Years ago

To all the ignorant/arogant coaches out there

this is for all the coaches/spectators out there who think they have the right to abuse an umpire
get over it, or go pick up a whistle and do something about it.
i am sick of people complaining about a call made when either they are ignorant of the rules or are set on humiliating the umpire
they are human and can make mistakes
all you are doing is making them angry which can lead to impropper calls or even lowering their potential.
Learn to live with the calls

Topic #15376 | Report this topic

Hangin Round  
Years ago

Have a bad night with the whistle, did we?

Reply #181521 | Report this post

Years ago

Well that has solved the problem - well done

Reply #181522 | Report this post

Yep totally agree. Parents seem to know everthing when they are sitting on the side lines; they are capable of solving hunger, famine and war (with a few bad BBall calls thrown in)

I am not going to stick up for older refs, they can do that6 themselves; however bagging the young kids really shows no class at all IMO.

Reply #181531 | Report this post

Years ago

learn how to umpire and it wont happen. i swear basa has the worst umpiring of any sporting league in the history of sports. id have a better chance of striking oil at hillcrest than getting a decent pair of umpires. I pay over $200 in season fees and $10 a game to play district basketball and the umpiring is disgraceful. what does basa do with the money? we still play in un-airconditioned tin sheds, so im dumbfounded as to where the moneys going.if each team has 8 players thats $160 a game. just like the 36ers they want to make a shit load of money at our expence and give us cheap players, and umpires for our return. no wonder basketball is f**cked in this country. I play footy for $100 a year and all games are free. in basketball getting what u pay for does not apply.

Reply #181546 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sick of referees and umpires who are completely incompetent, and have a poor attitude to accompany.

Reply #181554 | Report this post

Years ago

Dont worry anon the umpires are sick of players who cant play and have a poor attitude to accompany.

Reply #181556 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately, you are always going to have coaches/parents/spectators who will give the referees a hard time. That is because of a number of different reasons.
1) the coaches/parents/spectators have no idea on the rules and how they are applied,
2)the coaches/parents/spectators are trying to claim the glory and live their failed basketball careers through their kids.
Referees do make mistakes and controversial calls. I know I do. Make some noise, but don't make it personal.

And for those who are blind to everything beyond the end of their nose, Basketball SA has introduced a referee training programmes to develop their referees. They also have alot of new kids starting so give them a break. SA basketball is rebuilding itself.

Reply #181559 | Report this post

Years ago

Umpires are not there to assess the level of play, only to officiate, impartially regardless of the level. Players are not the ones being paid (in domestic competitions) to be competent. However, i do not agree with them being blasted from the sidelines in a derogatory or intimidatory fashion.

Reply #181560 | Report this post

Fill Smythe  
Years ago

Reaction to Referee's calls & Road Rage ?? NO bad behavior = no bad response

Reply #181595 | Report this post

Years ago

On the other hand, parents pay a lot of money for their children to have the privilege of playing basketball. I can understand the frustration when a junior incompetent umpire spoils the enjoyment of the competition.

Reply #181611 | Report this post

spin side  
Years ago

I have a big issue with the attitude of many refs, not all but definately a large number.
Coaches, spectators and players are accountable for their action, by tech foul, ejection or tribunal.
Players, spectators and players pay to be involved with this sport, and are accountable for their actions. Refs get paid and are not!!!!!!.
If you take money for a service you shoud be accountable for your performance, and certainly should be expected to deliver a level of customer service.
I scincerley believe that the majority of refs do care and try, unfortunately there is a number who believe they are untouchable, and their attitude reflects it. In my opinion much of the abuse refs receive is a reflection of these attitudes.
Since BSA do/will not have a system in place to make refs ccountable, I call on the refs who do care to do something about it, get rid of the refs who generate a mindset from their customers of no respect, less of better quality may be better.
Make refs accountable and earn their money and more importantly everyones respect

Reply #181644 | Report this post

grote 90  
Years ago

Does BSA ever employ people who are specifically at the game to watch referees and give them feedback on their performance a the end of the game against set criteria?
I have seen that in several VIC tournaments and it seems a good hands-on way to improve performance.

Reply #181657 | Report this post

Years ago

It's been said many times before that there are very good players and refs and very poor players and refs and everything in between those points.
Some refs have taken to insulting players on court calling them 'princesses' or 'big heads' and some players call refs the worst thing of all 'incompetent'.
Most players can live with average calls but the growing violence, hacking and the latest technique to take players legs out needs to be spotted and dealt with.
Behind the play stuff where too much is allowed to happen is poor officiating, usually coach initiated and does our sport no good at all.
Good refs (and there are many) are gold and should be rewarded, encouraged and applauded for their performances while poor refs are the reason parents take their kids to other sports.

Reply #181673 | Report this post

Years ago

yes they have referee coaches who come out as well as evaluators and the stadium uic.
yes i agree that som umpires can ref like they couldnt give a shit but the majority who try still get abused on most games simply caus the fouled out someones almighty child

Reply #181676 | Report this post

Years ago

yes they have referee coaches who come out as well as evaluators and the stadium uic.
yes i agree that som umpires can ref like they couldnt give a shit but the majority who try still get abused on most games simply caus the fouled out someones almighty child

Reply #181677 | Report this post

Years ago

yes they have referee coaches who come out as well as evaluators and the stadium uic.
yes i agree that som umpires can ref like they couldnt give a shit but the majority who try still get abused on most games simply caus the fouled out someones almighty child

Reply #181678 | Report this post

Years ago

yes they have referee coaches who come out as well as evaluators and the stadium uic.
yes i agree that som umpires can ref like they couldnt give a shit but the majority who try still get abused on most games simply caus the fouled out someones almighty child

Reply #181679 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing funnier than watching social ball. 99% of social players, after a miss in the paint, will look at the ref, mouth open, hands in the air, while the play goes on down the other end. You missed man- GET OVER IT. I think most players vent at the refs to regain some manhood coz they just missed and feel stupid. As frustrated as i get- and i am very competitve- i never crack it at the refs. Social refs- just take a look at em, they are getting the most out of their single brain cell so accept they will make mistakes. Get smart and play the game.

Reply #181681 | Report this post

Years ago

I ref & I coach.

IMO most coaches and spectators are too harsh on refs; most refs are genuinely doing their best and do a reasonable job given how hard the task can be at times. Before I started reffing I used to comment on every mistake the refs made, now I make myself put up with 10 errors before I am allowed to say something and by then it's almost game over. The best quote I think I've ever heard from a rep coach about reffing:

"My players make too many mistakes for me to even START worrying about the refs!"

Top bloke, obviously. If a game is genuinely out of hand you have a few options:

1. Pull your own players into line
2. Agree with the other coach that something needs to be done and either a) call a time out and speak to your own kids, or do it as a group, or b) call a time-out and speak to the refs TOGETHER - this sends a really strong message
3. Speak to the refs, but in a friendly manner. You will get the best response if you say something like "It's getting a little rough out there and I would happy for you to call the game tighter: both ways." You might even have to cop a couple of bad calls on your guys in order to get the outcome you want, but be supportive while they're trying to get the game under control.

Biased refs? We all know they exist and they wouldn't exist if the ref coordinators had the luxury of taking them off the roster, but no matter where you play, your association is short of refs and needs more. I do the roster at my local country association and I would love to give a couple of kids the boot but without people to replace them, I can't - and these kids know it!

I copped some biased refs at a tournament recently, all the fouls were on my team, most of them dodgy. I called a time-out and spoke to the refs "I have no problem with the calls you're making on my guys [not true, but anyway] but can you please keep an eye out for the pushes we're copping under the basket?" - problem solved!

There's never a need to get nasty as a coach, and if you are more patient and tolerant you will enjoy the game more. Try it - by changing the way you think about a problem, you resolve the majority of the issue, and if you are courteous and friendly when you speak with (not "to") the refs it makes a difference.

Reply #181727 | Report this post

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