Years ago

Import change: Why did it take so long?

It's possibly been covered in other topics but why has it taken so long for us to get a second import in uniform?

The tigers did it in 6 days and yet there is still doubt about us having anyone in uniform for next wednesdays game.

Is this another case of our front office not being up to the job at this level?

Topic #13968 | Report this topic

Years ago

Slow decision on Chappell, potential cost issues, first import choice declined (or his agent did at least), second option wanted to drop in at home first, etc.

Reply #163438 | Report this post

Years ago

If we were a european club we wouldn't have sacked chappell til our second import was in the country.

Once Hodge said he wants to take his time, we should have gone to option three.

I'd almost put money on the fact that Melbourne had Lampley ready to go before making the call to change.

How soon did Greene get to the Breakers?

Reply #163439 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne had previously signed Lampley in the pre-season, so there was prior contact. But yes, I'd agree that ideally you'd want your replacement all but signed before you made the change.

In the end, the timing was OK in that Singapore were a soft target. I don't know that they expected Pace to turn them down (and technically he didn't), and the Hodge situation has just been unlucky as much as anything.

All up, could've been done sooner and quicker, and probably a bit differently (e.g., confirm Pace or Hodge before cutting Chappell) but have they really been worse without Chappell? I don't think so.

Reply #163442 | Report this post

hoop fiend  
Years ago

I suspect before Pace Tucker was briefly considered, but a decision was then made to get the best possible available import for the SF need, and that guy just happened to be on the other side of the globe, and needing a release from his current team which meant he had to play that final Sat night game.

Lampley just happened to be in a neighbouring country playing for a team whose season i think had just finished. In retrospect it looks like the planning for Lampley had been going on for a while.

It was technically an even playing field though, because the Tigers were down to one import also as their other import was injured. The West Sydney match, that's the one that is going to hurt because having that one extra import would make all the difference. West Sydney are now in with a shot... and looking good.

Reply #163444 | Report this post

Years ago

Wanted to drop in home?

Thata unbelievable - sixers are paying him to play, does he want the gig or not.

Should get his arse here ASAP.

Reply #163457 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure, but if you want to give him that ultimatum, I guess you risk having to look for a third option and taking even longer.

Reply #163460 | Report this post

hoop fiend  
Years ago

He has to get from Italy to Adelaide, which is a fair trip in itself, and he wants to go via a day in NY to see family, and to change his winter clothes for summer clothes which is fair enough.

The last time i swapped jobs and moved interstate i did not get that done in under a week which is what he is doing in about 5 days or 6 days from the other side of the globe.

This delay is fair enough, if we had a home game then he play if risked that early. If he gets here though and he is not fit and ready to go, i will be spewing.....

Reply #163463 | Report this post

Years ago

This only a cursory glance at Hodge's side of things, so bear with me.
1 .. He's just finished his season in Italy, without seeing his family.
2 .. As hoop fiend said, he'd be cutting it fine to be here for the 'Backs (an away) game.
3 .. If he did make it for the 'Backs game, what condition do you think he'd be in? Family, sleep, organisationally & emotionally deprived/exhausted.
I too, look on in interest as to how it'll all pan out.

Reply #163477 | Report this post

Years ago

There isn't any doubt about Hodge playing on wedesday is there? Isaac, what was that about Singapore?? A bit lost on that one.

Reply #163479 | Report this post

Years ago

Slingers were a soft target - fairly safe to play them at the Dome with just one import. i.e., you would try to avoid going through an import swap during a week in which you faced teams with which you were fighting for a play-off position (Razors, Crocs, Breakers, etc).

Reply #163480 | Report this post

Boom Patrol  
Years ago

the reason it took so long is at the end of the season if the 36ers do shit phil has an excuse to blame it on chappell and not blame it on his piss poor coaching so phil can look like the hero and secure another coaching year with the 36ers

Reply #163505 | Report this post

Years ago

Boom Patrol - What a stupid thing to say!

Of course........Phil is manipulating the situation so that he fields a weaker team just in case the 36ers lose with an import on board.

How this would make Phil look like a hero?

Reply #163513 | Report this post

Boom Patrol  
Years ago

mm yes i didnt word it correctly lol
its just yet another excuse for phil to use as he can never take responisbility if u know what i mean

Reply #163515 | Report this post

Years ago

Word it however you like, it still doesn't make sense.
Have another crack at it, you're not even close yet.

Reply #163518 | Report this post

Boom Patrol  
Years ago

lol ok ill try again
phil always makes excuses when 36ers lose, if they dont make playoffs he will blame chappelle not playing well, its his scapegoat for having another bad coaching season
hopefully u understand now lol

Reply #163522 | Report this post

Years ago

How does an injured import who failed to get his form back make Phil look like a bad as a coach? The only bad coaching decision he made was taking so long to decide that Chappell wasn't getting any better.

Reply #163524 | Report this post

Years ago

Boom, give it a rest mate, you're start'n to sound like DICKO .... DICKO .... DICKO.

Reply #163525 | Report this post

Years ago

Could we please have a nurse to DDFan's room? It appears he has forgotten to take his medication again.

EC and DD (and whoever else doesn't get it):
Boom Patrol is saying that Phil will blame the 36ers poor performance in 07/08 on Chappell, in order to try and secure another season as head coach for the 36ers in 08/09, and in doing so, will probably end up doing a 'Cal Bruton' and run the team into the ground. It's not that hard to comprehend what he's saying.

Reply #163551 | Report this post

Years ago

If Phil blames Chappell for the team's poor performance, just how wrong do you think he is? How many games have we lost by small margins that the normal expectation of an import may very well have corrected? Phil took too long to dismiss him but Chappell knew he wasn't performing and not getting much improvement yet he waited to be dismissed. That wasn't exactly in the best interest of the team. Unlike Wheeler last season when he offered to take a pay cut. Sorry, I don't place all the blame on Smyth.

Reply #163554 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

But the thing was, I, as alot of people did, assumed that Chapelle would improve and play as he had in the past. But surely as an insider Phil would have known that this wasnt going to be the case due to his injury (or any other factor) thus he should have decided that Mike wasnt for us before he did. I still think Phil isnt the coach for the 36ers as we have a decent squad but we still aren't gettin the job done.

Reply #163562 | Report this post

Years ago

Kev mate, I got what Boom Patrol was saying, but I thank you for spelling it out for the 1000th time.
Now I'll go through my little rant & see if you can spot the difference between my side & the general consensus.
1 .. Mikey was not injured when signed.
2 .. Mikey suffered prolonged back spasms, as a result of the flight over.
3 .. Mikey was under professional medical advice for his recovery program.
4 .. Phil does not have the credentials to question that medical advice.
5 .. Phil, Mr Hemmerling & all concerned, listened to the prognosis of the professional medical adviser.
6 .. The medical adviser hasn't been sacked as far as I'm aware.

If you're still with me, I'll make it easy for you. I don't have very little faith in the medical advice that they got. You'd be disgusted if you knew what his recovery program entailed, so I won't upset you by telling yah. : )

BTW, you haven't noticed my soft approach lately?

Reply #163573 | Report this post

Years ago

DDFan, where do you get your info from? You seem to have an understanding of the situation by saying "You'd be disgusted if you knew what his recovery program entailed, so I won't upset you by telling yah. : )" and yet you don't know something simpler like whether the medical adviser was sacked or not.

Reply #163577 | Report this post

Years ago

DDFan - I most certainly have noticed your 'softer' approach of recent times.
I must admist I was finding your constant ranting and raving and imature attacks on other posters to be tiresome and unwarranted to the point where I hoped you would cop a ban from posting....
In your recent posts you have made your point and let us know your thoughts on all things 36ers - and there has been none of the crap you were becoming known for. Please keep it up!

Reply #163580 | Report this post

Years ago

EC, I attend Monday & Tuesday training sessions due to my volunteer commitments in the laundry & shot-clock.
I NEVER saw anyone supervising Mikey's rehab program. Taking that a step further, I wouldn't have a clue who their medical advisor (only one medical technique/direction taken) is, not having seen him, so I wouldn't miss him if he were no longer around. I doubt very much whether he is, or would be sacked My misgivings were merely through personal observation.

Thanks for the heads up Statman. : )

BTW: There's plenty I will never pass on, it stays locked away. Needles to say, that's why I've trodden the angry guy path previously. ; )

Reply #163590 | Report this post

Years ago

I see you've got the hang of this HTML thingamy DD.....

Reply #163593 | Report this post

Boom Patrol  
Years ago

thankyou kev! thats what i was trying to point out!

Reply #163594 | Report this post

Chesty La Rue  
Years ago

Phil blundered the decision badly...which will ultimately cost him his job.

Chapelle was the worst performing import in the league but was the last of the imports to be replaced.

Reply #163596 | Report this post

Years ago

Chesty, can I point out that there a few issues which differentiate our situation from those of other franchise import replacements.
1 .. The Breakers are to be congratulated for their swift action on replacing their season ending injured imports. No doubting, they did well.
2 .. Some replacements may not've been available earlier.
3 .. You could cynically say that the Tigs had Lampley inked in as a mid-season replacement. ; )
4 .. Cairns bungled Catt's situation, & that shouldn't be overlooked.
5 .. Other franchises have the $$$ to do affective quick fixes.

Am I missing anything? Of course I am, but I'm not here to prod you.
That'd be illegal. : )

Note to Sturty:

If text formatting was evident on this site, I would've cottoned on that I was outta the loop. iZac mentioned HTML, so I did some homework. I'm now enjoying the benefits of a more communicative arena. Glad you noticed. ; )

Note to all boarders:

I'd still very much would like a means of PM communication, & some form of post editing on this site. I don't know about you guys, but as soon as my post goes up, I see grammatical, spelling, & loose wording that I'd love to put right before it gets bastardised by insecure/un-informed posters.

PS: iZac, it's Adelaide, you can't be too busy today. Make my day & fix it, if you want a Chrissy card next year. : )

Reply #163603 | Report this post

The Minx  
Years ago

The main question that should be asked of the club is why Chappell was not replaced sooner. The way the whole import situation was handled by the club was disgraceful and it has probably cost this team and its fans a playoff spot.

Firstly, I believe his signing was questionable. He was already on the decline in his last season with the breakers and the numbers he was putting up were not that impressive, especially considering he was the no. 1 option on one of the worst teams in the league. Considering he also was not a noted defender, his signing left the team as a whole pretty weak defensively as well as at the SF spot-one of the strongest positions in the league. His signing also didn't address any of teams major weaknesses from the previous season. It would have been nice if the club had put more effort into scouting imports rather than taking the lazy option and signing a player based on past performances (of which the most recent wasn't very good). I honestly believe that even without his injury, he probably would never have been or provided what the team needed.

When he got injured on the plane, the club should have immediately made a shortlist of possible imports to replace him in case he didn't recover, in fact, we really should have had a shortlist before he was even signed. It was pretty incompetent of the club not to be ready for something like this to happen when most other clubs in the league generally are. Perth had G-Brown ready to go, the Breakers had Green ready, The Tigers had Lampley, the Dragons - Hendrix etc. Why were we the slowest team of the lot yet we probably had the worst import?

After about 5-6 games, it was pretty clear he wasn't going to cut it. His fate should've been finalized after the home loss to the Gold Coast which made our record 2-6 and there was a week in between games to replace him. Not making the decision here was really unforgivable in my eyes. The fact we weren't even looking for a replacement was just shocking.

The change now has finally been made but it will most likely be too late for the team to salvage its season. I am looking forward to seeing Hodge play though and hopefully he can prove a keeper for next year. But so many things just didn't seem right in the way this situation was handled and has really left many fans asking questions. There seems to be serious problems with our import selection process, the coaches ability to scout imports and the clubs ability to make decisions which are the best for the team.

IF the whole situation was a $$$ issue, then why on earth did Mal buy the club if he wasn't going to be able to replace under performing imports? There were a number of other bidders when the club was up for sale and I would have much preferred to see the 6ers go to one of them if it meant the ability to replace Chappell would've been improved. There were a large number of shortcomings by the coaching staff and management in terms of this situation and the major problem is that the fans cop it and have to deal with an under-performing side for the season. Unless Hodge turns out to be an absolute gun and this team makes the playoffs and causes some damage as a result, the club needs to really look at how it handled this situation and see where it went wrong.

Reply #163628 | Report this post

Chesty La Rue  
Years ago

DDfan, Smth and Chapelle can be placed in a number of your catergories:

1. season ending injury happened on the flight over, he never came good other than against a Slingers ABA outfit and only scored 6 2nd half points in that his best game.
2. Imports are readily available, try a little surfing
3. Tigs smigs, they also gave Mursuup every chance but still beat the Sixers on their decision by 3 weeks - and they are winning!!
4. Cairns bungled Catts situation as did the Sixers with Newley....and they still made a decision on a new import 6 weeks before the Sixers did
5. Woollongong made two sackings (both imports playing statiscally much better than Chappelle)and you can't say the Hawks have money.

So DDFan where's the difference's you claim??

Reply #163629 | Report this post

Years ago

Minx mate, one paragraph at a time:

Minx: "The main question that should be asked of the club is why Chappell was not replaced sooner."

Previously explained, but lost on you.

Minx: "Firstly, I believe his signing was questionable."

I'll refrain from being pedantic, but shouldn't it be secondly? You seem to have a bone to pick, but do you even comprehend the nature of his injury?

Minx: "He was already on the decline in his last season with the breakers and the numbers he was putting up were not that impressive, especially considering he was the no. 1 option on one of the worst teams in the league. Considering he also was not a noted defender, his signing left the team as a whole pretty weak defensively as well as at the SF spot-one of the strongest positions in the league. His signing also didn't address any of teams major weaknesses from the previous season."

Quote the noise you made pre-season with his signing?

Minx: "It would have been nice if the club had put more effort into scouting imports rather than taking the lazy option and signing a player based on past performances (of which the most recent wasn't very good). I honestly believe that even without his injury, he probably would never have been or provided what the team needed."

You were one of the very few that had issues with Mikey's signing. Not many supported your view on Aussie forumS, but you've proven to be correct. Consider the plethora of basketball brains on the net that didn't support you. Credit to you though, it turns out that you were right. Yes, there's no denying it, you were right.

Minx: "The way the whole import situation was handled by the club was disgraceful and it has probably cost this team and its fans a playoff spot."

Let's wait & see. You did say "probably", so there might be some hope?

Minx: "When he got injured on the plane, the club should have immediately made a shortlist of possible imports to replace him in case he didn't recover,"

A back spasm, isn't necessarily a season ending injury. Yes there are obvious hardships that need to be accomodated, but it's not as cut & dried as you intimate.

Minx: "in fact, we really should have had a shortlist before he was even signed."

Is/was there a shortlist for Balls/Maher/Davidson/Scoop/Ding/etc etc?

Minx: "It was pretty incompetent of the club not to be ready for something like this to happen when most other clubs in the league generally are."

There's a HUGE difference between a healthy, but underperforming import, & a medically advised & sanctioned, underperforming import.

Minx: "Perth had G-Brown ready to go, the Breakers had Green ready, The Tigers had Lampley, the Dragons - Hendrix etc. Why were we the slowest team of the lot yet we probably had the worst import?"

I'll cut you some slack, but please, move on.

Minx: "After about 5-6 games, it was pretty clear he wasn't going to cut it. His fate should've been finalized after the home loss to the Gold Coast which made our record 2-6 and there was a week in between games to replace him. Not making the decision here was really unforgivable in my eyes."


Minx: "The fact we weren't even looking for a replacement was just shocking."

Not trying to undo the faith that was shown in Mikey, but do you know that for a fact?

Minx: "The change now has finally been made but it will most likely be too late for the team to salvage its season."

Not a strong argument, in my view.

Minx: "I am looking forward to seeing Hodge play though and hopefully he can prove a keeper for next year."

Are you committing to a strong affirmation of approval on Hodgey, or is there a yet to heard out clause?

Minx: "But so many things just didn't seem right in the way this situation was handled and has really left many fans asking questions. There seems to be serious problems with our import selection process, the coaches ability to scout imports and the clubs ability to make decisions which are the best for the team."

Let's acknowledge your concerns & move on.

Minx: "IF the whole situation was a $$$ issue, then why on earth did Mal buy the club if he wasn't going to be able to replace under performing imports?"

You're no doubt more astute that Mr Hemmerling, & you've loudly made your point. Disregarding that, Mr Hemmerling is a smart operator & would have taken advice from many sources before commiting to investing such a large sum of his own funds into our franchise. He wouldn't have known that a back spasm would be season-ending, & neither would anyone with an ounce of brain power. The single-minded medical professionals had that responsibility, but having said that, my personal view is that aromatheropy would've been more productive.

Minx: "There were a number of other bidders when the club was up for sale and I would have much preferred to see the 6ers go to one of them if it meant the ability to replace Chappell would've been improved."

Just how would they have handled Mikey's yet to happen injury? Also, Mr Hemmerling must've put in a more convincing argument for his services. FFS, they didn't even make 1st base, & you reckon they would've been our saviour?

Minx: "There were a large number of shortcomings by the coaching staff and management in terms of this situation and the major problem is that the fans cop it and have to deal with an under-performing side for the season."

I'm a fan & I'm looking forward to what's ahead.

Minx: "Unless Hodge turns out to be an absolute gun and this team makes the playoffs and causes some damage as a result, the club needs to really look at how it handled this situation and see where it went wrong."

Mate you've told us where they went wrong. Tell those that need to know FFS.

Reply #163771 | Report this post

Years ago

Chesty, I'm afraid, you have NFI. Not even close.

Reply #163772 | Report this post

The Minx  
Years ago

"Are you committing to a strong affirmation of approval on Hodgey, or is there a yet to heard out clause?"

While I haven't really seen enough of Julius to comment on his signing in depth, I do think it is a positive move by the club. It was good to see they tried Pace and when he didn't want to come, they were able to net hodge. I'm excited they've gone with someone new and am looking forward to the next home game to see him in action. I wouldn't blame the club if he didn't work out as he is young, his scouting reports appear to show he addresses our weaknesses and he has had stellar High School and College careers and was also picked relatively high in the NBA draft. he definitely appeard to be one of the better options out there.

"Is/was there a shortlist for Balls/Maher/Davidson/Scoop/Ding/etc etc?"

It's a little different with the aussie players as they are a lot harder to replace than the imports. It would be impossible to bring in an aussie to replace Maher mid-season if he was injured. However, it's a completely different situation with Imports, there are so many more options out there hence making them much easier to replace and having a shortlist is definitely viable. I would've also hoped there may have been contacts in place if Ballinger were to suffer a season ending injury. The 6ers rely very heavily on their imports and therefore the club really needs a system in place
that reduces the chances of things going wrong at these positions. I think having a shortlist and regular contacts of possible imports around the globe is step you can take to achieve this.

"I'm a fan & I'm looking forward to what's ahead."

I am as well - believe me. It would be great to see us make the playoffs which i still believe we have a chance of doing and maybe knock some teams out in those sudden death games.

Reply #163789 | Report this post

Years ago

All good stuff mate, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's training. It'll be an experience seeing how he settles in. Shouldn't be a tough ask, it's a great environment, & a lotta fun.

Reply #163801 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Minx what a great post all your points were spot on.
Great post on all aspects of this debacle.

Reply #163831 | Report this post

Years ago

DDfan, please give a report on Hodge after today's training. As he is new to the league, it would be good to get some early insight as to how he went. Not that today's training is anything to go by as no doubt he would be extremely jet lagged, but anything is better than nothing.

Reply #163838 | Report this post

Years ago

BTW, you haven't noticed my soft approach lately?

Yeah....I noticed it here

Boom, give it a rest mate, you're start'n to sound like DICKO .... DICKO .... DICKO.

Reply #163841 | Report this post

Years ago

FWIW, I wasn't overly confident re Chappell when he was announced, but was probably in the minority on that - could remember him copping a bit for underperforming with NZ, as Minx said - decline in numbers despite playing for a weak team. (Before anyone suggests that a star on a weak team would cop more defensive attention, see Wethers MVP season with the Pirates, Kavossy with the Hawks, Grizzard with the Slingers, etc.)

The rest is subjective and will be argued over and over. Personally, I would've had a quick shortlist as soon as he was injured, been making calls three games in, and then considering a change from 2W-6L onwards. Medical reports, whatever, it was clear that he wasn't the same player and wasn't going to get back there (certainly not in a hurry, and that cost us a few games which we had to get to maximise our chances).

Whether or not the club could afford to make quick changes is a different story, I guess.

Reply #163847 | Report this post

Years ago

DICKO quotes DDFan: "BTW, you haven't noticed my soft approach lately?"

DICKO quote: "Yeah....I noticed it here"

DICKO quotes DDFan: "Boom, give it a rest mate, you're start'n to sound like DICKO .... DICKO .... DICKO."

If you're gonna quote me, school up your HTML skills soft cock.

Reply #163881 | Report this post

Chesty La Rue  
Years ago

DDFan no doubt Phil has given you another industrial size vat of vaseline for Christmas.

Now I know what you do at these trainings, tosser!

I love your "shouldn't be a tough ask, its a great environment and lottsa fun" CRAP.

Its professional sports DDDDickhead, its not supposed to be a picnic or a holiday, your supposed to work bloody hard.
I don't know what qualifications you have other than stretching your rectum...butt, you really have no idea.

Please give us a report on whether ANYONE actually breaks a sweat(other than your ass) at training.

Reply #163926 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a good day to have the runs in your stockings, eh Chesty? : )

'Tis the season to be jolly, troller, luller, la ... la la la Rue.

Have a gay time. Loser.

Reply #163930 | Report this post

Years ago

Message to Chesty & iZac, immediate Anonymous post to this, was from DDFan.

Not to make a point of it iZac, but at the top of the page & under "Edit profile", it says "Logout". I would've thought I was logged in at the time I posted? ???

Reply #163933 | Report this post

Mute Mal  
Years ago

Reply #163941 | Report this post

Years ago

You don't say. It has Double D written all over it!

Reply #163945 | Report this post

Years ago

You can be logged in and not have a name entered in the form. If you regularly clear, or don't retain, cookies, you may have to reenter those details.

Reply #163970 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep, I scrub cookies regularly, so that's what it'd be.
I'm a self admitted IT scrub, so thanks for that. : )

Reply #163977 | Report this post

Clint Dogg  
Years ago

Clubs maybe get a few extra singlets at the beginning of the year, but they are too dumb to think forward and get sum extras just in case. They only worried about their next home game (at the beginning of the year its the 1st home game), so as long as they all got names and number 4 week 1, the rest of the year goes out the door.

Then when they ring Asia 2 get sum more, they cant find the factory that made them or they wont return any calls, pretty simple answer.

Congrats 2 the clubs that do this and get their new names and number son quickly.

Reply #168215 | Report this post

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