Years ago
Lightning New Assistant Coach?
Recently the Adelaide Lightning announced that Coach Valk and Assistant Tanya Dhu had re-signed for the 2008-2009 WNBL season.
Since then, particularly during the finals, it has been noticed that Simon Pritchard was using the play board and seemed to be taking a more dominant role as Assistant Coach over Tanya. Is he the NEW Assistant Coach (no one has announced the appointment), and what will Tanya's role be? Simon particularly noticeable in the photos of the team at the presentation night dinner (separate thread).
On a sadder note there still seems to be division in the team when all the players were sitting together except for one who sat at the head table with mummy. And on the night of one of the most important team functions of the year, where was the owner - NOT THERE (Very Strange - if you own your own company surely you could rearrange your schedule).