basketball lover
Years ago

girls league has gone soft

is it me or has girls basketball turned into a game where the team who slaps the most wins? I mean I've played basketball since i was in under 8's and the aim has always been the W but since Ive been back in adelaide after a stint away all I see at training sessions is soft drills which dont achieve anything. I Div 3 girls game late last year and tonight a div 2 game both under 18's where 1 team dominated and the other team put their head down. At passadina tonight in an 18 girls 3 game woodville had girls on the phone while on the bench chatting away and the coach did nothing!!

Honestly, i believe in strict dicepline and hard training because people... you learn more than just basketball in the game you learn about life as well and if their is no one cracking the whip then the message of always go hard for what you want and also if your gonna do something do it well is totally lost.

The girls leagues need to be more strict they need to go at it harder and they need coach's who will crack the whip 100% of the time.

Topic #14469 | Report this topic

Years ago

i'd love your punctuation to be corrected first to be able to read this!!!

Reply #170433 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe she was 'phoning a friend' asking for advice.....

Reply #170443 | Report this post

Years ago

It's you!

Reply #170470 | Report this post

Years ago

Div 3 and Div 2.. well theres your excuse, what more can you expect?
Go check out a Div 1 girls match with players that actually want to be there, and see just how soft it is.

Reply #170481 | Report this post

PK Mum  
Years ago

'players who actually want to be there...'
I suspect that most girls older than 14, who play basketball, want to be there. From that age the choices for activities expands; socially, sportwise and workwise. Don't we frequently hear complaints that the number of kids, particularly girls, participating in basketball is falling?
As to toughness, there are coaches at all levels who expect their girls to 'push', although the higher the division the more likely the coach will be 'hard'. This doesn't mean that there aren't a number of coaches in the lower divs who also work to create toughness in their teams. And I don't mean who can slap the hardest when I say toughness,I mean the mindset that is necessary to maximise skills to win.There are teams out there who seem to use the slapping to make up for their lack of skills, but the only reason they get away with it is because the umpires let them. If it was clamped down on, it would soon stop!
The girls attitudes reflects the value which is placed on them by the clubs, its not very encouraging when the div 5 boys team in your age group has more value to the club than the div 2 girls team in the same age group. Comes back to the old adages - 'Pay peanuts, get monkeys' and 'Rubbish in, rubbish out'. Sure, keep on putting in a lower standard of coach, umpire, training time, training venue etc, but don't be surprised when the standards continue to slide. And the girls find better things to do with their time....

Reply #170489 | Report this post

Years ago

But the boys remain flaccid !

Reply #170515 | Report this post

Years ago

Both my children have played school, social and district for several years. We have chosen to play for teams/clubs that place an emphasis on fun, fitness, and team spirit and deliberately stayed away from clubs that exhibit the win win win attitude. I do not want my children to quit because the fun is no longer there. My daughter in particular has become disenchanted over the last few years to the point I now find it hard to convince her to stay. the clubs do their best to provide skilled coaches to field successful teams. Some clubs are better at this than others - what suggestions do you have for me? Do clubs need funding from goverment to ensure better facilities and coaching to keep our children interested?

Reply #170622 | Report this post

Years ago

Theres a difference between hard and fair and being to soft in D but there's also a dirty element in women's basketball thats taking hold. Certain forestville Junior player 18 should be called elbows after recent events.

Reply #170679 | Report this post

Years ago

VG, its only going to get worse as you get older. More years under your belt seems to mean your allowed to be a bigger beetch on the court in the womens game.
The whole situation comes about from teams using 'dirty' tactics (sometimes without even realising it), and the tactics lead to them winning. So then obviously, if it worked once, who is to say it wont again? and then suddenly you have a culture of 'bashing to win' in the game, and its whoever takes the other out first that wins! To stay on top of the game in womens basketball you 100% have to be the toughest and most brute-ish team, otherwise your going to get manhandled in the paint and struggle to compete!
Sad trend!

Reply #170703 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately that may be true but elbows thrown into the gut and head high, week in, week out by players should be curbed. Certain teams seem to be exempt from the rules in the girls comp.
Refs seem reluctant to ping kids for elbowing and Wayville refs lead the way in turning a blind eye to home teams physical intimidation and blow extraordinary soft calls for the visitors.

Reply #170713 | Report this post

Years ago

Wayville refs are the best, its official

Port Ad. = worst refs

Reply #170725 | Report this post

Hangin Round  
Years ago

The refs at Port may well be the worst around, but you certainly could not say that they favour the home teams- many times the complete opposite.
It was pleasing to see some 'new' refs over the weekend and many of these were young.
Please do not be afraid to encourage the young refs on the job they are doing

Reply #170985 | Report this post

Years ago

reading the youth coach thread, sounds like the under 18 girls 3 at woodville have a soft coach and the boys div 3 have an awesome one so why not have em training together? i mean looking em up neither has a division 4 squad and that would mean either they are training with their div 1's and 2's which would mean their getting neglected or their training by them selves which may explain why the girls team is under par if the coach is under par.

Honestly in my opinion training girls teams with guy teams benefits both the boys and girls as girls have a better handle of basic technique and boys know how to legally use their bodies better.

so to remedy the prob we dont need new ref's we need to mix the divisions as in the boys with the girls.

Reply #171106 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodville has always sucked in the lower girls divs. I mean I play in the div 3 comp and their team has consistantly sucked. My dad always says that it's their coach because the team has no direction and seems well relaxed and carefree. Yes, we must go out to win every week but thats only because that winning feeling is alot more fun than the losing one.

Woodville have been disgraceful in the lower divs for years and now ill admit at the start of the year i pencil the game down as a win and no wonder. If the coach won't lay down the law in a way that says if u don't do things my way u won't play the players are gonna walk right over him and also the coach should not be their.

Basketball lover has it right, the game teach's you so much more than just basketball but all those girls are learning how to do is be slack and give up. Woodville wake up, look at your former glory and act like a club that develops players from the lower divs not just stacks the players in the higher divs.

Reply #171177 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

Yes the coach may be soft in some people's eyes, but have you seen what he has to work with. If he got angry all the time he would have no hair....

So good on him I say... have fun old man. What's the worst that can happen, you lose a game. According to everybody in this post your girls will lose anyway, so why not have some fun along the way.

To the Forestville person who wrote on here, next time you go on the computer please get your parents permission. Im sure you love daddy, but he is not always right. Just ask your mother.....

Be good to eachother, and old people....
Denny Crane

Reply #171419 | Report this post

Years ago

Get Off his god damn back if people came to training or at least paid attention when they came instead of being stupid idiots then maybe we would have a better team but no averaging 2-3 people at training does shit and yes they never get a court i mean i saw them training on a netball court semi circle because they didnt get a court and i saw some of them being stupid but a few being sensible like they wanted to be their.

Now their coach tries there best and having this post on his back and as for that chick who plays get lost at least they put up a fight and dont give up and wats wrong with being cheerful with eachother at least they dont act like stuck up b****es

So lay off his back and get a life he may have just been taught differently and has a different heart but you wouldn't know that unless you understood him.


Reply #171438 | Report this post

Years ago

How can you guys so freely criticize a coach? yah the players go for it, parents maybe but not the coach's. at under 18's level the kids decide weather they want to play or not, train or not and waste their parents money or not. So what if the coach is "relaxed" look at Phil Smyth who has had success in past.

Yes the coach makes the players but the players allow this to happen if they don't want to or wont fully commit then this wont happen. so basically the players make the coach. That's why they call it a TEAM because no one person's role is the most important even the coach's.

Now I've coached right next to the coach in Question and he has knowledge far beyond many people i know, and has found success along the way but is it his fault that he's faced a challenging group of players? No. In fact I'm better he wanted them because every good coach looks for a challenge and believe me he is a good coach. I respect him as a coach, a friend and somewhat as a mentor as every time I see him coach I look at him and see aspects in him that I wish I could improve on.

Reply #171446 | Report this post

Years ago

How can you guys so freely criticize a coach? yah the players go for it, parents maybe but not the coach's. at under 18's level the kids decide weather they want to play or not, train or not and waste their parents money or not. So what if the coach is "relaxed" look at the 36ers coach who has had success in past.

Yes the coach makes the players but the players allow this to happen if they don't want to or wont fully commit then this wont happen. so basically the players make the coach. That's why they call it a TEAM because no one person's role is the most important even the coach's.

Now I've coached right next to the coach in Question and he has knowledge far beyond many people i know, and has found success along the way but is it his fault that he's faced a challenging group of players? No. In fact I'm better he wanted them because every good coach looks for a challenge and believe me he is a good coach. I respect him as a coach, a friend and somewhat as a mentor as every time I see him coach I look at him and see aspects in him that I wish I could improve on.

Reply #171447 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

Hey Cho Cho.... English good speaked!!!
Come on people, i know in Boston we speak a little different, but i couldnt read a thing this young girl said. If this was SBS at least i could get subtitles!!
And what did Prince say? can i get a hint... plitty please. Was it something about Booga? I like it when people abuse him... thats funny.

Reply #171448 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

HAHAHAHA... I love the way that Prince makes out he coaches. Anybody who has seen this "coaching" would have as much of a giggle as i just did.
Hope your hair ends up like the coach in question's has.

respecting little midgets,
Denny Crane

Reply #171451 | Report this post

Years ago

Denny has anyone ever told you if you ain't can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all?

that plus id love to see you coach and i bet you no where near as good as either the coach in Q or as prince because everything prince said was 100% right.

Reply #171459 | Report this post

Years ago

Good news Denny , you can buy balls at Woolworths now, so there's no need to squeak anymore!

Reply #171523 | Report this post

Years ago

Good news Denny , you can buy balls at Woolworths now, so there's no need to squeak anymore!

Reply #171524 | Report this post

Years ago

Denny wouldn't be able to buy balls at Woolworths... they are far too expensive.
reason why I say that is because he's trying to cheap shot everyone but he obviously knows nothing about the game. If's he's really from Boston then he must have watched the NBA with a blindfold on because Arnold "Red" Auerbach (remember the Celtics hall of fame coach) had a truly symbiotic relationship with his team. same with Phil Jackson and his Bulls/Lakers. if you want an Australian example Joey Write and his Brisbane Bullets or Jan Stirling with her Opals. see all the best coach's have a symbiotic relationship with their team. WELL DONE PRINCE YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!

a team is nothing without a good/dedicated coach however a good/dedicated coach is also nothing without an equally good/dedicated team. Lay off the coach of the Div 3 18 girls at Woodville because the fault is clearly with the club and the way things are structured at the club.

Reply #171536 | Report this post

Years ago

Our team played against a Woodville team at the Dome last week. We got kicked, pushed/shoved and elbowed. We certainly do not consider our girls soft, on the contary, we played clean and fair. Irrespective of the outcome I place the blame in two areas. Firstly the referee(s) who supported this style of play and allowed it to continue by not calling it and secondly the coach who clearly condones/encourages this style of dirty play. After all if you can get away with it then it must be OK!!!!!
If you need to be vicious to win..then what life skill

Reply #171554 | Report this post

Years ago

Our team played against a Woodville team at the Dome last week. We got kicked, pushed/shoved and elbowed. We certainly do not consider our girls soft, on the contrary, we played clean and fair. Irrespective of the outcome I place the blame in two areas. Firstly the referee(s) who supported this style of play and allowed it to continue by not calling it and secondly the coach who clearly condones/encourages this style of dirty play. After all if you can get away with it then it must be OK!!!!!
What lesson in life is this teaching?

It is not about softness, it is about sportsmanship.

I also agree though that the team spirit is often developed at training. It is unfair on those that put the hard yards in and train and then are left to support the team in the game.
Certainly, the use of mobile phones during training or during the game should be negotiation.

Reply #171557 | Report this post

Years ago

in that case i do agree because their is a clear line between tough and dirty and some coach's step over the line because they have no integrety for the game, it's in those cases that someone needs to speak to the head reff and and just say hey our girls are getting belted around on court and leave it with them.
but if you want a bad example play West at port. it's far worse or even sturt at Passadina where I've seen teams get robbed of grand finals due to shocking reff's.
i find that yes their are some tought teams in girls divs but the majority of which either over step the lines or are honestly soft. if your team anon isn't either of these it's something to be proud of, because then they are truly playing basketball.

Reply #171560 | Report this post

Years ago

So Solo and Anon it seems that all the teams apart from your respective teams are dirty or soft and you guys represent all that is great and good in basketball. Well done, what wonderful clubs do you represent with grace, dignity and virtue?
Sounds like when you get bumped, they're dirty and when you bump them they're soft.

Reply #171737 | Report this post

Years ago

1. Learn how to spell the word PASADENA
2. You have no way of knowing what the reasons were behind why some girls were checking their phones.
4. It doesn't involve you, so i have no idea why your having such a bitch fit about it.
5. If you have such a big problem with other clubs, the quit basketball.
6. Not all lower division teams suck. There is a reason some Div 2 teams win grand finals and others don't win a game.
7. Who are you to say that standards are falling? is this being said because you are secretly hating the way you play? this to me is that you have underlying issues that you can not address so instead you go bitch about a random team who probably don't even give a shit about what you think about them.

Dude, tough teams are not just physically strong. It has to be a mental thing aswell. Teams are allowed to get together and play as a bonding experience as well as a competitive one.

Personally, i believe you don't even have the balls to admit that you have hit or slapped or punched someone. It takes a lot of vanity to believe you are completely innocent of this factor. You need to understand that things happen accidentally as well as deliberately. If any team is pathetic, childish and immature, chances are, its yours. Also, if any team is violent, it is probably Noarlunga or Sturt.

Heres a suggestion: Get over it, your the one saying the girls league is too soft, yet here you are worrying about someone elses team. i mean CRY ME A RIVER! Maybe you are just saying all this because your team can't get its ass of the ground. Maybe that could be because you spend so much time worrying about whats happening in other teams, and not enough time contemplating what is happening in your team. There is no one dirty team or one violent team in any league. IT IS CALLED COMPETITION! LOOK IT UP! those girls you are complaining about being too violent are probably the only girls who are playing competitively. You just can't see it. so grow up.

Reply #172122 | Report this post

Years ago

we are talking about girls on mobiles in the div 3 competition, its practically social.

if they wanted to enhance their basketball skills and move up a division, then obviously they would try and play good and maybe attend trainings, and listen to their coach but as its been said only a few rock up to trainings.

about the foul play and hitting and slapping...
if the refs arent calling it its either 1) your imagination or 2) the bad refs, which in case could also determine the other time slapping and hitting the woodville girls aswell, showing both teams using foul play. They dont pick up this behaviour from their coach, and even if their coach was to tell them to stop what actual player does? We all have the moments where 'accidents happen'. If it was intentional slapping the refs would pick it up, but if they are those blind refs we get, the coach should perhaps say something! As we all know the refs cant see everything, sometimes they cant see anything! So we must help them a little.

Also i believe its very amusing that people have nothing better than bad mouth the coach of this team, saying its his fault of the players. Div 3 players would often be fairly new, considering the fact they are div 3, we dont often get girls playing for ten years in a div 3 coach, and he therefore hasnt made the players. He is trying to help them, better their ways to make a higher division spot if they want to, or just to have fun.

Reply #172125 | Report this post

Years ago

#172122, their is a big difference between being mentally strong and physically tough. Now the way basketball has evolved if you're not willing to give and receive a few blows then get off the court.

I don't think basketball lover went about making his/her point very well in going after a coach and pointing it out but it comes down to weather or not the players are interested or not in playing and when parents are playing over $200 a season then they want to see the kids kept in line. being a parent myself if our teams coach didn't keep the kids in line and focused then I'd pull them out and get them playing social as it's a lot of money to pay if they don't want to play their hardest with out distractions.

Basketball lover brought the issue up and others have continued it as some people may feel that their is an issue here. Not so much about a specific team however, how the game is being taught.

The Tigers, Sabres and to an extent panthers... play an extremely physical style of game their is nothing violent about it. Yes, they are usually high impact games however, if everyone played with sheer technique their would be no variable in the game.

Now you're obviously not happy about the singling out of a Woodville team but saying "If any team is pathetic, childish and immature, chances are, its yours." is only giving other people more opportunity to have a go at you. And saying "Personally, I believe you don't even have the balls to admit that you have hit or slapped or punched someone." is not acceptable, and I feel offended that anyone would put write that about someone who's trying to make a point. YOU have written a deliberately hateful and spiteful comment and YOU didn't have the balls to put your name on it. So if your going to say something like that at least put your real name to it or at least your nick name so that maybe a few people could know who's being a major A**.

I do have 1 question for you. If you're not open to people's opinion then why are you participating in a forum? It's as you put so brilliantly pathetic, childish and immature of you to come to a site like this, and have personal attacks at people for having an opinion. who ever you are, go home, and just have a massage or something and when your ready to accept others opinions without having a go at them for expressing themselves then come back and see how much you can gain from looking at things from other angles. (Oh and by the way since when is Div 2 a lower division?)

Reply #172129 | Report this post

Years ago

Andrew, not to put to fine a point to it, you have done exactly the same as the guy you criticised! In answer to your division query, by definition all divisions below the ones are lower divs.

Reply #172202 | Report this post

Years ago

Without a doubt what's soft about girls basketball is the number of girls who play and seem happy to play in divisions below their ability. That is really soft.
The challenge for all those girls coasting in div 2 and 3 is to get off their lazy butts and demand answers from the club when it recruits yet another ready made div 1 player aheads of them or move to clubs where they can play at their highest level.
How clubs can look players in the eye and tell them they are developing them when they are in a div2/2 team is beyond me.
Many clubs who brag about development are the chief culprits in ignoring their div 2 teams and recruiting ready made players usually from the country or from other clubs rather than advance the kids in Div 2 and DEVELOP them.
Whose to blame for this? The soft parents who allow their kids to remain a div 2 player usually forever
because moving is traumatising?
The kids themselves because they enjoy the "big fish" syndrome?
The clubs for putting revenue and premierships ahead of individual development?
If a district player doesn't aspire to play division 1 basketball they are soft-end of story.

Reply #172257 | Report this post

Years ago

thats is really true. but it's also upto the club to develop the desire to aspire to be their. For example, They put "the best" coaches in Div one when "the best" coach's should be the ones developing the players to feed into Div 1.

Reply #172368 | Report this post

Years ago

all those girls coasting in div 2 and 3 is to get off their lazy butts and demand answers from the club when it recruits yet another ready made div 1 player aheads of them

Umm, if the player is lazy and coasting, why would anyone want them in their div 1 team?

Nice sook though.

Reply #172400 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe they coast because they know they have no chance of being selected because the club always recruits to fill spots

Reply #172418 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe they wouldnt recruit from other clubs if they stopped coasting and put in hard work not just at trainings but at home as well. how hard is it to dribble a bball when u goin to the corner store, or sped 15 mins a night working on your shooting? if the girls want to improve thats what they need to do. otherwise, why are they playing district? they are wasting their parents money.

Reply #172420 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe they coast because they know they have no chance of being selected because the club always recruits to fill spots

And now have a ready-made excuse for not making it.


Reply #172440 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe youre one of the recruits

Reply #172453 | Report this post

Years ago

"How clubs can look players in the eye and tell them they are developing them when they are in a div2/2 team is beyond me.
Many clubs who brag about development are the chief culprits in ignoring their div 2 teams and recruiting ready made players usually from the country or from other clubs rather than advance the kids in Div 2 and DEVELOP them."

development is done in usually 3 stages.

Now to be able to develop a club must have strong division 1 teams so the div 2's,3's,4's can measure themselves up to the highest standard possible.
Once that is done it is up to the club to give these divisions chances by placing experienced and successful coach's their to be able to develop the players.
Then with the maintenance it's about the mature players helping out with the under 10's and so on.
now div 2 and 3 players have a shot to make it big (why do u think Div 1 and 2 players are usually invited to state trials) but will only do so if they put in the hard yard outside of training hours. and trust me a coach can always tell how serious a player is taking their game.

Reply #172529 | Report this post

Years ago

i think this has totally gotten off topic!

Reply #173396 | Report this post

Years ago

Well then Jack please share, how would you fix the problem with the girls league? if things are so soft how do we get to the point where we are no longer so soft as girls?

Reply #173398 | Report this post

Years ago

Jess , how many dv 2 players make the state team?

Reply #173404 | Report this post

Years ago

im not sure, but the point is they can go for state trials.

Reply #173414 | Report this post

Years ago

Jess anyone can go to state trials.

Reply #173416 | Report this post

Years ago

Her point exactly if they are in a lower div and believe they should be higher go out to where it matters and prove it.

Reply #173444 | Report this post

Years ago

What does it even matter
who cares
people are going to have different opinions on what people thinks are right.
you are never going to agree.
basketball is a competitive sport you have to work hard. But just because you are in a low div doesnt mean you dont work as hard.

i think people seriously just need to back off and stop worrying about trials for state etc does it even matter?

we should just be wprrying about the game and working hrad not complaining about this or that!

this topic just makes me laugh!


Reply #173533 | Report this post

Years ago

yah we do need to worry about the game but if you can't see that the girls league here needs some serious development then your blind.

Reply #173607 | Report this post

Years ago

'jess' i really think you should just shut up! if you think there are so many problems go fucking fix them stop whining about it!

Reply #173615 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, if you think that your point of view is the only one then go choke on it. It's people like you who stop basketball from getting anywhere. And how in the Hell do you know weather or not I have already taken steps to try help because I have but people like yourself who think they know the game but really know nothing set the game back years here in South Australia. I've been around the world and coached their and I'm telling you now Adelaide in both boys and girls is by far the worst organised league I've seen and it shows.

You think this topic is a joke? well it's not but you are. I actually commend Basketball lover for bring this topic up because they have obviously taken off BSA's blindfold and accepted that we need to work to fix the leagues.

In conclusion Jack. You know nothing about basketball and the little you do know is short sighted and ignorant, maybe one day when you learn a little bit more and stop believing BSA's and SASI's lies you'll see what I'm sure many other people see right now.

Reply #173667 | Report this post

Years ago

mhm jess watever
believe what you will
who cares!
just play to have fun

Reply #174449 | Report this post

Years ago

if you want to play to just have fun,

Reply #175707 | Report this post

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