the lone spectator
Years ago

ABL Start times = No ABL Crowds

For how much longer will the people making the big calls in the central ABL persist with starting ABL games at 6.30 and 8.15pm on Sat nights???

No one is coming to watch Local Adelaide Basketball's showpiece because the games finish so late.
No parents are bringing their junior basketball players to watch the games and as a result clubs are struggling to get helpers.
Your killing the league....

Don't even get me started about scheduling a ABL round of games when a AFL Showdown is on. Masterpiece...
How about grabbing a calendar and blocking out large events like this.
Basketball in SA is on the decline and stupid calls like this are not helping matters.

Either move the night ABL is played on or make the games earlier on the Sat. Something needs to be done. I realise junior games would need to be shifted but what is more important?
Junior league revenue or a decent league to play in once players graduate from juniors?

Topic #15354 | Report this topic

Years ago

This topic has been done to death in the past but I definately agree with you.

I really dont see why games cant be Saturday afternoons? (if social comps are a problem hold all ABL games at the dome).

Local footy does Satruday afternoon well... why cant Basketball?

Reply #181299 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #181306 | Report this post

stick around  
Years ago

District used to be played on a week night many moons ago and got good crowds- why can't we have it like that again?
It wasn't a home and away series I know, as it was based at the old Apollo stadium (now there's a memory for you!)but at least you got bums on seats, and you played the same night each week, sharing the different timeslots- sometimes the early ones so the kids could come watch, sometimes the graveyard shift. Weekends could then be for the other good things in life like AFL, or a social life!
Just a thought!

Reply #181309 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not play ABL on Fri nights? Give the players a chance to have a life and a weekend.

Reply #181312 | Report this post

ballin is life  
Years ago

Perhaps the league also takes into consideration that for the women more so, that people still have to work on weekends and still would finish around the 4/5pm time slot. With that being the case, most women's teams would ask their players to get to the game around 530 i'd assume; and this just may difficult for some as it is, and bringing games forward to the afternoon, or even an hour to a 530 start may mean losing players - maybe quality ones too. BUT the same goes for the men if it was brought forward to the arvo that'd be the case, either work or footy could be in the way.

My only other suggestion would be play EVERY Sunday arvo instead of Sat night.

Leave the playing times as they are though!!

Reply #181325 | Report this post

Friday Nights have to be tried.
The old grey haired brigade making the decisions at BSA are barley seen at ABL games, choosing to only attend free award dinners and the odd Board meeting. By joining the masses and not attending ABL games on a sat night, these board members then make the uneducated decision to continue as we have been, because it is too hard to make a change - or no one wants to do any work...
give the ABL a chance and change the night.

Reply #181334 | Report this post

Years ago

Friday nights? Are you guys fucking crazy? Where are we moving all the junior matches to then? While having somewhere for these juniors to go when they're older is important junior games are still more important than senior matches. We need the sport to grow and need the best possible time to attract as many kids as possible. As it is Senior div 1 matches are a money drain for clubs and for too long already the sport is top heavy with too much money being pulled from a dwindling base to subsidize the top of the pyramid. Also Paul Arnott is out to a game nearly every round played so I don't know why people are kicking up a fuss about no one from BSA being out.

Why not come up with some realistic alternatives to suggest to BSA instead of "Let's move games to Friday night and screw around the juniors I don't care where they go to."

Reply #181338 | Report this post

Years ago

Sunday arvo would be a top idea

Reply #181339 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't do Friday nights because of juniors, can't bring Saturday games earlier due to players having work committments and Sunday games??? I could guarantee players wouldn't want to just play Sundays...they couldn't hit the gas Saturday night!
I think some Friday night games could work, especially in school holidays as juniors don't play. So there are definite opportunities then. Have a rivalry game on a friday night or grand final rematch and just about every other senior player would come out to the game! You could potentially even have a mid week game on a wednesday??

Reply #181340 | Report this post

Years ago

Sunday arvo...u must have idiot written on ur face, players struggle to fit in a scoial life as it is having to play every Saturday night and u want to shift games to Sunday arvo, buddy u need to get out of the house some more!!!

Reply #181341 | Report this post

Years ago

What about court availability for junior trainings.

Last weekend I know trainings were cancelled in some cases due to courts being used.

If you want weeknights then kids unlikely to attend due to school (and prob less parents as well)

Sunday evening same issue as weeknights

Sunday afternoon other sports and day for families to get together and issue with junior training times

Friday night - reschedule all district games

Saturday afternoon - perhaps but my guess kids will not attend

Saturday evening best of a bad lot in my opinion but this is from a spectators and kids attendance point of view.

Reply #181342 | Report this post

Years ago

further to my post above - saw Panther's comments re friday games during school holidays - great idea perhaps have one or two games scheduled for a friday night at a stadium capable of holding a few people and perhaps get a big crowd out there. Hold the balance of the round on the saturday

Reply #181344 | Report this post

Whats the difference between having a game Friday and Saturday night?

Reply #181347 | Report this post

Years ago

re Friday night games.

I know two years ago (not sure about last year) there were some Friday night games during the school holidays as Panther mentioned. I remember South played Norwood at Marion, and another game was at (I think) Hillcrest. I went to the Marion game and it was packed (and had lots of other coaches out watching too).

Reply #181350 | Report this post

Years ago

ELG mate, the difference is one is on a friday night and one is on a saturday...they are completely different days of the week...ask a stupid question ;)

Reply #181356 | Report this post

Years ago

State League netball has changed its scheduling considerably this year to move from predominantly Saturday afternoon games (with some Friday night games) to predominantly Friday night and Tuesday night games. Be interesting to see if this works and the SA Basketball administrators should be taking close notice of how it goes - if they are not they are being very foolhardy.

Also I don't see why Saturday games could not be brought forward. Sure some girls have to work but surely they could arrange to get off work an hour early to play - after all if you play ABL basketball you have to be expected to sacrifice some things and make a big commitment and perhaps an hour less of work on Saturday afternoons could be one of those. State League netballers, as I said, have been playing Saturday afternoons (2.30 games) for years now.

Reply #181357 | Report this post

Years ago

"what is more important?
Junior league revenue or a decent league to play in once players graduate from juniors?"

I'm pretty sure that if you were to ask BSA that they will tell you that junior leagues are their main priority...
I was at the Dome on Sunday and the only reason that I new the game was on is one of the players told me on Saturday. I tried to find out for sure if the game was on and was told that according to sporting pulse there were no games on. Unless you really follow the local league or know some of the players the chances are you would not know what is happening.

Reply #181360 | Report this post

Years ago

A move to Saturday arvo will clash even more with AFL & SANFL. Sat nights seem the best option to me.

Reply #181373 | Report this post

Years ago

Changing times and days wont increase attendance IMO but making playing basketball user/watcher friendly might.
Its a fair cop to complain about the schedule when double headers are played on a showdown/rugby 7 weekend.
Its a fair cop to wonder at the sense of double header weekends when so many juniors are involved in ABL nowadays and of those juniors most are playing Friday night, doing state trials for two hours Sat , playing Sat night , training for state Sunday for another two hours then playing ABL a couple of hours later.
Its a fair cop to question if ABL is a crowd worthy event, if it is publicized at all and if it has any attraction whatsoever to the sporting community of SA.
Maybe ABL needs to be marketed in a better way to attract the juniors and their parents to the games and pushed as showcase of talent rather than be left to drift aimlessly.
Get the host venue to fill it with juniors at concession prices, have give aways, name MVP's at games, have half time shoot outs etc. Attract sponsors with what ever they are prepared to offer to help magnify the comp in peoples eyes and maybe good things will follow.
Welcome new players rather than assassinate them here on hoops and likewise see juniors as a necessary and vibrant part of regeneration not a threat or lowering of standards and more good things might happen.

Reply #181380 | Report this post

Name players  
Years ago

Its easy, while there isnt Marque names playing in the league the general public couldnt give a dam about the comp.

Look at North last year with Dusty Rychart and Forestville with Brad Newley a few years back, you have players that people want to see play and the crowds will be there. At this stage crowds are made up of juniors and a couple parents and thats it. Better name players will bring more attention to the person that wants to see quality sport, not just the want to be league ours is

Reply #181382 | Report this post

Years ago

play the games @ 6pm sat the players a chance to have a life after the game + its not too late....simple

Reply #181384 | Report this post

Years ago

Leave as is i think more promoting like half time shoot outs for the kids, 2 for 1 vouchers etc would help the crowd situation!

Reply #181392 | Report this post

Giving ABL players more drinking time isn't the aim of moving the games. Its to get more crowds and lift the profile and standard of the league.
Sure moving games is not going to please everyone... some may have to leave work early etc...

Why not split single ABL rounds over a few nights.. thurs, fri and sat - why do all the games have to be played on one night. This would also give ABL players the oppourtunity to watch other ABL games.

For most players its the highest level of sport they will get to play, for others it is a learning experience to better things.

Reply #181393 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Difference between Friday night games and Saturday night games? Fitzy hosts one .....

Reply #181401 | Report this post

just a thought  
Years ago

It seems like we are never going to get a consensus, but there is also other facts to consider- people are just so busy these days, or their children are, that we don't have the time/energy/inclination/not to mention money, to go out and watch a basketball game; and no night of the week is going to change that! There are just too many demands on our wallets, and our time.

I think all sports seem to be experiencing a slump in attendance,and addressing that issue is a job I wouldn't want!

Some advertising would help- how many ads on TV and radio has anyone heard? if you didn't follow basketball would you know anything was on?

Just a word on the Friday night issue- you cannot mess with the juniors program, but I agree some school holiday changes would be good- a wider spread of game times would allow the players to get to other games too if they wanted.

Reply #181412 | Report this post

Pissed Player  
Years ago

Whoever thinks Sunday arvo is a bad idea is a douchebag. SEABL play on SUNDAY!!! IDIOTS!! What's so wrong with it!?
Players can go out on Friday night - if they want, have a few quiet ones on Sat night - if they want. And then play on Sunday.
Guaranteed to get more crowds on Sunday, who does anything on Sunday anyways!? Why not come watch ur son/daughter's senior team play a game of basketball!

It aint just about giving players more drinking time, its about giving them a life!! Work 9-5 all week, get to training on two nights, then take up half ur Saturday and Sat night playing a game! And no-one watches! And your club is in the shit coz they got no money!! So no-one gets paid!! So players cant be assed playing!!

Agree with lone spectator, split it into mid-week even! Saturday nights suck balls! Change it; more crowds, more money, happier players...

Reply #181422 | Report this post

No Idea  
Years ago

Sometimes "Pissed Player" you have to give something up to play sports. That is part of the process. Stop crying like a little baby. If you want more free time, don't play. When is having the chance to play basketball for free in a good league a bad thing? Basketball was at one time an outlet outside of work and now clowns like you see it as work. Something that cuts into your social life. I'm guessing your not a very good player or play for a winning team.

Reply #181431 | Report this post

I play ABL at 8 15 and i have a life. i think the times are fine

Reply #181434 | Report this post

Pissed Player  
Years ago

Hey no idea,
what would you rather? Basketball in South Australia continuing to go down the shitter or a mix-up to see that maybe something DIFFERENT MIGHT HELP THE SITUATION!!!
What do clubs need? MONEY! How do they get it? Registration, attendance and sponsorship!! What are the crowds like at the moment!? SHIIIITTT HOUSE. What is the sponsorship like!? SHIIIITTT HOUSE. And rego depends on the club I guess. How do you get more rego? SPONSORSHIP AND MONEY FUNDING PROMOTION AND MARKETING!!!! Where does sponsorship stem from!? SUCCESS OF SENIOR TEAMS!!! Who would wanna sponsor a no-name club who gets no-one at their games... NO-ONE! That's why no-one has money!!
It aint just about me or any other player having more time to get on the piss... It's about improving the sport in this state...
The 'times may be fine' / bearable at the moment... think about 10 years down the track...

Reply #181463 | Report this post

mr clutch  
Years ago

i play abl and would definatley prefer games that wernt on saturday night. whilst i continue to participate anyway, i know several people who do not play because of the time slot.

so aside from it affecting the social lives of the players, it limits the numbers that come out thus weakening the competition.

who does anything sundays anyway?

Reply #181467 | Report this post

Years ago

Mr clutch

Do you know of 5 other stadiums open on Sunday which can accommodate juniors training. Play on Sunday pm then lose juniors if they are forced to train midweek two or three times. Let me see - ABL players being able to drink or kids being able to do schoolwork during the week...mmm that's a hard one to work out what's more important

Reply #181483 | Report this post

Years ago

Has anyone ever surveyed all the players and taken on board their preferences and comments? Would be very easy to do just to get a consensus and find out exactly how many women would be impacted by earlier Saturday games, how many get so obliterated on Saturday nights that they couldn't play on a Sunday afternoon, etc.

I can only speak for myself as a spectator and why I haven't been to a game recently. Main reason is that my brother no longer plays in the league. I still follow (via the Central ABL site stats) all the teams and the progress of a few players at least from each team, but other reasons I don't go to games: anything beyond Pasadena or Wayville is a bit of a trek, often have other things on Saturday nights, and no longer have friends/family also going to games (e.g., parents, my partner and a couple of basketball-fan friends have stopped going since Oscar went to NZ). Those things aside, I still firmly believe that ABL is excellent value for money - good talent on show, cheap tickets, and you get the front row seats you probably can't afford at NBL games.

Reply #181488 | Report this post

Years ago

Pissed player,

It has already been talked about on this thread. Sundays = junior training. So where are we moving the junior trainings to? Or the city-south comps?

Also previously mentioned, senior games are a drain on resources. Sponsors pay to have their signs displayed in front of thousands of junior kids and their families rather than a once a week ABL team, so moving games to bring in better sponsorship dollars is nonsense.

The only other possible time is earlier on a Saturday afternoon, the only problem being players who work.

As it is we have an comp which takes revenue from juniors and is making fees higher than they need to be keeping Basketball a high cost sport and we are losing numbers to other sports. If we were serious about growing the sport we would be taking the money from juniors and using it to help increase our junior numbers, our resources, our courts etc. I would love to be able to play for free on a Saturday night and seeing guys like you complaining is a bit of a slap in the face.

Reply #181496 | Report this post

Years ago

had to laugh at "pissed players" last post. maybe ABL players should cover their costs, instead of having a free ride and expecting to get paid... Where dose the money come from for their existance... Juniors, lower grades and club sponsors.
I feel that the game times could/should be tweaked a little it cant hurt... I think there needs to be more promotion, newspaper and radio. I feel that the league needs name players, Used to head to hillcrest back in the day and watch NBL and Olympians line up for their local club. No offence to the current crop of players but they hardly stir the emotion of the old days.

Reply #181498 | Report this post

Years ago

another point concerning crowds.

How many more people can you actually fit into some stadiums for ABA games. I would have thought that places like Hillcrest and Mars couldn't accomodate too many more. Haven't been to Marion for a while or PA but i guess that is the same.

So we change times etc to get more people - where do we put them?

Reply #181501 | Report this post

Years ago

Friday night - Will not work, where will the juniors go. Many play ABA and of those most are as a junior going to be training with both teams and then likely state aswell. So it would be almost impossible to set a time where the best juniors in the state are going to be able to continue to play at the highest level which very much increases their level of development.

Saturday Arvo - Making the times slightly earlier would more than likely work, most people who work would be able to work out something with the manager or significant ones about a different time for shift, maybe finish an hour earlier.

Saturday night - Players play because they like to play, you do not have to go out onto the town and down dozens of drinks to have a social life. ABA players are able to go out friday night, but just need to have some self control and have a few drinks with mates. I myself go out as i will be tonight and will not be drinking much or any at all because of stuff i have on tommorow.

Sunday Arvo - Many junior trainings are scheduled for this time, but it always possible that they could be rescheduled for an earlier time. maybe even finishing half an hour before the matches start and thus be able to stay and support the team. Most people do not go out or at least can sacrifice going out on a sunday. Surely it is not essential to go outsunday just to drink. So a sunday arvo could work, but it would take quite a bit of planning with the clubs and stadiums.

Overall at the moment it is the best to keep it on a saturday night, but more advertising does need to be done to improve the image of the sport and the competition, even if that is giving deals to get a family to come, the parents pay and kid get in free or something like that.

Reply #181508 | Report this post

just a thought  
Years ago

Again- why does it all have to be on the same night? Why couldn't we spread the games out over the weekend like the AFL does- not such a drain on the stadiums, players get to watch other games and not everyone misses our on social functions (which are normally Saturday nights, with or without drinking)every week like they do at the moment.
I am not talking just about the players on this- the die-hard spectators, including devoted parents juggle their social lives around to accommodate their following of basketball. Not that we begrudge this, far from it, but it would be good to be free some Saturday nights, and to be able to go watch another game if so desired.

Reply #181540 | Report this post

Pissed Player  
Years ago

I couldn't really care less if I got paid or not, I've played the sport since I was 5 and never got a cent. As I said before it aint about getting paid, yes I did mention it - referring to off-the-cuff comments made by fellow Basketballers. And yes, I would love it if I got paid, BUT i'm gonna continue to play even if I didnt... ANYWAYS!!...
I agree with you sharpshooter, the money comes from Juniors and sponsorship etc. as i said previously. Definitely needs to be some 'tweaking' to time slots, whether it be multiple nights or sundays or whatever, 'just a thoughts' good point.
I just get pissed off at idiots who just sit there and say blah di blah di blah "It definitely cant be played on Sundays coz of juniors, where are they all gonna go!?!" and "ABL players should just put up with not going out on Saturday" and bullshit like that... changes can be made to accommodate juniors and it isnt all about going out!! Yes i did mention not having a life - but its the same with spectators - most feel the same way. Even Isaac doesn't come watch now coz he's got better things to do with his Saturday nights...
Do juniors even train at 3pm on a Sunday!? Maybe 1pm (over girls time slot)? I dont think I ever trained at 3pm on a Sunday.
I'll say it again... its about improving the sport in general...
According to a close relation, they used to all play at Apollo stadium (think it was already mentioned) and they played mid-week. They got tonnes of people watching, and everyone got to watch everyone else play. I'd love to watch other games!!! But cant. Yes, probably not a stadium at the moment that could accommodate that... money again.
ps. Pissed (aggravated) not Pissed (drunk) as some of you might think! I'll have to wait til 11:30pm on Saturday for that... oh wait... we got a double header... Sunday arvo then.

Reply #181647 | Report this post

Years ago


Depends on no of courts at stadium/s. I am aware of junior teams training up to 6pm on a Sunday due to lack of additional courts.

Last week many teams did not train because of the ABA games

Reply #181663 | Report this post

Problem SOlvered  
Years ago

I dont know if someone mentioned it earlier BUT you cant do Saturday afternoons at many of the bigger stadiums eg Pasadena and Wayville due Church Ball - kick them out (couldnt they afford to build their own stadiums?) and they should be able to move the ABA games to an earlier time slot......problem solvered.

Reply #181667 | Report this post

Years ago

I have been saying for years we need to get the junior program on track and heading in the right direction before we tackle anything else.
Basketball is a niche sport which is a nice way of saying 'a minor one'. Player numbers are stagnant if not decreasing and pathways are not always transparent.
Parents need a friendlier environment than exists now.
If we want crowds at ABL / WNBL and NBL level to increase an audience needs to be created for them.
Fix the juniors and the rest falls into place.
First thing to address at junior level is the multi venue issue. All div one games need to be at one or two central venues like the dome/wayville and this would get rid of the travel stupidity of country areas ( or are they metro?) like Southern, Mt Barker and Starplex which see the last juniors finishing at 11 at night from these venues and getting home at midnight. Two issues would be resolved: petrol money and travel time which does concern parents.
Get rid of all district teams below div 3, retain the players but play them in a social league that the clubs run for profit.
Revamp the junior comp by allowing all present players to stay put at the club they are in but set catchment areas for clubs to recruit for.
Seriously punish 'poaching'.
If no zone then scrap the present no transfer rule which is being abused by clubs who promise the world but once you play the rules change.
Instruct refs to clean up the juniors to stop the thuggery which is threatening to rob us of more players.
Train game bench parents better.
Make it a time clock at every venue or none.
Police the 3 second rule effectively.
Suspend juniors for unduly rough play.
Zone, then Pro/rel.
Schedule ABL games to hit the courts after the last junior games on a Saturday with a ready made audience. Sell the ABL to the juniors and their parents, market it as accessible and exciting and then live up to it.
Get more ABL players coaching juniors. At present only a few put back into the sport.
Get ABL players who can do it into the schools, get their uniforms known , invite groups to games, get sponsor giveaways, combine with the club you're playing against and fund a couple of radio ads and start thinking outside the square.
Play certain rounds for certain prizes and build a rivalry that you can market.
Get some of the beautiful women's faces from the ABL into the paper/ talk up basketball. Boti dress up the reports for us etc etc.

Reply #181714 | Report this post

Simple and from an old schooler -

All games played at the Dome on a Wednesday night. Like in the day at Apollo, and then the dome before it went to Saturdays. Spectators used to sit and watch 2 games, and likewise, most players would watch half of the game before, and sometimes the one after. All in a one stop shop!!!!

Yes sometimes you were buggered from work, but once you rocked up and were warming up, it was long forgotten. Then Saturdays can be used however you like. We used to have senior training on a Saturday afternoon, and then the weekend was yours.

I reckon once, or if it was trialled, there would be no looking back. I know it may upset some clubs on not having games at their stadium, but using the dome is the best option - u could still have one round where you go back to each stadium or something similar??

BSA should look at it, as it doesn't affect social and their revenue making, and doesn't mess with junior time-tables.

Give it a go!!! Sometimes looking back is not a bad thing!!!!!

Reply #182637 | Report this post

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