Years ago
Adande on GSW: "Crazy basketball"
JJ Adande, writing for ESPN, has a piece on the Golden State Warriors "crazy" playing philosophies that's worth at least a quick skim.
The thing about the Warriors is they make no sense. Basketball at the professional level isn't supposed to work this way. In the mixed-up Warrior World, one-on-four pull-up jump shots are encouraged, not punished; a player who has been suspended six times is a source of inspiration and stability; and guys called Mully and Nellie are considered the masterminds of the operation.
On Monday night against the Orlando Magic, Jackson took at least three shots that would get him benched on most squads. Warriors in transition, defenders back, no teammates inside the 3-point arc -- and Jackson just launched. No repercussions at all. Not even a dirty look.
"It's like playing at the YMCA," Jackson said. "You play your best game when you're not looking over your shoulder."
I asked Nelson what he considers a bad shot. "One that doesn't go in," he said.
Read the article: Warrior World: Crazy, beautiful and dangerous basketball
Is there a comparable team in the NBL or ABA?