Well, being a Swans fan, I was kind of hoping for a six week penalty as his first game back (if healed from OK from the injury) would be ironically against the WCE in Subiaco - now that would give the weagle fans (and of course the pathetic media) something to look forward (or boo) to!
Anyway, it looks like he will be out for a solid two months. About the ground, obviously the injury has been overshadowed, however it is a seperate issue, and had Bazza not had his mind explosion, then there would be a massive uproar from many sections including the Swannies. Let's face it, he is our most prized possession and to have him out because of unsafe conditions, then it all honesty, it's not good enough.
For those who believe in Karma, such as our captain courageous Kirk, then he got what he deserved right? =) I certainly don't subscribe for Barry or any other player who coincidently is injured when they are suspended that those games shouldn't count - how ridiculous is that!!??