Years ago
Who's Better: Kavossy or Groves??
Well, had a good look at the allstar game last night and wondered to myself... Who is the beter player out of Kavossy Franklin and Cortez Groves?
I think they are both similar players although kavossy runs the point at wollongong while groves is the SG...
They are both very good scorers. I like how Kavossy can dance his way to the hoop and get a nice layup and I like Cortez's nice isolation midrange jumpshot moves.
Oddly enough, at the end of last season, they basically swapped teams (and roles) as kavossy went from SG at dragons to PG at hawks while cortez went from PG at hawks to SG at dragons.
So im asking all you guys, who do you think is the better player out of Kavossy Franklin and Cortez Groves?