Years ago
State Champs or Footy
Should kids playing in state champs over next weekend be allowed to play footy on the weekend before bball games ? The same must surely be said for the lead in week with trainings etc. Do they allow this to happen at state nationals level.
As a parent of a bball only kid (battler) who commits to the most important event on the calander I don't think it is fair on the team if some players choose to play footy instead of a scheduled bball game. What happens if the footy kid gets injured, he then lets the team down by not be able to give 100%. The footy kid is obviously not as committed to doing the best they can as all their energies are not directed at the one objective. I know a kid at one club just walks in and out as he wants. He's a good player but surely some restrictions need to be put in place to reward the kids that want to be there all the time.
What do others think - Am I being harsh with my head in the sand or is it a fair call.