I often go to Sixers games, so this does not relate to me, but one of my co-workers. This morning I got an email reading&
"can you get 36ers merchandise anywhere but the powerhouse (the ?? dome) ?? i want to get some for my basketball playing nephew, but cannot find in Rebel emporia and the like.. I will go check 36ers website in a minute..."
Of course, I had to write back and tell her that no only could she not get 36ers merchandise from the website, but she would probably have to go to the Dome to get it. But, she is not a basketball fan, nor should she have to pay an extra $30 to get in and buy her nephew a Christmas present?
Does anyone else know anywhere else to buy Sixers merchandise?
I could offer to buy my co-worker her Christdmas present for her nephew, but of course she wants to see what is available, etc.
How could the Adelaide 36ers marketing team have missed this? Of course Sixers merchandise (and tickets to games, etc.) would be good presents, but the giver of gifts might not be a 36ers fan.
Can they duck into the Dome without a ticket? They shouldn't have to though, they should be able to buy it is the city.