Yeah I agree. I thought some of his comments were quite arrogant and dismissive really. It was a bit like "oh well too bad".
Where does this leave Luke? Unless a start up or struggling club has enough points left to fit him in, not too many clubs will go for Big Red. He isn't exactly a proven player in this league and over the last two years hasn't gotten a lot of good game time, except a bit in the D League, which he didn't shine out that much (Only 5.4 points, 5.4 rebounds and 1 block per game). So what team in their right mind would take a risk on Luke at 10 points and probably a reasonably large contract? Singapore maybe? Sydney (next year anyway!)?? If he can't get a gig next year, can he sue the NBL for restirction of trade???? He will be forced to go and try and get a gig in the Euro leagues and unfortunately won't be able to come home. Smarten up Chuck, we want this league to get better and be able to entice home grown players to play here not turn them away!