Current results and info for Adelaide Sharks (Southern/Sturt) USA Touring teams. There are 14 girls players, now down to 13 as 1 player has returned to OZ for Albury commitments and 8 boys players.
We have now played 10 games in 13 days and are really tired but having amazing fun. We have played schools ranging in size from 150 kids to 1800 kids per 4 grades.
Players, coaches and parents have been all over Washington State staying with host families in a variety of towns/cities. The majority of host families have been fantastic. So much so that we have been treated like royalty.
The junior varsity girls tonight lost there first game for the tour going down by 2 points on the buzzer. They have a record of 7-1. Ther was no JV games in 2 schools.
Our Varsity Girls lost tonight to possibly the best High school team in Washington by 20. Lynden Christian is a Dutch Christian school with a proud and long basketball history. We were right with them at the half before tiring in the second. We have an overall record of 8-2.
As for the boys, we are 1-9, but have never stopped playing our butts off and with respect.
Without completly bagging some of the officiating, i can say they THEY HAVE BEEN TERRIBLE. In 1 Varsity girls game the foul count was 35-5. No guessing who had 35.
It took our players a few games to adjust to High School rules but now we understand most. Different rules include, 30 second shot clocks for girls, no shot clock for boys, after 7 teams fouls a half 1 on 1 and after 10 fouls 2 shots. Rebounding off foul shots are from the ring and with a square keyway with hash marks lower to the baseline and three players on each side. As for the travel rule they tell me you are allowed 1 and a half steps but I can't figure that 1 out after 10 games.
We play our last game in two days and then its off to LA for some fun. Clippers vs Phoneix NBA game, UCLA campus vist, Hollywood, Universal Studios and Disneyland.
All tour members have had a great time and have mixed really well with each other and with opposition. We have even had crowds chanting for the Aussies. My appreactation for American people has changed dramatically since leaving Adelaide. Overall they have been extremelly hospitable, friendly, intelligent and very welcoming.
GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!