I should leave things as they are, having just come back from a nice relaxing holiday, but there are some dumb-ar$e$ that should have suffered enough, & maybe there are still some genuine, open mind fans that might still be a bit confused.
Firstly, the "big win" (as in thread tile), was having 8 new fans at the game, who showed enthusiasm, absolutely loved the show, & can't wait for the next home game. That was it, nothing more.
Secondly, I had nothing whatsoever to do with them being at the game. We happened to be in ear-shot of each other, & they soon clicked that I was an approachable, appreciative fan of the team/game. Nothing more.
Next up, XY hit the nail on the head by identifying my anxiety was aimed at the negativity that's taken over the boards. Thing is, it's a game to me. Sure professionals take part, but it's still sport, & still a freak'n game. We win, that's fantastic & I'm over the moon. We lose? That's not my worry. Sheesh, I've got (self-funded) season tickets (like SOME of you whinger$), so I should be putt'n the knife in, along with all you paid-up to$$er$. For a slice of reality, if you're a season ticket holder, all it entitles you to, is your seat at each home game. That's a long way short of making you a part owner. If you disagree, take that up with Mal.
And so it goes, me posting my seat location for a "catch up", meant that I'm happy to have a chat & a good laugh about everything.
Moving on.
As a final admission of how dumb some of you have got it, would you pay for 8 chics to a 36ers home game for a night out, & brag on the net that you got a HUG & OFFERED a free beer? FFS, you guys are sad.
Before I go, if me being a volunteer laundry boy on Monday & Tuesday means I have to be a polite d1ck licker, on a sad sack "fan" forum, then please, do me a favour & have me sacked. Contact 36er admin & let them know that "Johnny" has acted inappropriately, & that you want me sacked.
Better still, if you guys are as connected as you seem to inDICK8, have a word with ANY of the players, & tell 'em that you want "Johnny" sacked.
Argh bugga I nearly forgot. I stand all game for a couple of reasons. If I sit for any length of time, I'm on medical instructions to have my legs elevated. The Dome doesn't have those kind of facilities in pauper territory, so I'm better off standing & keeping mobile. If you'd taken in my addy (North DD41), you'd know that I CAN stand without getting in anyone's way.
Just so that I can completely embarrass myself, I say right now. We'll do better than last year, & I'm hopeful that we'll make the finals.