EC, haven't you just paid $25 a game for the past 3-4 seasons to watch a team with no chance to win a championship? The Forman/Holmes thing was tough to swallow, but Adelaide should never have let these guys come out of contract. Our preference was to make Mark Nash a priority. Come to think of it, why the hell wasn't Ballinger signed to a contract extension two months ago? You might not think much of Ingles, but most of the country does. He wasn't even deemed worthy of a spot in our top 12, a 12 that included Nash, Majstrovich, Sutton.... Do you think any of these guys will be in the NBL next year?
Personally, I don't think many changes need be made (Dench out, Sutton out), and the potential for Ballinger to play as an Australian is key. Hodge here for a full season would be magnificent. But that said, for us to be consistent and to give a Brisbane game-type effort EACH night, not one night in three, then we need some new faces on the sidelines, as clearly the ones who are currently in residence are incapable of motivating/extracting that type of effort.
I think Voldemort is the greatest coach we've ever had, but he has become stale and so has our programme as a result. And that malaise has spread from the sidelines onto the floor. If you haven't noticed that it has been getting progressively worse for the last 4 years then you must have been literaly asleep at the games.
The decision will be controversial either way, but a new face will bring a much needed change of approach. You want to be entertained at games, well so do I. Personally I find winning pretty damn entertaining. If we make that change and return this club to the upper part of the league ladder where it belongs then I guarantee that you will forget all your objections to these type of threads. If you want proof of that, when was the last time anyone mentioned Chris Lucas?