62 games and the NBA Final

Who deserved that MVP Quag??

Reply #185363 | Report this post

Years ago

It's Official: Kobe is MVP.

People can stop ranting now...Kobe thoroughly deserves it.

Reply #185401 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeh dude, i think they got it right there, Jordan for me.
Magic was running the laker showtime, they had a great squad, jordan had squat.

No other player at that time could of done better than jordan for his team.

You recall i said success for the team, not necessarily league domination.

I stand by the dirk call too, he is nothing like the other players you mentioned. Their games revolve solely around dominating the post, if they played for the mavs that season, i doubt they would of won 67 because their entire offense would have to of been restructured.

I really want to point out that the award is for the specific season. It doesn't mean that player is the best in the league on a career or individual basis.

Its like the brownlow in the AFL, the player that wins the award would seldom be the first picked.

I really can't see us resolving this dude, if you cannot accept that there is no player right now that could fill CP3's shoes for the hornets, but there is potentially three or four that could do it for Kobe then we are at a stalemate.

Stats don't tell the whole story, but it helps...

Career stats- pts reb ast
Kobe 25 5 5
T-Mac 23 6 5
V Carter 24 6 4
LeBron 27 7 7
Pierce 23 6 4
D-Wade 24 5 7

(i regret adding Vince, he has no heart at all. But if he was a laker....))

Reply #185402 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe we should just call it a stalemate

You might wanna check out Lebron today in the Clutch V the Celts...........Couldnt carry his team over the line

Surprising to see those career stats as well, seeing as Kobe started most of his young career on the bench, getting court time behind the likes of Eddie Jones

Only 2/2/2 behind Lebron......amazing Quag


Reply #185459 | Report this post

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