Years ago
Do Big Men Really Take Longer to Develop?
Do Big Men Really Take Longer to Develop?
It seems to be almost accepted wisdom in basketball circles that "big men take longer to develop". That is, they take longer to reach the peak of their development as players.
To me, this seems like somewhat of a myth. IMO, every player develops differently, no matter what their size. There are many factors that influence development:
- Work ethic
- Natural talent
- Athleticism
- Coaching
- Attitude
- Injury
- Opportunity
And so on.
I also think it's often used as an excuse as to why (for example) 'Young Big Man A' hasn't lived up to his full potential yet.
Anyway, I'm interested to hear people's thoughts on the topic. Feel free to give examples as well. Does size really matter when it comes to development, or is it just a myth?