Fez, i read what you wrote, and i still much prefer to be shorter, faster, athletic than someone who'd probably be utter crap if he wasn't so tall.
the myth that if you're tall you're good and can play is alive and well..... not very accurate though!
most people i know who can play realise that they don't have to be tall to play- some athleticism, reading plays, and having a brain will suffice.
(and no, i'm not talking about nba, just in general)
i'm not insecure, so your angle doesn't bother me in the slightest.
i don't want things i can't change, and i've never craved being taller let alone as tall as Anstey.
Nice assumption.
BTW- i don't have a twinkie- i have a big shlong-
like the one that sits on your forehead.....