Thanks guys. My trip here was very sudden, My brother had a massive stroke on Saturday I arranged ticketrs and a new passport etc. and got here just after midnight on Friday morning week before Easter, and went straight to the hospital. We deided to take him off the respirator about 3.30pm and it was all mecifally over in 15 minutes. Luckily my younger brother and I were both able to make it here to be with him. I figure that with the expense of getting all the way over here, the least I could do is to catch an NBA game so I am really looking orward to it. My brother's stepson will drive me there. When he was just a kid a few years ago in Adelaide, I took him to 3 36ers games and he loved them. So it wasn't hard to coax him into driving me to Charlotte. Although I don't follow that team, I do follow any Lithuanians playing over here and getting to see Le Bron in the same game will be a bonus. I have looked at the Charlotte tickets and the internet even gives you a 3D view of the court from the seats you are buying. Only problem is I don't know which end is the home teams bench, so I will phone them to make sure I get a seat behind the Cavs bench (or as close as I can.) I also bought this laptop I'm using over here. God we get ripped off something chronic for many things in Australia. So I've been doing a bit of shopping. Oh, and another highlight, I used to get excited to see the F1-11 fly over during the Clipsal or the Grand Prix. well, we're very close to Norfolk Navy Base and they train the pilots so I am getting to see fancy flying every day, in fact I can hear them as I am typing. People here think it's no big deal but I still marvel at a couple of jets doing fancy flying.