Years ago

10pm ressies games

last night we had yet another 10 pm game during our ressies season. that wouldnt be a problem if there was no courts but every week at the dome there is a court free all night and last night at pasadena courts 2 and 3 were free all night. i was just wondering y the third court at the dome isnt used. pasadena ok they more than likely have social games on usually. but that would almost cut out the 10pm game. nobody wants to be there that late. its more than likely annoying myself because we have so many late games. any thoughts?

Topic #15305 | Report this topic

Years ago

I hate the 10pm games. In my previous job I never played in them due to my early starts to work to the next day and counting the time to get to my destinations that day.

Now I could handle playing the game, but it's still wrong having 10pm games. People work and have to work the next day. It's very unkind and unfair.

BASA need to be delivered a left hook.

Reply #180728 | Report this post

Years ago

Have you thought it might be a lack of umpires?
Why supply 4 umps for 2 games the same times slot when you can get 2 umpires to do 2 games in a row.

Reply #180743 | Report this post

Years ago

That's OK ya big sooks... Try playing them at Norlunga! Played a number of seasons for North and without fail the only trip down south all season would be a 10pm game. I still managed to get to work for a 6am start. Sounds like the poor pampered div 2's having a whinge, man up the lot of ya's.

Reply #180745 | Report this post

Years ago

Pasa courts we being used when I was there for my game.... one was social and the other gymnastics. As it was social finals they possibly had less games but still I think yuo are complaining about something that is a one off. Secondly there is more to programming than satisfying just the players. They do their best to stop the later games but unfortunately it is hard with other programs already in the stadiums, umpire rosters and other such things.

Instead of exagerating and bagging how about you put forward a suggestion???

Reply #180751 | Report this post

Years ago

well said anon 751.

How about we get more kids from u/16-18 div 2/3 downwards to be encouraged into umpiring? They know what it is like to play the game, and I remember an ABA ref once telling me the only way he was ever going to be on the court during an NBL game was as an umpire, and he did it.

Reply #180755 | Report this post

Years ago

I was once a North player in the Div 5 and yes a couple of those included a Morphett Vale trip and it was too much as sometimes I'd need to travel to work in that direction for a 6am start or be required to catch a bus @ 5am for a day-trip to the country somewhere like Murray Bridge or Victor Harbour. It all get a bit much @ times.

Reply #180761 | Report this post

Years ago

for one i wasnt takling about pasadena so much. i no they have social etc there. it was more at the dome where the third court is always empty. surely they could get some games there. it was more of an inquiary not a winge. but i dont see how they cant get another lot of games at the dome even if it was 2 games just to take away the 10pm start. there is my suggestion to that anon post before.

Reply #180775 | Report this post

Years ago

Now that seems like a reasonable suggestion.... They could move the 10pm game at the Dome and the 10pm game at Pasadena to earlier time slots at the spare court at the Dome and therefore it would warrent extra referees being rostered there..... Worth them having a look at I think.

In regards to other referee comment development takes time and whilst it doesnt seem like it to us outsiders I think they are doing some considerable work given the juniors reffing miniball at the moment, takes time to move them through though I guess.

Reply #180810 | Report this post

Years ago

sharpshooter, use your brain before you start rubbishing people for "whinging" about late games. Its quite a legitimate complaint. I have never been in that situation but do you not think about the health risks of getting 4 hours of sleep before getting up early to go to work. Not to mention the condition their bodies are in and how serviceable they are to their employers. Imagine how sympathetic an employer would be when you make a mistake because your mind was not up to the job. Its a disgrace that working people play such late games. Its sport, not Friday night at the Pub.

Reply #180821 | Report this post

Years ago

We have decided that from now on we will only play 6pm games. That way people like EC can get to bed before Humphrey and avoid the perils of only four hours sleep. Grow a pair!

Reply #180834 | Report this post

Years ago

Morphett Vale has a Free court all night Tuesday Night. COuld move the 10pm games to Morphett Vale at 7pm and 8.20pm and be heading home before you would start a 10pm game.

Reply #180835 | Report this post

Years ago

10pm games stink. my team got scheduled three of them in a row, and im supposed to start work at 11pm. i can understand the lack of umpires being a problem, but at least spread it around between teams.

Reply #180838 | Report this post

Years ago

See they are a problem. Thank you recent posters. It's a lose situation for many. It screws up nightshift workers too.

Reply #180853 | Report this post

Yellow Eyes  
Years ago

There used to be games at MV each tuesday and they were taken away last year and didnt come back! Yes there is social there but only one court so yes the games could be played there. I know its soooooooo far up the hill but maybe it would let people get home earlier!

Reply #180943 | Report this post

Years ago

I do not like paying taxes. I think I am going to stop paying taxes. And going to work after a late game. I think I am going to stay home. I am only going to do what I think is easy. The stadiums, they do not need to make money. And we have so many that we can all play the good times. There are no problems with the Refs. We have 100s. And reserve players do not jump on this forum after a the refs do a bad job in the reserves. Heres a tip. Work harder and make the first five. Then you have no problem. People have been playing 10pm games since before you were born you soft c****s.

Reply #180946 | Report this post

Years ago

RESSIES, for someone who has a grand total of 2 posts on this forum and both of them on the same subject, you are a real "expert" when it comes to my bed times. And just because people have been playing 10pm games since "before" you were born (not sure who you meant)does not mean to say they enjoyed them. On a serious note, it is a health risk to not get enough sleep. What if you were a factory work operating dangerous machinery and you dozed off on the job?

Reply #180954 | Report this post

Years ago

wow i didnt realise a simple question would fire some people up so much. but great useful post there "ressies". way to add some useful thoughts to the topic you twat!

Reply #180960 | Report this post

Years ago

"EC" you have never been in that situation... So who are you to tell me that i shouldnt have a go at people whinging... The point i was trying make is that, the higer grade players that put up posts on this site jump up and down when they are put out... but the lower grades put up with all the rubbish... nothing more, nothing less...
District basketball is there for everyone to play and that means that everyone should get a shot at playing early games, play games on the good court and heaven forbid be entitled to some decent referees...

Reply #180963 | Report this post

Years ago

You are 100% correct EC. We should also cancel all junior games at 8am Saturdays because parents do not get to sleep in. Friday night 6pm games should be moved to 7:30pm so that parents can go home and have dinner. Teams should chose the time that best suits them to play and BASA should build new stadiums and find 100 new refs.

Reply #180964 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd rather have a late game than try to get to a 6pm game at pasadena or a 7pm game at MV. The main thing that gets to me about the late games is that the refs only make the absolutely necessary calls so they can get out of the stadium and they'll tell you that themselves on the quiet.

Reply #181006 | Report this post

Years ago

Ressies, you're a wank stain. Comparing taxes to a 10:00 basketball game was genius...

Reply #181048 | Report this post

Years ago

RESSIES, I gave an example of danger in the workplace after dozing off through lack of sleep, I would hardly compare that to the inconvenience of getting your dinner late because of 6pm games.

Reply #181072 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe a teaspoon of cement in a glass of water is the call so ppl can harden up

Reply #181110 | Report this post

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