Years ago

2008 State Social Champs

social championships was an awesome event, why hasnt someone done this before, the standard was high and the atmosphere reminded me of junior tournament! didnt get to see the final does anyone know who won? pasadena teams place 3rd and 4th, good to see that comp represented!!

Topic #15630 | Report this topic

Years ago

Which teams were invloved?

Reply #184203 | Report this post

Years ago

how were teams selected?

Reply #184204 | Report this post

Years ago

Go to the new Basketball SA website. It was featured on front of the home page.

Reply #184209 | Report this post

Years ago

the winning team and runner up from all stadiums A grade comps were invited! teams that came were representing pasadena, mars, marion, port adelaide, morphett vale, willunga, wayville etc.

just found out the mars team took it out!

Reply #184218 | Report this post

Years ago

Wife beaters from m/vale who have won the last 6 grand finals in a row were a late withdrawl on sunday due to injuries and crap.. rekn they would of given teams alot of trouble and pushed deep into the finals.

Reply #184221 | Report this post

Years ago

who was the mars team that took it out?

Reply #184231 | Report this post

Years ago

The only reason White Beaters would have gone deep into finals is because they physically bash teams up. They are all M/Vale footballers that played district jnr basketball years ago and now don't have the skill to play anything competitive. Morphett Vale would have more social teams playing if it wasn't for these clowns. The true meaning of The Southern Bogan's is ripe with these boys.

Apart from that Great carnival.

Reply #184236 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty sure at least 2 guys from the Wife Beaters played State back in the day??

Reply #184253 | Report this post

Years ago

How come the champs from the Mt Barker Rec Centre comp weren't invited?

Reply #184270 | Report this post

Years ago

Whats wrong with physical ball, if the skills are there. We play against the wife beaters and they can play and are not over the top more or less then any other team. Being footballers they are alot fitter. I think one of them was actually a state captain if im not mistaken, not just a "Junior player". Ive played at mars, marion, willunga morphettvale, pasedena, there all the same. However the torny was a great idea, hope they do it again. Well done to whoever the the winning team was.

Reply #184275 | Report this post

"Southern bogans" are you actually retired or you just got no skills.The season just gone at morphettvale was jammed with good teams. Its not that they dont want to play there, its that they cant play up to the standards of the other teams.

Reply #184276 | Report this post

good tournament  
Years ago

Wife Beaters are a physical team but I think the depth of players that made the final 4 would have been to good for them but anyone on there day can beat anyone. It was a pity they pulled out.

Talking to a few other teams during the day everyone thought it was a great day and enjoyed it and are keen to win there comp to play again next year.

Reply #184280 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we have some names of the teams that made the final 4?

Reply #184292 | Report this post

Years ago

top four teams in order were:

Rane Supreme: Mars
The Spartans: Port Adelaide
POS Vision: pasadena
Spartan Rage: Pasadena

MVP: matthew gates (spartans)
Leading scorer: Cam Mckinnon 24.6 ppg(rane supreme)
Best defensive player: nathan baggot (spartans)
all star five:
cam mckinnon (RS)
hugh pinkard (blazers)
damien bradshaw (smut peddlers)
Ty Golding (RS)
Abiad Belal (POS vision)

Reply #184297 | Report this post

Years ago

haha - my social team beat Rane Supreme last Thursday night.

Reply #184300 | Report this post

Years ago

svd - can only assume they were not at full strength! otherwise get your arse to the next tournament and show us!

Reply #184309 | Report this post

Years ago

First time we played them ... not sure if they were missing anyone - they had 7 guys ... also your assumption is that my team sucks!

Reply #184311 | Report this post

Ostrich 53  
Years ago

184270 - the senior comp at the Rec Centre falls under the SAC jurisdiction, and players there are invited to the Senior Country Champs in Jan.

Actually, that'd be interesting to see how some of the top Country Association teams (ie, Mt Gambier, Port Augusta etc) would compete against the city social teams, but that discussion would probably deserve it's own thread.

Reply #184312 | Report this post

Years ago

ostrich - willunga association was represented and were very competitive, would be great to see the winning teams from more country associations involved. I emphasise 'winning teams' as the sides that play at the sa country senior champs are rep teams made up of the leagues best players!

Reply #184327 | Report this post

Social sucks  
Years ago

If the top team (Rane Supreme) played the bottom ABA team they would lose by 70.
Thats the problem with social basketball, its crap. The umpiring is better than the players - thats how bad it is.
I mean its so boring to play and worse to watch, everyone sits in a crappy 2-3 zone.
Every A grade league in Adelaide is atrocious.
Its filled with really average basketballers.
Adelaide needs ONE good comp as there is no such thing as 'A' grade in Adelaide, there simply isn't enough talent around. It should be called the C- league's.

Reply #184361 | Report this post

Years ago

Brilliant Social Sucks - thanks for your wisdom and insight - you should run for President of the Universe with that kind of wise counsel ... nothing like offering forward critisms and then solving them with one sentence such as "Adelaide needs ONE good comp as there is no such thing as 'A' grade in Adelaide".

Done and done ... can we move on with you now solving the Water Crisis ... would it go something like this "We should just get it to rain more".

"If the top team (Rane Supreme) played the bottom ABA team they would lose by 70". Of course a social team would lose by 70 points - that is like getting a Div 6 Amatuer League Footy Team playing an SANFL team ... stupid comment!

You see SS the good players are playing ABA ... so what do you want the rest of us to do (the people that either don't want to play ABA or the people that are not good enough to play ABA) sit around and do nothing.

Do you not think something like this is encouraging a higher level of basketball? Do you not think it is encouraging better players to play in social basketball.

Maybe keep your sage like advice to youself, naysayer.

Reply #184369 | Report this post

Social sucks  
Years ago

Boo Hoo SVD. Go fall back into your zone.

All the 'A' grade competitions are extremely average made up of possibly two at best ok teams.
This competition with the best 2 teams from all comps should play in one super social comp.

And again 'A' grade comps in Adelaide are pathetically boring.
Seriously SVD you run from foul line to foul line, play little defense and on offense you pass the ball around a zone. Boring as basketball could EVER be.
Go put your skirt on SVD you Nana Netballer.

Reply #184374 | Report this post

Years ago

So the 2 best teams in the Southern League are supposed to travel to play the teams in the 2 best in the Northern league ... people play social in the most part cos it is a decent run close to their house.

People also play social cos they want to play with their friends - who may in all likelihood be of differing standard.

Social does me fine cos that is what I want out of basketball - decent competetion, competitive basketball, well organised, caters to differing standards, close to house, play with friends, get a good run/exercise, not have some coach hollering at me and I get a beer afterwards ... it is what you make it.

If people wanted to play the highest standard possible they could they would play District.

Reply #184378 | Report this post

Years ago

matter of fact there was a few current and ex ABA players playing in the tournament and they did not nescesarily stand out, social comp standard can be pretty good and as for your idea of the best couple of teams from each comp playing each other that is exactly what the event was!!!

norwood SANFL footy club play the crows every year in the charity pre season game and get smoked by 20 goals...this does not mean they are crap players just that there is better players out there that train more, same with your social vs aba comment! as svd says social is about having fun with your mates and having fun playing the game! if the players wanted something else they would go train three times a week and do it!

Reply #184387 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice one Social Sucks, lets slam social basketballers for not being exciting to watch! I got news for ya, people don't watch social basketball, they play it for a bit of fun.

Of course you're too much of a broke-a$$ bogan to go and watch a professional game I suppose. Do you go out to watch the kiddies play on Saturday mornings and analyse the quality of their play as well?


Reply #184408 | Report this post

Years ago

I just think he can't afford the $8 or $9 to play, word Riggs? word Roj

Reply #184438 | Report this post

Years ago

Social sucks, you knob guzzler!! Weird as it sounds but some people actually have better things to do than train every night so they can play ABL. There are heaps of players in social comps who have played ABL. Maybe they have a family, study comittments, a job that restricts their ability to play at a high level so they decide to play social to keep fit and catch up with friends.

Not everything is about playing at the highest level. There is more to life than having a good jump shot. Some people rate having spare time, catching up with friends and family and being able to complete their studies a lot higher than playing ABL...

Reply #184442 | Report this post

Years ago

retiree u fool, sounds like a big case of little bitchitis..... remember its mens, not juniors!!

Reply #184455 | Report this post

Years ago

Social sucks, you dont have half a clue,As every one has pointed out already.Its social not nba.Our team plays man to man every week.Why would some one pay to watch a social game."Super social" torny, you really are a tool. Perhaps give your opinion on something you actually have some knowledge on.

Reply #184482 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe they're suggesting a higher-tier social league/competition along the lines of what runs in Sydney? Can't remember the name of the league, sorry, but they used to get fringe NBL development players out, winning teams won prize money, full stats and player profiles on a website, etc.

Reply #184483 | Report this post

Years ago

Is it the SBL Isaac?

Reply #184486 | Report this post

Years ago

That's the one.

Reply #184498 | Report this post

Years ago

i think social has players that can stand out more than aba players. but dont have teams that will stand out as much. simply cause not all members of the same team have the same experience or athletic ability or set plays. I play overseas my self and come here for the off season and i play everynight somewhere. If i dont have a game i ll be shooting outside. While here, i work 7 till 6 everyday and always make sure i play 1hr or2 of ball afterwards.i am sure i play more than most ABA players and i lost interest in ABA due to the who u know or how long u been playing for a certain club. I am not saying that players in ABA are not great, but if u don't look outside the circle u live in how will u know if there is better players.

Reply #191957 | Report this post

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